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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    These Types of Bankruptcy Can Help You Find Financial Relief

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 28

    When debts turn into a vicious cycle that threatens to never end, filing for bankruptcy can be a wise and prudent choice to move toward financial freedom. There are multiple types of bankruptcy that suit different situations.  The best choice for you will mainly depend on your debts, assets and current income.

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    A True Story Of One Woodbury, MN Couple Who Filed Chapter 7 And Won!

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 24

    Did you ever think it was possible to win at filing chapter 7 bankruptcy? It is. Recently, one couple in Woodbury, Minnesota found out how. It doesn’t matter who you are, life is humbling. This was especially true for one Woodbury couple who we recently met with.

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    What Debt Consolidation Programs Conveniently Forget to Tell You

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 19

    When you meet or discuss with a debt consolidation company they may not explain the “fine print” associated with their programs. At first glance debt consolidation programs seem appealing but before you sign the dotted line, make sure you know the fine details of the program you are signing up for. Here is a summary of details some debt consolidation companies try to gloss over to make their programs more appealing:

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    3 Steps to Answer the Question, "Should I File Bankruptcy?"

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 18

    As a bankruptcy attorney, I know that individuals and couples go through several stages when they are answering the question “Should I file bankruptcy?” While most consumers follow a similar process when tackling this question, not every person will follow the same exact path to decide whether or not bankruptcy is right for them. This is because each person’s or couple’s financial situation is unique; however, through years of experience and by helping thousands of clients through the bankruptcy process, my partner and I have learned that most debtors go through at least three stages before deciding if they should file bankruptcy. While not all three steps are necessary, and many may skip to the last and most important step, there is some value in each of the following steps.

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    Conquoring The Quest For The Best Bankruptcy Lawyer in Roseville, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 10

    Has your family outgrown your current house? Is your car in need of major repairs? Have you been turned down for a new home, car, or other financing because of your credit? If you’re in debt, you’re not alone: as of 2016, the United States had $764 billion in credit card debt, $8.63 trillion in mortgage debt, and $1.16 trillion in auto loan debt. These staggering numbers show that the average American is drowning in debt.

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    Should I File Bankruptcy In MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 7

    If you’re asking yourself this question, you may feel like you’re literally drowning in debt. You struggle to keep your head above water, but in fact, you’re barely staying afloat. If you’re feeling this bogged down with stress over debt, it’s time to take action. Consider the many benefits of filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Many people dread the very thought of filing for bankruptcy, when in fact it is a positive way out to get a fresh start. Do not feel like a failure; you’re doing the right thing.

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    Get Debt Free through These Types of Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 3

    Constantly feeling like you are trying to catch up, while preventing yourself from falling further behind, is exhausting. The longer this drags on, the more tired and discouraged you become. Financial stress is known for causing personal health problems as well as relationship issues.

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    Avoid Bad Apples: Best Bankruptcy Lawyers in Apple Valley, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 1

    Are you searching for the Best Bankruptcy Lawyers in Apple Valley, Minnesota, but are afraid of hiring an attorney that is a “bad apple”? The right bankruptcy lawyer can help you erase your debt and get a fresh financial start, whereas the wrong bankruptcy attorney can turn your dream of being debt-free into a nightmare.

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    How Do I Reduce My Minimum Payment to Creditors?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 30

    If your financial situation is spinning out of control and you are no longer able to make your full monthly payments on time, something needs to happen. Or, perhaps you are already in a debt management program and aren’t able to keep up with your already lowered monthly payments. There are two things that can be done.

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    The Role of a Chapter 13 Trustee in Your Bankruptcy Case

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 28

    A chapter 13 trustee will be assigned to your case when you file for bankruptcy. Think of the chapter 13 trustee’s role in your bankruptcy case similar to the role an account manager plays. This individual is appointed by the court and will manage your case from the beginning, through your entire repayment plan, at which time you will receive a discharge.

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    How To Keep Your Car When Filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 26

    Two of the most common bankruptcy myths lead people to believe that you will lose everything you own and you will never be able to own anything in the future. Both of these are false. Most people who file bankruptcy don’t lose anything and in the future you can buy, own and possess whatever you can afford to make payments on. One of those necessary and often treasured possessions debtors fear losing is their vehicle – their mode of transportation.

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    Stipulations for Receiving a Chapter 7 or 13 Bankruptcy Discharge

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 21

    A discharge is a legal term used during bankruptcy and refers to the elimination of your liability from your debts. If you file Chapter 7 your discharge will be granted immediately upon case closing or if you file Chapter 13, your discharge occurs after you complete your repayment period.

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    Getting Access To Credit After Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 19

    Over the last three weeks I wrote about the ability of Chapter 7 debtors to access credit after receiving a bankruptcy discharge. Now, let’s look at the ability of Chapter 13 debtors to access credit - and because of the length of time Chapter 13 debtors are “in” their bankruptcy, I’ll deviate a little from the title of this blog and look at the ability to access credit during the time a Chapter 13 debtor is “in” her bankruptcy, as well as access to credit after the Chapter 13 discharge is entered.

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    Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Process

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 18

    To initiate the chapter 7 bankruptcy process you must file a petition. Along with this petition you must file the following:

    • Schedule of assets & liabilities
    • Schedule of current income and expenditures
    • Statement of financial affairs
    • Schedule of executor contracts and unexpired leases
    • Copy of the most recent tax year tax return or transcript
      • Previous unfiled tax returns
      • Tax returns filed during the bankruptcy case
    • Certificate of credit counseling (copy of debt repayment plan completed during credit counseling)
    • Evidence of payment from employers received 60 days before filing
    • Statement of monthly net income (plus any anticipated increase in income or expenses after filing)
    • Record of any interest in federal or state qualified education or tuition accounts
    • Schedule of exempt property
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    The Benefits of Utilizing a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 17

    Using a Bankruptcy Attorney to help you File a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy will be one of the best decisions you make, apart from your initial decision to get your life and finances back on track by filing bankruptcy. The bankruptcy code, court procedures and filing forms are saturated with legal jargon that will complicate the overall bankruptcy process if you don’t have the assistance from a legal professional. 

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    How a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Can Alleviate Your Stress

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 16

    Your stress will begin to diminish the day you decide to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Taking action against your debts will take some of the pressure off – but taking action to abolish your debt completely will have you sleeping peacefully at night.

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