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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Individual Retirement Accounts And Bankruptcy

    Posted by Col Ovik on February 16

    IRAs are exempt assets in bankruptcy proceedings, and are thus beyond the reach of the debtor’s creditors. The exemption in the Bankruptcy Code is based on the tax-exempt status of the IRA. 11 USC §522(d)(12) provides an exemption to “[r]etirement funds to the extent that those funds are in a fund or account that is exempt from taxation under section 408 of the Internal Revenue Code.”

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    What is an “Avoidable Transfer” in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 15

    Both the Bankruptcy Code and Minnesota State law prohibit certain types of transfers of money or property made by the debtor prior to the filing of their bankruptcy case. These prohibited transfers are “avoidable” by the bankruptcy trustee. This means that the Chapter 7 trustee can avoid or undo the transfer by demanding the return of the transferred property from the person or entity to whom the transfer was made, and the trustee can even bring a lawsuit against that person to enforce their legal right to the return of the property.

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    What Questions Are Asked At Your 341 Meeting?

    Posted by Charles Nguyen on February 10

    Your 341 Meeting or the Meeting of Creditors is the opportunity for your Trustee and creditors to ask you questions about your petition and schedules, while under oath.  

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    Religious and Charitable Donations in Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 10

    Many people frequently make regular donations to charities and religious organizations. Our laws generally promote and encourage these types of donations due to the positive impact it has on our social institutions and other members of society. For example, the IRS Tax Code allows for certain tax breaks for people and companies who make charitable donations.

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    Can Utility Companies Discontinue Service After Filing Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 9

        From the very first day a debtor files their bankruptcy case, they receive protection from the “automatic stay,” which is a court order that prevents most creditors from taking any debt collection efforts against the debtor. This protection lasts through the debtor’s bankruptcy case, unless a creditor receives court permission to “lift the automatic stay” and pursue the debt. This is typically only allowed in special circumstances such as where the debtor is using, or possessing, valuable property used to secure a debt owed to the creditor for which the debtor is not fairly compensating the creditor, to the detriment of the creditor’s rights (i.e. driving a car around with a loan against it and not making payments).  

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    What Exemptions Should I Use in Minnesota?

    Posted by Amanda Scharber on February 8

    There are two sets of exemptions you can use in Minnesota, state and federal exemptions. You can use whichever is the most beneficial to you. Below are a few examples of why you may pick one over the other.

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    Interesting Facts about Bankruptcy Continued

    Posted by Amanda Scharber on February 7

    Bankruptcy has a wide variety of interesting facts. A few are listed below:  

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    What Is The First Step To Filing Bankruptcy In Eden Prairie, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 4

    I constantly tell people who live in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, that the first step to filing bankruptcy is wrapping your head around the word, bankruptcy. Yes, there are better words in the English dictionary than the word, bankruptcy. But, once you actually wrap your head around the word bankruptcy and the thought of filing bankruptcy, do know the actual process of filing bankruptcy and getting your life back is easier.

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    Can I Keep My Lease in Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Amanda Scharber on February 3

    If you are considering filing bankruptcy, you may be wondering whether you can keep your lease. 

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    Can You Keep Debts Out Of Your Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Charles Nguyen on February 2

    A very common question I get when I speak to potential clients is – can I keep one credit card out of my bankruptcy?  In short, no.  This is due to the fact that you have to list all your debts.  This includes unsecured debt, so all your credit cards, and unsecured loans, your tax debt, domestic support obligations, such as child support, and all secured debt, including your home and cars. 

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    LifeBack Law Firm: Minnesota’s most kind and helpful bankruptcy law firm

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 1

         At LifeBack Law Firm, we constantly honor the courage it takes for thousands of Minnesotans to reach out every year and ask for help with overwhelming debt. We honor that courage by having the most kind and helpful staff in Minnesota. Does this make a difference? You bet it does. If I am embarrassed about something I want a professional who is the most kind and helpful person ever. I mean it. I want my hand held the whole time.

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    Your Credit Union and Bankruptcy

    Posted by Charles Nguyen on January 31

    You may think that your credit union is the same as a typical bank, and in many respects, it is; but, there are some differences. For example, your credit union is a nonprofit, whereas a bank like Huntington Bank, is for profit.

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    Are you looking for a bankruptcy lawyer near St. Cloud, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 29

         If you find yourself living in or near St. Cloud, MN there is only one bankruptcy law firm I would recommend, and that is LifeBack Law Firm. LifeBack Law Firm is not like other law firms. At LifeBack Law Firm we hire, reward, and discipline our employees based on how well they treat co-workers and clients. Is this unique for a law firm? Trust me when I tell you that most law firm cultures are pure snake pits where the focus is on money and not people. At LifeBack Law Firm, we don’t grade our employees or attorneys on how much revenue they bring in but on how well they treat their co-workers and clients.

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    How Do I Repair My Credit After I File For Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Charles Nguyen on January 27

    Two common questions I get when I speak to clients are – what happens to my credit and how do I repair it after I file my bankruptcy? Bad news first, your credit will suffer negatively when you file. Now the good news, filing bankruptcy is often the fastest way to repair credit and obtain better financing.

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    Is There a Minimum Debt Requirement to File Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Amanda Scharber on January 25

    A common question I receive is whether there is a minimum debt requirement to file a bankruptcy? Good news! The answer, which may surprise you, is no.

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    How Could My Employer Find Out About My Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Amanda Scharber on January 23

    You may be wondering whether your employer will find out about your bankruptcy filing. Below we explore possible ways your employer can be informed of your filing.

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