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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    Your Poor Credit Score after Bankruptcy Wasn't Caused by Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 21

    One of the biggest concerns that most people have about filing bankruptcy is their credit score. As experienced bankruptcy attorneys, we understand our clients concerns about their credit score after bankruptcy. Your credit score affects everything from obtaining new credit, to the amount you pay for your automobile insurance. Credit ratings are vital to our financial stability, and rebuilding credit takes time and patience.

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    Get Your Life Back with the Help and Support of Bankruptcy Attorneys

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 13

    If you assume that the role of bankruptcy attorneys is simply to provide legal advice, you are incorrect. They are there to help you overcome the feelings of grief, shame and fear that are often associated with debt problems. As bankruptcy attorneys in St. Cloud, MN, we see hundreds of debtors each month – we want you to know that you are not alone in your struggles. Many of the perceptions associated with filing bankruptcy are false; however, our attorneys understand that the emotional aspect that accompanies a monetary crisis is real.

    How Can Bankruptcy Attorneys Help Me Get My Life Back?

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    A Bankruptcy Attorney Helped Me See the Light in the Darkness

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 6

    Sometimes, the best way to understand that you are not alone in your financial distress and the emotional despair that comes with it is to share a story of someone who has been in your shoes. So I’ve asked Patrick* if he was willing to share his story with you. He isn’t the stereotypical candidate for bankruptcy – in fact, most filers don’t fit that mold – and his journey is representative of many that come through our doors.

    Meet Patrick

    My story may sound familiar to you if you are dealing with overwhelming debt. My name is Patrick. My wife and I were both successful in our careers and blessed to have a good income to support our children and our lifestyle. This was until I was laid off from my job two years ago. I qualified for unemployment and we managed to make ends meet by cutting expenses and making lifestyle changes. Unfortunately, my unemployment ran out before I was able to find another job. My wife and I both assumed that I would be able to find another job within a short period of time; however, due to the recession and the economy, jobs within my industry were difficult to come by.

    After my unemployment ended, we were unable to keep up with our living expenses, in addition to our other monthly bills. Of course, we tried to keep our mortgage and car payments current because they were necessary for our survival. We did not pay our credit cards, personal loans and medical bills in favor of paying our house payment, car payments and living expenses. We managed to hang on for several month months but eventually one of our vehicles was repossessed. Creditors and collection agencies would call at all hours of the day and night, they even began calling my wife at work and threatening to file lawsuits. We received notice that we owed a deficiency on our car loan and they would be seeking a judgment to force us to pay the amount due. It seemed that the more we tried to settle with creditors, the more aggressive and demanding they became.

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    My Chapter 13 Repayment Plan Allowed Me to Repay What I Could Afford

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 24

    Charles*, a previous client of mine offered to share his personal bankruptcy story, in hopes that if you are facing a similar situation you might seek help and find comfort in the fact that you are not alone. I am grateful Charles is sharing his story because his experience is the epitome of financial situations taking a turn for the worse, and there was nothing he could do about it. I think many debtors relate to his situation and his emotional struggle to reach out for help.

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    With Divorce and Bankruptcy in Your Future: Which Should Come First?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 23

    Divorce and bankruptcy are both realities of life for many individuals. No one sets out in a marriage with the intent to file for divorce just as no one sets out in life with the intent of filing a bankruptcy. However, if divorce and bankruptcy are a future you are preparing for, you’ll need the experience and guidance of an experienced bankruptcy attorney.

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    Personal Bankruptcy Doesn't Stop at Debt Elimination

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 15

    Most people assume that the only benefit they will receive from a personal bankruptcy is debt elimination. However, personal bankruptcy does more than simply eliminate your debts. Personal bankruptcy aims to treat the cause that brought you to the bankruptcy court, as well as addressing the symptoms of a financial crisis. For example, filing a bankruptcy case will not only eliminate the debt associated with these top five reasons people fall into debt, it will also help them address the symptoms that built up to cause financial crisis.

