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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    What Does it Mean When a Creditor Gets a Judgment Against Me?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 9

    Receiving a Summons and Complaint from a creditor, or being threatened with a judgment can be scary, but what does it really mean for you financially? This is a question that a lot of potential clients have when we first meet. Please read on to find out more!

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    Bankruptcy and Your Inheritance

    Posted by Charles Nguyen on March 8

    If you receive an inheritance before filing bankruptcy, whether it’s cash or physical property, then those items may become part of your bankruptcy.  

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    Can Personal Income Tax Debt Be Discharged in a Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 7

    One of the most common questions we field this time of year is whether personal income tax debt is dischargeable. So many people are under the impression that tax debt can never be discharged in a bankruptcy, but that is not always the case! As with many things in life, and bankruptcy, the answer is not a simple yes or no. Read more to find out if your tax debt might be discharged in a bankruptcy.

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    Should I Use Retirement Funds to Pay My Debt?

    Posted by Jesse Horoshak on March 4

    If you have debt that is piling up and you have found yourself in a situation where you just simply cannot keep up with your monthly bills, but you also have been wise about saving for retirement, it can be awful tempting to see that retirement fund as a piggy bank that you can use now to pay off your debt and get back on track. DON’T DO IT! Read more to find out why!

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    My Co-Debtor And My Unsecured Debt

    Posted by Col Ovik on March 3

    Before filing bankruptcy many debtors try other means of dealing with their debt. Occasionally debtors will take out additional debt in hopes of consolidating the debt. But for the creditors to provide additional credit to a potentially risky lender they may ask that the debtor obtain a co-signer on the debt. This co-signer will remain liable on the unsecured debt even after the debtor has received a discharge in the bankruptcy.

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    Will I Lose My Tax Refunds If I File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 2

    During tax season many of our clients and potential clients are asking that very question. Unfortunately, it is not always a black and white answer. Read more to find out if your refund would be protected.

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    What Shouldn’t You Do Before Filing Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Amanda Scharber on March 1

    If you are planning on filing bankruptcy there are a few things you should try to avoid before your case is filed.

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    Will Bankruptcy Stop a Garnishment?

    Posted by Amanda Scharber on February 28

    Bankruptcy filing stops creditor collection efforts from continuing. It will stop calls, letters, statements, judgments, garnishments, and more. The protection you receive from bankruptcy comes from the automatic stay. 

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    Interesting Facts about Bankruptcy

    Posted by Amanda Scharber on February 25

     Bankruptcy is a big topic, with many interesting facts. 

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    Bankruptcy And Real Estate Transactions

    Posted by Col Ovik on February 24

    When you file bankruptcy you are required to list all of your assets on your petition. This includes any real estate you currently have an interest in. What a debtor should also consider is any previous real estate transactions they may have been involved in. This is especially true for recent real estate transactions. A trustee will likely inquire about any recent sales or purchases of real estate. If the property was sold, there will likely be questions about proceeds from the sale and how the funds were spent. 

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 24

         If you are looking for an affordable bankruptcy attorney near you in Eden Prairie, MN, look no further than LifeBack Law Firm. For what you get at LifeBack Law Firm, we are the cheapest bankruptcy attorneys in Minnesota. A lot of people will just want the price without asking what you get. If you want the cheapest bankruptcy attorney in Minnesota I can give you the phone number to who I believe is the cheapest bankruptcy attorney in Minnesota, but you won’t like my referral. For one, he files hardly no bankruptcy cases even though he touts being the cheapest bankruptcy attorney in Minnesota. The fact he boasts being the cheapest should tell you something about his practice and what you will get. I recall one person meeting with this lawyer in his “conference” room that had a picnic table in it. 

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    How are Social Security Benefits Treated in Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 23

    Many people depend on social security payments to be able to afford their basic needed living expenses. The Social Security Act of 1935, while originally intended to serve a financial safety net for those who needed temporary economic assistance, has become generally accepted as something that most seniors will depend upon after they retire.  This recognized dependence upon social security benefits by so many of our seniors is the reason why such benefits are given special protection under the law. 

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    Home Sales And Bankruptcy

    Posted by Col Ovik on February 22

    If you have recently sold your home or are planning to sell your home prior to filing bankruptcy there are things to consider and discuss with your bankruptcy attorney regarding any remaining home proceeds from the sale. After the sale of the home, the proceeds should be kept separate from general income: wages, bonuses, pension income, and funds from the sale of other assets. The proceeds from the home sale maybe exemptible, if you qualify to use Minnesota exemptions and the sale of the home was within one year of the bankruptcy filing. (Your attorney can help you determine if you are eligible for Minnesota exemptions). It is important to note that home proceeds are not exemptible infinitely. If the home was sold over a year from the filing of the bankruptcy petition and proceeds remain from the home sale, these funds are not exemptible using the Minnesota homestead exemption. 

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    Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney Near Me In Eden Prairie, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 21

        LifeBack Law Firm has been helping Eden Prairie, MN residents get their lives back since 1972, and we can help you too. LifeBack Law Firm is a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy attorney near me in Eden Prairie, MN. We have an office location right near you. We are located at 7525 Mitchell Road, Suite 208, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. When you are down and out and you are suffering from a debt problem, let the kind and helpful people at LifeBack Law Firm help you get rid of debt and help repair your credit using LifeBack Law Firm FREE 90-Day Credit Repair Program. 

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    Tax Debt and a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

    Posted by Charles Nguyen on February 18

    Typically, you can’t get rid of tax debt in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.  But, if you can afford the payments, then a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a great tool to help you with this type of debt.  This is because you’re allowed to pay your tax debt through a Chapter 13 repayment plan, which lasts 3 or 5 years.  Even if your tax debt is considerably large, filing a Chapter 13 may still make financial sense, since you’re not incurring interest and penalties during your bankruptcy.  Plus, you’re not paying back your credit credits, unsecured loans, and medical bills, and those debts will go away once you’re finished with your Chapter 13 plan! 

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    Th Impact of Bankruptcy Upon Spouses When One Spouse Files for Bankruptcy and the Other Does Not

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 17

    Spouses are allowed to jointly file a single bankruptcy case together. This is often advantageous to both spouses when they both have a significant amount of debt, as they do not have to incur the additional time and expense of filing separate cases. However, it is not uncommon for only one spouse to file for bankruptcy, while the other does not. But what is the impact of the bankruptcy upon the spouse who is filing for bankruptcy, and upon the spouse who decides not to file?

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