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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    3 Of The Most Common Bankruptcy Misconceptions in Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 10

    Filing for bankruptcy can give you a chance to start over financially. Knowing the correct information about this process and its potential results is absolutely necessary when considering whether or not to file. Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding, which means it is surrounded by legal jargon. This can make sorting through the massive amounts of bankruptcy related information complicated.

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    Finding Debt Consolidation Solutions for Your Financial Situation

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 9

    Debt consolidation consists of combining all of your unsecured debt payments into one. This may involve taking out a loan, entering into a debt consolidation program or Filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. Now, what are unsecured debt payments?

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    How To File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Monticello, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 8

    If you live in or near Monticello, MN, and you are suffering from overwhelming debt, what is the first thing you need to do? That is what our guests really want to know. They ask me all the time- Wes, what is the first step I need to take? If you are like me, you like to do a little research before you set up an appointment to meet with someone right? Like what are the answers to some of my commonly asked questions?

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    A Personal Account of the Minnesota Bankruptcy Process

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 7

    The Minnesota Bankruptcy Process isn’t as scary, threatening or intimidating as many believe. In fact, if you have an attorney on your side, these fears will likely be non-existent. It also helps to know that you are not alone. Many people visit bankruptcy attorneys every year – to seek advice, comfort and often assistance through the bankruptcy process. Here is an example of a young couple’s financial struggle and journey to debt freedom, it represents a common set of circumstances we see fairly frequently.

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    Find The Best Bankruptcy Lawyers In Anoka, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 5

    If you’re desperately seeking the Best Bankruptcy Lawyers in Anoka, Minnesota, you have two options:

    Option 1: drop everything—work, family, household chores—and dedicate your days to researching the hundreds of Bankruptcy Attorneys in Anoka. Call each office and set up potentially expensive consultation appointments with the most likely candidates. Then, take a chance on one of them and hope that they file your bankruptcy correctly and quickly. 

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    The 5 Main Reasons Minnesotan's File Chapter 7 or 13 Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 1

    Let’s be clear, there are numerous causes of bankruptcy. Many times, there is no single reason that pushes someone to push the reset button on their life. We have been practicing bankruptcy law in Minnesota since 1972, we have seen a thing or two about what causes people to need to push the reset button and get their lives back.

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    Learn What To Expect From Your Free Bankruptcy Consultation

    Need to Get Out of Debt Fast? Consider All Your Options

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 25

    Let’s say you have $50,000 in credit card debt and your situation has gotten to the point where you can’t keep up with your payments. Something has to be done in order for you to take care of your family, get your life back in control and so on.

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    What Bankruptcy Costs in Duluth, Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 22

    Is the cost of filing for bankruptcy keeping you from getting your life back? If you are struggling with debt and think you can’t afford to file bankruptcy in Duluth, Minnesota, the truth is, you can’t afford not to! 

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    How to Get Debt Relief and Repair Your Credit Repair in Duluth, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 17

    Do you cringe when your cell phone rings, afraid to answer in case it is a creditor harassing you for money? Have you been turned down for auto or home financing because of your credit score and outstanding debts? Are you overwhelmed with bills and accounts in collections?

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    Download our Free Debt Solutions Comparison Chart

    The Duluth, Minnesota Bankruptcy Process Explained

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 16

    Tired of waiting for your Duluth, Minnesota bankruptcy? The typical bankruptcy process involves a tremendous amount of waiting: first, you have to wait for an appointment with an attorney…then wait in traffic…then wait in a lobby…then wait for your attorney to file your petition…and then wait for your discharge.

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    Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Online in Duluth, Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 15

    What’s worse, being at the doctor’s office or preparing to be at the doctor’s office? When you set up a doctor appointment, what is the first thing you need to check before you set up an appointment..... your home or work schedule right? First, you have to coordinate your schedules and “fit” it in. Second, you need to block out enough time to get to the doctors office and return from the appointment and leave yourself enough room so you are not rushed- right? And then third, you finally go to the appointment right? Geez- that is a lot of fuss for a 10 minute doctor appointment!

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    The Effects Of Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Monticello, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 10

    Most of our Minnesota guests have a lingering concern about credit should they decide to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. If you are thinking about filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy in Monticello, Minnesota, this is a concern you naturally have.

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    An Eagan MN Bankruptcy Lawyers Explanation of Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 8

    Wondering if I can explain to you what a Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is so that you can understand it in English? Of course, I can! After all, I am the managing partner at Kain & Scott, Eagan, Minnesota’s oldest bankruptcy law firm - since 1972. Let's start by taking a closer look at the basics of how a Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy actually work.

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    Where to Find the Best Bankruptcy Lawyers in Duluth, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 4

    If you are filing for bankruptcy in Duluth, Minnesota, you may be overwhelmed trying to find a bankruptcy attorney to file your case. With so many bankruptcy attorneys, it is hard to know which bankruptcy attorney will be right for you. You want a bankruptcy attorney that is friendly, knowledgeable, helpful, and experienced – but how do you find an attorney who has the experience that you need to get your debt erased fast, who will also treat you with kindness and respect, without judging you for falling behind on your bills?

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    How To File Bankruptcy in Duluth, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 3

    Are you a Duluth resident who is drowning in debt and wondering how to file bankruptcy in Minnesota?

    Filing for bankruptcy in Minnesota can be complicated and time-consuming. Between the mountains of paperwork, hours of research, and countless phone calls, the process of filing for bankruptcy can be overwhelming. Without the knowledge necessary to file on their own, Minnesotans run the risk of having their bankruptcy thrown out due to errors. Some residents hire a bankruptcy attorney to help them and then are dismayed to have their phone calls ignored and their case at the bottom of a pile on the attorney’s desk, gathering dust while they struggle with their debt.

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    What is Chapter 7 Liquidation?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 28

    There are numerous online inquiries for what is a Chapter 7 Liquidation anyway? There are many misconceptions about bankruptcy and Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and what it is and what it does and does not do. So, how about we discuss a Chapter 7 Liquidation in terms that we can understand uh? Great, here we go!

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