My Wages are Being Garnished, Can I Get My Money Back if I file bankruptcy?
Wage garnishments are one of the common reasons individuals decide to file bankruptcy. Wage...
Wage garnishments are one of the common reasons individuals decide to file bankruptcy. Wage...
One of the primary element of any bankruptcy filing is something known as a means test. It plays a...
Overwhelming or unmanageable debt can arise for a variety of reasons, and unfortunately, it can...
Exemptions protect your assets in bankruptcy. When you file bankruptcy you have to list all of your...
A new year brings with it a sense of optimism, a concept of new beginnings that inspires positivity...
While there are a few different types of bankruptcy cases, our firm only files chapter 7s and...
When going through the bankruptcy process, it is very common to receive something known as a...
When we break it down, there are opportunities to rise above your current station in life, to do...
When you file bankruptcy you have to list all of your assets, including those you may not have yet....
As a society, we have come a long way in attempting to stamp out discrimination. While we are not...
One of the most common forms of bankruptcy that people often pursue is referred to as a “Chapter...
While there are a few different types of bankruptcy cases, our firm only files chapter 7s and...
In the vast majority of bankruptcy cases, debtors have no problem disclosing all of their assets to...
If you have a threat of wage garnishment or are currently being garnished, you may be thinking of...
Bankruptcy can offer financial relief in a variety of different ways, and related to this, there...
The median income for your household size is used in a bankruptcy case to determine which chapter...
The trustee is another attorney who is assigned to your case by the US Trustee to represent the...
There have been some recent changes to the Minnesota Bankruptcy exemptions, which have greatly...
When you decide you want to file a bankruptcy case you can either file with an attorney or file pro...
When contemplating the possibility of bankruptcy, many often wonder how this process begins and...
When a bankruptcy case is filed, you list all of your assets, whether you have them now or are just...
One of the first things that many people consider when contemplating a bankruptcy is the effect the...
Receiving a notice or a demand from a debt collector can be jarring. You might wonder who they are,...
Filing bankruptcy is not an easy decision and often leaves clients with a complex mix of feelings....
You may hear the term domestic support throughout your bankruptcy case. For example, during the...
In a generation where the prices of homes, cars, and pretty much anything are rapidly rising, it...
Bankruptcy is intended to provide an individual with a fresh start, but there are expectations for...
When you file bankruptcy you will list all of your assets, meaning everything you own. This...
When filing bankruptcy, it is common to wonder which creditors will be included in the filing....
When you file bankruptcy, you will list all of your assets- this includes assets you currently have...
When filing a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, many often wonder how payments are calculated and to what...
Something that many people wonder when they file bankruptcy is how the filing will effect a car...
If you are in a chapter 13 bankruptcy or preparing to file one, you may have heard the term “step...
Any time that someone is contemplating on whether they will need to hire an attorney to assist with...
Another common question we receive here at LifeBack Law is “how will my income be calculated in...
When you file bankruptcy, you will list all of your assets and debts, including assets that you are...
A Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be a powerful tool to stop a sheriff's sale in Minnesota. By filing for...
Yes, you can typically keep your tax refund in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. However, there are specific...
In most cases, when you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Minnesota, your tax refund becomes part of...
In most cases, personal injury settlements received before filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy are...
Wage garnishment is a legal process that allows creditors to collect on debts directly from your...
A Chapter 13 trustee in Minnesota identifies and investigates preferential payments made by the...
Filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Minnesota typically takes around 3-4 months. This timeframe can...
A common question that many people ask when filing bankruptcy is how the bankruptcy will affect any...
When you file bankruptcy, you may be worried about big purchases after the filing. Will it hinder...
There’s a new buzz word going around the personal finances section of social media: Lifestyle Creep.
When you file bankruptcy your income will help in determining which chapter you qualify for. You...
You can file bankruptcy as long as you are at least 18 years old. Whether you should file and what...
Continuing on our journey of debt relief history, we’ll move on next to two of the most famous...
If you are either in a filed bankruptcy or are thinking of filing, you may be wondering what impact...
When filing bankruptcy, one of the first things that many people will ask is whether they will need...
