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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    (Video) How Does Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Affect Your Credit Score?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 6

    Kain & Scott is Minnesota’s oldest bankruptcy law firm- we have been around since 1972. We have seen a thing or two when it comes to the aftermath of filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and have helped thousands of Minnesotans get their lives back.  Here is the truth about what the effect filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy will have on your credit:

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    (Video) What Are The Chances of Getting Denied a Chapter 7 Discharge?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 4

    At Kain & Scott we get asked what the chances of getting denied a Chapter 7 discharge a lot and we completely understand this concern. But, let’s talk about what actually happens to the VAST majority of Minnesotans who file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The VAST majority get their discharge and have their debts wiped out,  tax free ! However, a very small percentage of cases do get denied, here are the reasons:

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    What Happens After Bankruptcy: Quotes to Guide Your Future

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 2

    Many of our clients wonder what happens after bankruptcy. The good news is, it is not that complicated. After your bankruptcy case has ended, you simply go on with your life. You live your life as you see fit. There is no one looking over your shoulder to scold you about purchasing a new pair of shoes or taking a family vacation. Creditors and debt collectors are not permitted to pick up where they left off and begin harassing you about debts that were discharged in your bankruptcy. In most cases, no one will ever know that you filed a bankruptcy case unless you tell them, they were directly involved with your bankruptcy case or you give them permission to access your credit report. In other words, what happens after bankruptcy is up to you.

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    (Video) How To Choose The Best Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Law Firm In Minneapolis

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 1

    So you need to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy but you are wondering who should you hire? There are all kinds of so-called “MN Bankruptcy Lawyers" or other paralegal services who peddle their services on park benches and street corners. But, how do you really know who to trust with filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy for you in Minnesota? At Kain & Scott, we have heard the horror stories from our guests who have met with the park bench paralegal, the lawyer who meets with you in his house, and the lawyers who advertise on TV but don’t treat their guests like rock stars. Take it from us here's how to choose the best Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Law Firm in Minneapolis...

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    (Video) How To Get Rid Of Debt Without Paying It – Tax Free!

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 28

    Are you suffering from an overwhelming debt problem? If so, at Kain & Scott, we are sorry you are going through this. Living with overwhelming debt is painful, embarrassing, and unstable. Every day you wonder who is going to come out of the woodwork and call you and harass you and your family. It’s a terrifying way to live. However, life is very humbling, and overwhelming debt can happen to anyone in Minnesota from any walk of life. I don’t care if you are a doctor, lawyer, bill collector, credit counselor, or a teacher. So, what are the ways to get rid of the debt? Essentially, there are four and here they are...

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    What Are My Options for Personal Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 24

    Eliminating debt can change your life forever, for the better. The load that is lifted off your shoulders is incredible. Those who go through bankruptcy say it best.

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    Learn What To Expect From Your Free Bankruptcy Consultation

    (Video) The Simple Differences Between Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 23

    Wouldn’t it be nice to understand the simple differences between a Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy? Like, give it to me in plain English so I can actually understand my choices, right? So many lawyers talk in legalisms that are hard for most of us to understand. So here are the basic differences in simple terms...

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    5 Steps for Life after Filing for Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 21

    Many individuals are worried about the potential damage that can be done to their credit score after bankruptcy. Don’t get overwhelmed; in fact, you can rest assured knowing that filing for bankruptcy is an initial step in the right direction for rebuilding your score. While you should be responsible with what you are spending post-bankruptcy, don’t be afraid to start using credit again. Responsibly using credit cards is a great way to get back on track, and begin building up your credit. Know your limits, and start small.

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    How Does Debt Consolidation Work & When Should I Consolidate?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 19

    In some situations, debt consolidation may be an advisable solution. On the other hand, there are situations when debt consolidation is inadvisable and bankruptcy is the better alternative.

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    Download our Free Debt Solutions Comparison Chart

    (Video) What Happens To Your Credit After Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 18

    What happens to your credit after you file Chapter 7 bankruptcy is not what you think. Most of our guests are completely shocked to find out that Chapter 7 bankruptcy does not have the negative repercussions on your credit you think. We know, there is a stigma associated with filing bankruptcy. Have you ever wondered why or who really benefits if there is a stigma associated with filing bankruptcy?

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    Debt Help You Can Trust

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 17

    Life is stressful enough without overwhelming debt. When overwhelming debt is part of your life, normal life issues become amplified and much harder to handle. Creditors are breathing down your neck, your 7-year old wants to join a dance studio, gas prices keep rising and you are continually stressed because you can’t make your payments and keep everyone satisfied. They say money can’t buy happiness, but why does having no money cause so many horrible thoughts and feelings?

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    How To Find The Best Bankruptcy Attorneys in Eden Prairie, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 13

    Are you tired of creditors pulling the strings on your finances? Do you wish you could cut the strings from your debt and improve your credit score, but don’t know how? Puppet shows are a universal children’s favorite: the bright lights, colorful scenery, and whimsical puppets delight audiences in Minnesota and beyond.

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    5 Things To look For In Your Minnesota Bankruptcy Lawyer

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 9

    I know, it’s hard to know who to trust in a field full of companies peddling debt solution services and lawyers offering bankruptcies. When you start to research who to hire it is easy to get confused and overwhelmed. However, what if I told you there are about 5 criteria you should always consider when hiring a Bankruptcy LawyerIt’s true, choosing a bankruptcy lawyer to hire in Minnesota is easy as looking at 5 criteria.

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    5 Things To Avoid When Hiring A Bankruptcy Lawyer in Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 4

    When a Minnesota resident is looking into Bankruptcy, you have a wide variety of choices amongst lawyers and bankruptcy preparer vendors. The spectrum of services provided range dramatically. Remember only Lawyers can dispense legal advice. So calling the paralegal service on a park bench is probably not the best move. They cannot give you ANY legal advice. Why? They are not lawyers. If they do give you legal advice without a law license, they are committing a crime- the unauthorized practice of law.

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    What Does Bankruptcy Mean for My Future?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 31

    There are many misconceptions and myths about filing bankruptcy. The biggest bankruptcy myth is that you will lose everything you own if you file for bankruptcy relief. Another popular bankruptcy myth is that you will never recover your good credit rating and never be able to obtain a loan after filing a bankruptcy. While there may be some truth intermingled with the bankruptcy misconceptions that clutter the internet, the fact is that filing bankruptcy does have both benefits and a few temporary disadvantages. Wondering what bankruptcy means for your future is a valid concern that many clients have when first consulting a bankruptcy attorney. It is with the help of an experienced bankruptcy attorney that many people find the answer to their question, “What does bankruptcy mean for my future?”

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    What is a Bankruptcy Discharge and How Will it Help Me Out of Debt?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 30

    Most clients ask similar questions during a bankruptcy consultation. One familiar question that I am asked is “What is a bankruptcy discharge?” The immediate follow-up question is “How can it help with my debts?” Before I answer either of these questions, I tell my clients that a bankruptcy discharge is the ultimate goal for any debtor in a bankruptcy case and it is my job as an attorney to assist you through the bankruptcy process to achieve that goal. Below is a brief discussion that answers these two questions more thoroughly.

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