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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Who Will Be Your Bankruptcy Trustee in Minnesota?

    Posted by Margaret Henehan on February 5

    This is one of my most frequently asked questions from a prospective bankruptcy client. When researching bankruptcy, or speaking to people that have filed, you will hear the word ‘trustee’ come up frequently. Who is the trustee?

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    If You're Divorcing, a Joint Bankruptcy Is Probably Not a Good Idea

    Posted by William Kain on February 4

    Money problems can cause friction in relationships, and these problems can sometimes result in the relationship becoming fractured. If couples are divorcing, and they have financial problems, the lawyers for the couple will often recommend the couple file a bankruptcy case. Because of expense, many lawyers will advise that the divorcing couple file a joint bankruptcy case.

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    What Are My Options for Bankruptcy Appointments in MN During COVID-19?

    Posted by Serena Seashore on February 3

    The world is changing, so we must change too. As hopeful as we all are for what 2021 will bring us, it seems COVID-19 will be sticking around for a while. Does that mean I cannot file a bankruptcy if the court houses are closed? No! In fact, just because the physical federal courthouse building is closed, does not mean we cannot file bankruptcy cases.

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    What Happens to My Taxes in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Minnesota?

    Posted by Kelsey Quarberg on February 2

    One of the best reasons to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Minnesota is to help with tax debt. Typically, tax debt that you incurred in the last few years or from a late filed return is not dischargeable in bankruptcy.

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    Should I Keep Paying My Debts When Considering Filing for Bankruptcy in MN?

    Posted by Tim Tonga on February 1

    People typically file for bankruptcy when their debt becomes too overwhelming for them to continue to handle. This is nothing to be ashamed of and thousands of people file for bankruptcy each year in Minnesota alone.

    The bankruptcy law is designed to allow people to hit the “reset button” and be relieved from their legal obligation to pay past-due debt. Rarely do people regret filing for bankruptcy and many wish they had not waited so long to file when they finally do.

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    Minnesota Bankruptcy Fines and Fees - What Is Dischargeable in MN?

    Posted by Serena Seashore on January 31

    There are endless fines and fees associated with all walks and circumstances of life, just seems to be the theme these days. Typically, bankruptcy can assist in getting rid of the unwanted and unrelenting debt that plagues many people in society. But what about the miscellaneous fees and fines, from parking tickets, restitution, or reimbursement expenses?

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    Minnesota Bankruptcy Can Set You Free From Co-Signed Debts With Your Ex

    Posted by Jake Peden on January 30

    Relationship break-up is one of the most common reasons why people end up filing for bankruptcy, and it is easy to put your personal finances on the back-burner while coping with the stress of losing your partner in life. The problem is, that bills still keep coming due, and your creditors are not very sympathetic and understanding when your finances (and life in general) are in flux.

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    Understanding Minnesota Law to Protect Your Property - Part 3

    Posted by Charles Nguyen on January 29

    Under Minn. Stat. § 550.37, subd. 4, “[a]ll wearing apparel, one watch, utensils, and foodstuffs of the debtor and the debtor's family; and (b) household furniture, household appliances, phonographs, radio and television receivers of the debtor and the debtor's family...” are exempt. See In re Irwin, 232 B.R. 151 (Bankr. Minn. 1999).

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    Why Your Location Is Important in a Bankruptcy in Minnesota

    Posted by Amanda Scharber on January 28

    Your location is important in a bankruptcy, because it will determine the district you file in and applicable exemptions.

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    Why Do I Have a Tax Lien on My Home in Minnesota?

    Posted by Col Ovik on January 27

    When a person neglects or refuses to pay their tax debt, the IRS can obtain a lien on the tax payer’s property. The federal tax lien attaches to every interest in property that the taxpayer has or acquires during the time of the lien in effect. The IRS obtains the perfected security interest in the person’s property by filing a Notice of Federal Tax Lien with the county recorder’s office. The lien remains in effect until it is satisfied or becomes unenforceable by the lapse of time.

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    Should I Close My Failing Business Before or After Filing Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Kelsey Quarberg on January 26

    Unfortunately, one of the main reasons for filing bankruptcy is a failing business. I often meet with clients that are business owners that know that their business is failing, but have yet to close the business.

    There are usually many questions surrounding when to close a business. Here are some general tips on the best timing for closing a business and filing for bankruptcy.

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    What Are the Risks of Filing Bankruptcy Without a Lawyer in MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 25

    I received a phone call from someone who had recently filed a bankruptcy case by herself. She had read all of the information she could find regarding the bankruptcy process and filing bankruptcy without using a lawyer,

    She had prepared the bankruptcy petition, schedules and statements to the best of her ability. She was calling me now after she had received a phone call from an assistant for the bankruptcy trustee who had been assigned to her case – and the questions the assistant asked her was making her nervous. She was looking for help.

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    What Is a Trust? Do I Need One in Minnesota?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 23

    A trust is an estate planning tool. Trusts can allow individuals to protect assets, avoid taxes, avoid probate and ensure that the grantor’s assets are distributed according to the grantor’s specifications.

    Once a trust is created, it needs to funded. This means that the grantor, the person with the assets, needs to move assets into the trust. If the asset is real estate, the deed to the property needs to be re-deeded in the name of the trust, if the asset is a bank account, the funds need to be moved into an account titled in the name of the trust.

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    Are You Looking for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer Near Me in St. Cloud, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 22

    Kain & Scott has 9 office locations in Minnesota. 7 out of the 9 are staffed full time by real live Kain & Scott people. Rochester and Mankato are staffed by appointment only. In our St. Cloud, Minnesota office we have 3 Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy lawyers and numerous staff that are waiting to help you get your life back now.

    Kain & Scott has been protecting St. Cloud, Minnesota residents from their creditors since 1972, longer than any other Minnesota bankruptcy law firm. What have we learned about bankruptcy since 1972? We have learned that our guests love to get their lives back and never regret the decision to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.

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    Are You Looking for a Bankruptcy Attorney Near Me in Eden Prairie, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 21

    Minnesota’s largest bankruptcy law firm has an office in Eden Prairie, MN that is staffed full time. This is not one of those pretend law office locations to trick Google into appearing on Google Maps “Law Offices”. This is a fully functional and staffed bankruptcy law firm right in Eden Prairie, MN, right where you live.

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    Do You Have to Go to Court to File Bankruptcy in MN During COVID-19?

    Posted by Margaret Henehan on January 20

    While you would normally have to go to court when filing bankruptcy, COVID-19 restrictions have changed the game. It is now possible to file bankruptcy without ever having to physically go to court in Minnesota.

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