When filing bankruptcy, something that many people are curious about are the ways in which the...
In recent years, it has become increasingly common for parents, grandparents or others who may be...
Another common question we often hear at LifeBack Law is: Are my veteran’s disability benefits...
When married couples contemplate filing bankruptcy, one of the first things that they often...
Financial difficulties often have us feeling alone, isolated, or ashamed. No one wants to file...
United States Code, title 11, section 522(d), shall be available to residents of Minnesota....
If you are thinking of filing bankruptcy or have already filed and have a co-signor on a debt that...
Individuals today put so much personal information out into the world, but it is not just our...
When you file bankruptcy you will list all of your creditors. This includes secured creditors, like...
Modified plans, also sometimes referred to as mods, are a common term often heard in the context of...
If English is not your first language or you are worried about translation, that should not prevent...
For many, taxes are one of the single biggest financial obligations that we face on a weekly,...
If you have done any sort of research into bankruptcy, you’ve likely seen one word pop up over and...
If you are filing bankruptcy, but have a trip planned or even paid for already, you may be...
Home utilities play a very prominent role in day to day life. They provide us with the power to...
Financial problems are stressful and oftentimes steal all the joy from life. So while you are...
Many people value personal vehicles critically. They are necessary to meet our day-to-day...
When faced with the prospect of unmanageable debt, many consider the options available to help them...
Many people encounter overwhelming debt at some point during their life, and when they do, find...
One of the things that I am most frequently asked by people when they are contemplating bankruptcy...
Finances are a massive stressor in most people’s lives, and although this blog might not cure all...
When considering bankruptcy, it is very common to wonder where the path of pursuing a bankruptcy...
When filing for bankruptcy, regardless of whether you are pursuing a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13...
Medical bills are our favorite thing to hate. With people in the US owing at least $220 billion in...
When you speak with an attorney about filing bankruptcy, the attorney is going to ask you what...
Nearly every day, potential clients ask whether filing bankruptcy means they will lose their house....
Coming to Minnesota to get a fresh start? You’re not alone! Who can resist the beautiful nature,...
When filing bankruptcy, you usually receive your discharge, and your case closes. But what happens...
When we hear the word fraud, our minds turn to white-collar criminals, Ponzi schemes, and scam...
When you file bankruptcy any party in interest to your case has the right to object. This blog will...
Bankruptcy isn’t a one-size-fits-all type of law practice; while this list will provide common...
U.S.C. §109(e) governs an individual's eligibility to file a case under Chapter 13 of the...
Deciding whether you should file bankruptcy can be scary, stressful, and leave you feeling...
Here’s a riddle for our (home-owning*) readers: what do a snow blower, a riding lawnmower, and your...
Filing bankruptcy may have you thinking of your budget and what you spend on certain categories...
So you’ve filed bankruptcy, and then suddenly, you receive a letter in the mail telling you a date...
Whether you are looking into filing bankruptcy or have done so, you may have heard filing...
If you are reading this article, I’m sure you’ve heard numerous ads for debt relief programs. Debt...
A debtor must complete an instructional course in personal financial management in order to receive...
At LifeBack Law, we strive to communicate promptly and leave no client feeling unheard. We make...
The assets of a debtor need to be disclosed to the bankruptcy court, but sometimes, it is not clear...
Receiving notice of a pending eviction action can be a scary thing to experience, and figuring out...
If you own your home, you may have reached a point where you are considering selling. If you are in...
Filing bankruptcy can bring a massive amount of relief when you begin to feel the benefit of being...
Filing bankruptcy may leave you feeling uncertain about your bank accounts. If you like your bank,...
“Can I discharge a debt that is already in collections?” - It’s a question many people ask when...
At LifeBack Law, we don’t judge you, we help you get your life back. This is not just a slogan for...
At LifeBack Law Firm, we put our money where our mouth is. When we say we are Minnesota’s most kind...
Whether you are trying to save on groceries due to income, dietary needs, family size, or other...
Various parties will receive notice of your case filing, directly from the court, your attorney, a...
LifeBack Law Firm is pleased to announce we are now offering all Minnesotans a free analysis of...
