What Comes Next After Bankruptcy?

Posted by Wesley Scott on June 15, 2024 at 5:30 AM
Wesley Scott

shutterstock_2163095635Filing bankruptcy can bring a massive amount of relief when you begin to feel the benefit of being protected from your creditors and the seemingly unending calls and communications that always seem to accompany them.  Likewise, receiving a bankruptcy discharge can also be a massive source of relief when you realize that you will never have to worry about any debts being discharged again.  However, after this discharge has gone through, you might ask: What will happen next?

Here at Lifeback, our service doesn’t end just because we’ve helped you get a bankruptcy discharge.  While getting you the benefit of the bankruptcy discharge is certainly the most significant part of what we do, it is only one step in the journey toward our ultimate goal: to help you get your life back.  How do we do this?  

Well, the first thing that we do is structure your bankruptcy so that you are in the best financial position possible moving forward out of your bankruptcy based on your specific and individual circumstances.  Your attorney will work with you to ensure your priorities and needs are heard and honored as you proceed with your bankruptcy.  Each case we file is individually tailored to ensure you get the maximum benefit possible through the bankruptcy process.   

Moreover, once the bankruptcy has been filed and the discharge has taken place, we can assist you further through our 90 day credit repair program.   We can do a wide variety of things to assist you through this program, including direct you toward resources aimed at repairing your credit, assisting you with getting judgments for collection removed from your record, and even providing you with a list of professionals who may be able to help you with things like obtaining a home or auto loan!  The possibilities of what you can do heading out of bankruptcy are endless, and we want to ensure that you are in the best spot possible to pursue your personal priorities and goals. 


At Lifeback, our mission is to help you get your life back, and we spare no effort to help you pursue that goal.  Whether it’s through filing your bankruptcy or figuring out what the next step is moving forward in your financial journey, we’re here for you.  When the time is right, or when you are ready, please don’t hesitate to contact Minnesota’s most kind and helpful bankruptcy law firm by going now to www.lifebacklaw.com



Topics: What is the final step in a bankruptcy?, What Happens After Bankruptcy?

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