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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    Top 6 Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Questions Asked In Monticello, MN (PART 1)

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 24

    So, you live in Monticello, Minnesota and you are contemplating getting your life back by filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, right? Wouldn’t you like to know the commonly asked bankruptcy questions and the answers to them before you file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy too? I would!

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    3 Reasons Not To Worry About Your Credit After Bankruptcy in Eden Prairie

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 21

    I know- you read this headline and go what? What do you mean don’t worry about my credit after filing bankruptcy? This is what prevents me from filing to begin with. I completely understand the concern our guests have with how will bankruptcy impact my credit life after bankruptcy. There are a lot of myths out there. This notion that you can’t get credit after bankruptcy is just that- a complete myth.

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    Chapter 13: The Government Sponsored Debt Consolidation Plan In Eagan, Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 17

    I bet you didn’t know there is a government sponsored debt consolidation plan in Eagan, Minnesota? Okay, actually, there is a government sponsored plan across the entire state of Minnesota! Why have most people not heard about this plan? Most people are familiar with debt consolidation companies out of state, many of whom are owned or linked to major credit card companies. But, did you know the government has its own debt consolidation plan for people like you and me?

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    How To File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy In Eagan, Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 12

    Have you ever wondered how they build a bridge? Like, where do you even start? I am serious. Do you cut a tree down? Dig a hole? Get your tape measure out and measure something? What? It’s a good thing I am not building a bridge. But, I do know how to File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Eagan, Minnesota.

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    How To File Bankruptcy in Duluth, Minnesota in Just 4 Easy Steps

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 7

    Duluth, Minnesota is a beautiful city. I have fond memories of taking my family to Duluth on many occasions. There is something very special about the city and I feel a little bit nostalgic every time we drive into the city and drive down the hill and toward the harbor. But enough about that. If you live in or near Duluth and your are experiencing overwhelming debt problems, you want it solved for good!

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    The Values Behind Kain & Scott - Minnesota's Oldest Bankruptcy Law Firm

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 6

    Have you ever wondered about which law firm is Minnesota oldest bankruptcy law firm? Ok, probably not! But, if you are looking to file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Minnesota, age matters. Why? There is a reason why they call it the “practice” of law right? Will a law firm that started in 1995 have more experience or a law firm that started in 1972?

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    Learn What To Expect From Your Free Bankruptcy Consultation

    Deciding Between a Chapter 7 or 13 Bankruptcy in Duluth, Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 4

    You already know you need to file bankruptcy, the question is which one. You have summoned the courage and anxiety to deal with the debt problem for good and move on with your life. At Kain & Scott, we are very proud of you! Most of our Duluth, Minnesota guests, once they get past this, wish they would have reached this point much earlier.

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    Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Eden Prairie

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 31

    I am high anxiety. That is the way my brain is wired. I can’t help it and neither can anyone else with anxiety for that matter. Most of our MN Bankruptcy Attorneys guests who face overwhelming debt are stressed beyond belief and struggle to pay debt for a really long time. And then, one day, you sit and you think- what am I doing?

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    How To Repair Your Credit After Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 29

    You have summoned the courage and the anxiety to face your debts. You are proud of yourself for facing your fear and challenging yourself to let go long enough to go through the bankruptcy process and get rid of your debt. And you did it! I can’t tell you how proud you should be of yourself for shedding your debt and moving on with your life.

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    How to Determine If Filing Bankruptcy Is Right For You

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 23

    Bankruptcy is a vital financial tool many that Minnesotans turn to each year for debt restructuring and debt elimination. However, it is not right for everyone’s situation. Because of the complexity surrounding bankruptcy law and the legal process involved, we advise anyone considering bankruptcy to look into the matter with an experienced MN Bankruptcy Lawyer. In the meantime, let’s take a closer look at some of the key things you must consider. It is important to understand that not all debts can be eliminated with bankruptcy. Also, not all individuals will qualify for Chapter 7 or liquidation bankruptcy. So let’s take a look at what bankruptcy can and can’t do in general terms.

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    A First Hand Look At Bankruptcy And The Types Of People Who File

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 21

    There is a stigma surrounding the topic of bankruptcy that makes it a “hush-hush” topic for many people. More often than not, clients come to the Bankruptcy Lawyers at Kain & Scott after trying their hardest to avoid filing bankruptcy. It isn’t like the court is going to stamp the word “BANKRUPTCY” on your forehead, but for many it can feel that way. The hardest part in filing bankruptcy is often accepting that bankruptcy may be the best solution to your overwhelming debt. What people should realize, is that bankruptcy doesn’t have a look, a lifestyle, a gender, an income, or a one-size-fits-all story. Bankruptcy is a single solution to an infinite number of problems for a diverse range of people.

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    4 Steps To Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Eagan, Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 20

    Thinking about whether or not to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy often takes our guests some time to think about. They, of course, want to deliberate and let it sink in and make sure it makes the most sense for themselves and their family.

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    What Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? - Part 2

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 15

    Hi again! I am back for part 2 of What Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. In Part 1 we covered why bankruptcy in the first place. We learned that bankruptcy is a necessary process to create order out of chaos. We learned that chaos is bad and order is good. But, once you file a chapter 7 bankruptcy then what? What happens to debtor’s assets? Can you keep everything? Do you lose everything?

    If there is one aspect that scares most people about a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy it is the prospect of losing assets when you file bankruptcy. Is it obvious that no one wants to lose assets? Yes, that should be obvious. When you are down and out and can’t pay your bills and you have lost so much already, the last thing you want is to lose even more.

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    What Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? - Part 1

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 14

    We get this question all the time. Wes, What Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? How does it work? Do I lose assets? Can I get rid of all debt? What about taxes? What about student loans? These are all great questions. The saying is knowledge is power. That is what we believe at Kain & Scott as well. The more you know, the more empowered you feel about your own circumstances. When we explain to people that what they think happens is not really what happens you can see our guests lay further back in the chairs and relax.

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    4 Tricks To Picking The Best MN Bankruptcy Law Firm

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 9

    Every year, roughly 10-12,000 Minnesotans file bankruptcy. I think there are twice that number who should file bankruptcy every year but don’t. I am always amazed at how tough Minnesotans really are. By that I mean they put up a good fight for a long time before they turn to bankruptcy. Mind you- I am not at all suggesting they should wait long to file bankruptcy because quite frankly, that is the number one regret we hear from our guests all the time.

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    3 Things To Look For In A MN Bankruptcy Law Firm

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 7

    It’s not easy researching which MN Bankruptcy Law Firm to use for your bankruptcy case. There are so many where do you start? It seems overwhelming and so many claim to do bankruptcy work. Do I just throw a dart and hope the one I pick is the right one for me? Hell to the no! Spend some time researching law firms. When you do, you will find the right one for you.

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