Occasionally, a bankruptcy case will be converted from one chapter to a different chapter. There...
Whether you have a prior lease you still owe on that you cannot pay or you are behind on a current...
When you file either an asset Chapter 7 case or a Chapter 13 case, your creditors can file a claim....
When you first speak with an attorney about options for filing bankruptcy, you should know an...
In the event of a pending foreclosure, bankruptcy can be a practical tool. The bankruptcy can stay...
When you file bankruptcy you must list everything you own or are entitled to. When you file, you...
While there is no such thing as medical bankruptcy cases, you can still discharge medical debt in...
Ongoing domestic support obligations are unchanged in a bankruptcy filing. The bankruptcy court has...
The perception among many is filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is the death knell to your ability to...
A court filing in Hennepin County, MN on September 26, 2023 (court file no. 27-CV-23-12137), claims...
When filing for bankruptcy and owning a home, it is important for a debtor to understand they will...
A 341 hearing is typically the only hearing you attend in your bankruptcy case. It is about a month...
Thanks to the attorneys at LifeBack Law Firm, computers are now exempt as household items under...
When you file bankruptcy you have to list all of your creditors, both secured and unsecured. This...
The consensus is filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is better than filing a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. Why?...
Your bankruptcy discharge is the official court order, stating you do not have personal liability...
The 341 hearing or Meeting of Creditors is, typically, the only hearing you attend during your...
LifeBack Law Firm protects Minnesotans from law firm marketing fraud. How do we do this? When a law...
When you file bankruptcy, you are placed in a metaphorical bubble of protection from your...
Section 523(a)(8) of the Bankruptcy Code makes student loan debt non-dischargeable unless debtor...
Bankruptcy is full of nuances and terms you may not hear every day. This blog will explore common...
Divorce and a bankruptcy tend to go hand and hand. Often the question comes up, what should come...
We get this phone call often. The person on the other end of the call is a former client of...
When you file bankruptcy, the debt you have incurred prior to filing, can be included in your...
If you are thinking about filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Minneapolis, MN, you need to watch out...
When you first speak to an attorney about filing bankruptcy and throughout your case, you may hear...
Court filing saysHoglund Law engaged in massive interstate advertising and marketing fraud spanning...
Appearing on your behalf may sound appealing to some due to not paying attorney fees, but the...
I often refer to a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy as a government-sponsored debt consolidation plan with...
You may hear a creditor of yours is secured or has a security interest and wonder what this means....
Avoidance actions are claims to avoid a transfer of property by the debtor that was made voidable...
Amendments are an official adjustment, addition, or subtraction of information in your bankruptcy...
Court filing says Hoglund Law engaged in massive interstate advertising and marketing fraud...
When filing a bankruptcy petition, the debtor is required to value of all of their assets. The...
When the news hit about a new truncated process to determine if student loans are dischargeable in...
A claim in bankruptcy is a claim of money owed to a creditor, filed by or for a creditor. Proof of...
In 2021, LifeBack Law Firm decided to change who we were to Minnesotans needing a safe refuge to...
For questions or concerns about information on the petition, the debtor will be required to supply...
When you file bankruptcy, your creditors receive notice that you filed and are given the timeline...
A court filing in Hennepin County, MN on September 26, 2023 (court file no. 27-CV-23-12137), claims...
Bankruptcy is full of fun and interesting facts. This blog will explore a few.
A court filing in Hennepin County, MN on September 26, 2023 (court file no. 27-CV-23-12137), claims...
If your case is selected for audit, the U.S. Trustee will select an audit firm to conduct the...
Every single human who ever lived on this planet or who is living on the planet now has felt the...
When you file bankruptcy you discharge your liability on unsecured debts (with some exclusions, for...
The fear of filing bankruptcy in Minneapolis, MN is real. The level of courage it takes to overcome...
There are quite a few parties to a bankruptcy case. If you are thinking about filing or in an...
A debtor who completes his payments under a Chapter 13 plan is entitled to a discharge of the debt...
The median income for your household size is used in bankruptcy to determine whether you qualify...
The State of Minnesota does offer a property tax refund. The Tax Refund Act provides three types of...
A court filing in Hennepin County, MN on September 26, 2023 (court file no. 27-CV-23-12137), claims...
When you are filing for bankruptcy or in any financial predicament, you don’t want to pay for a...
I often counsel clients about whether they should file Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy. In the course...
When filing bankruptcy the debtor is required to file a bankruptcy petition. The petition includes...
If you are in bankruptcy or not, who doesn’t love a good, easy, cheap meal that will feed the whole...
A court filing in Hennepin County, MN on September 26, 2023 (court file no. 27-CV-23-12137), claims...
Side gigs are booming. With delivery, Etsy shops, and various other apps having a side gig is...
Inflation is hitting everyone hard right now. From utilities to groceries, it seems the cost of...
When filing a bankruptcy petition the debtor must file a financial statement which includes a...
We get this question often. Can this be denied? If we are talking strictly in terms of percentages,...
A conversion is when you convert (or flip) your case from one bankruptcy chapter to another. They...
Recently, a Hennepin County court filing claims Hoglund Law: “Hoglund buried its clients’...
Filing for bankruptcy is available to honest debtors to allow them respite from their creditors....
A court document filed on September 26, 2023 in Hennepin County, Minnesota alleges Hoglund Law,...
An amendment is the official term used, when you change information in your case. There are many...
A pro se filing is where a person has filed a case by themselves, without an attorney. Pro se cases...
Under section 523(a)(6) in the bankruptcy code, "any debt . . . for willful and malicious injury by...
If you have asked around about bankruptcy, you may have heard horror stories, where so-and-so’s...
Starting the bankruptcy process can seem like a lonely time. It can be defeating to feel like you...
Whether you are receiving a gift or have given a gift prior to filing bankruptcy, keep the...
Most bankruptcy cases go extremely smoothly and you get your bankruptcy discharge without a hitch....
Life is full of ironies. We have met with thousands of Minnesotans who felt embarrassed to file...
Just because you are married, does not mean you automatically need to file a joint bankruptcy with...
If we only had a crystal ball right? If only you could imagine what life would be like after filing...
When considering bankruptcy it is good to know your options as far as case type. There are four...
LifeBack Law Firm has written many blogs on the subject of law firms engaged in geographic fraud...
Even if the studies show that reducing working hours per week is beneficial to both for employers...
Your 341 hearing in a chapter 7 or 13 case, is typically about a month after filing and usually...
It is now 2024, and where is LifeBack Law Firm today? In Jany, 2021, LifeBack Law Firm embarked on...
The need to limit the working hours per week was a necessity, but why was the 40 hour work week...
Filing a bankruptcy case may seem scary at first, but there are many benefits to keep in mind, if...
Getting your life back is a wonderful event. I cannot tell you how many times our clients have...
Just because you are married, does not mean you automatically need to file a joint bankruptcy with...
Suppose you filed a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Minneapolis, MN. You have a lot of equity in your home...
Recently, the US Supreme Court handed down two decisions that are morally, ethically, legally, and...
The 40 hour work week was signed into law in 1940 as part of The Fair Labor and Standards Act, but...
Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy can be a daunting prospect emotionally for many people. The Chapter 7...
Chapter 13 bankruptcies are three to five years with a monthly payment plan where you restructure...
Reduce, reuse and recycle. We have heard this mantra many times. And the message is clear, continue...
Bankruptcy is a vast area of law with many nuisances and interesting facts.
A Chapter 13 plan must meet the requirements of section 1325(a) to be confirmed. 11 U.S.C. §...
Addiction is a disease and one that should not be treated lightly. At LifeBack Law, we have seen...
Student loans continue to be an issue for many Americans. The pending litigation surrounding the...
The fear of the unknown can cause stress in even the most stress free of us. With bankruptcy...
If you are contemplating filing Chapter 7/13 Bankruptcy your bankruptcy attorney will need you to...
Secured creditors are those creditors with security interest in your collateral. Commonly this is...
As a bankruptcy attorney, this is the most common question we get from concerned clients prior to...
A Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a three-five year repayment plan, whereby the debtor pays in as much as...
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