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    Learn What To Expect From Your Free Bankruptcy Consultation

    Benefits of a Chapter 13 Trustee

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 8

    The decision to file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy case is not something that most individuals take lightly. It is only after thorough consideration, and with the advice of an experienced bankruptcy attorney, that most individuals commit to reorganizing their debts through the bankruptcy process. Filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy has many benefits, including saving your home from foreclosure, stopping repossession and even keeping you from going to jail if you are behind on domestic support obligations. However, one major advantage that is often overlooked about filing a Chapter 13 case is the appointment of a Chapter 13 Trustee.

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    A Minnesota Bankruptcy Lawyer is Better than a Minnesota Lawyer

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 26

    Our aim in this blog is not to discredit or offend other attorneys; our purpose is to inform individuals of the benefits of hiring a Minnesota bankruptcy lawyer verses a general practice attorney when you are contemplating filing bankruptcy. There are some types of law that are very specific and unique in how they are practiced and the rules that govern them that they require a special expertise in order to effectively represent clients. Bankruptcy comes to our mind because that is our specialty, but others include tax law, international corporate law, complex product liability and copyright and patent law.

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    Are You Prepared for What Happens When You File Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 19

    What happens when you file bankruptcy? Firstly, the automatic stay provisions under the Bankruptcy Code prohibit your creditors from contacting you regarding your debt. Filing bankruptcy stops creditor harassment and those annoying and frustrating creditor calls. However, you are probably wondering what the process looks like - when will you have to go to court, how many times, what a trustee does, how long it takes, etc. We answer questions like these each day as bankruptcy attorneys.

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    Seven Budgeting Tips for Life After Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 11

    Congratulations, you have successfully completed your bankruptcy and you are ready to take your first steps on the road to rebuilding your finances. A very important element of any sound financial plan is budgeting. Some people believe that budgeting is too difficult or that budgeting is only a way of denying yourself what you truly want. On the contrary, budgeting makes it possible for you to achieve the things you want by helping you manage your money. Budgeting can also help you save more money by revealing any issues or incongruences between your income and your expenses.

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    Why is a Collection Agency Harassing Me about My Credit Card Debt?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 4

    If you have ever experienced a financial crisis or have gotten behind on payments to a creditor, you have probably dealt with a collection agency. A collection agency is a company that is hired by your credit card company to collect the debt you owe on your credit card. Collection agencies use different tactics to collect debt but a collection agency can also be more flexible in arranging for repayment of that debt. However, once your credit card account is turned over to a collection agency, you will likely begin to feel the impact, for example:

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    Allow Bankruptcy to Get You to a State of Financial Well-Being

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 25

    Dealing with overwhelming debt and coping with the stress associated with a financial crisis creates emotional burdens and causes damage to your financial well-being. However, bankruptcy provides a real solution to a variety of difficult financial situations. For example, a debtor can discharge or “wipe out” unsecured debts through the filing of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case or reorganize debts into a manageable repayment plan through a Chapter 13 bankruptcy case. Through the bankruptcy process, debtors learn where things spun out of control and how to handle or prevent debt in the future. In addition, when the bankruptcy case is completed, you are able to begin rebuilding your financial affairs.

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    What Types of Bankruptcy Will Work for You?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 18

    Because each person’s financial situation is different, it is difficult to answer these questions without first taking the time to fully understand the circumstances that brought you to this point. Some debtors have the ability to repay some or all of their debts if they are given the opportunity to reorganize their debts into a manageable repayment plan. On the other hand, some debtors do not have any funds available to pay creditors after paying for their basic living expenses. This is the purpose of having different types of bankruptcy, so that debtors may find relief under the bankruptcy code according to their specific financial needs.

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    Consumer Protection Laws that Exist for Your Benefit

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 4

    As consumers, we spend billions of dollars each year on goods and services, both online and in traditional stores. An increasing number of those purchases are made with some type of credit. As debt has increased, the need to protect consumers against credit fraud and unfair or deceptive trade practices has also increased. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is the federal agency that enforces consumer protection laws. Below are descriptions of the three most well known consumer protection laws and details about how each one is designed to protect you against unfair creditor practices.

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    Is Personal Bankruptcy a Good Option if it is My Fault I am in Debt?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 23

    Almost all of us will experience debt problems at some point during our lifetime due to a financial crisis such as a job loss or due to our own devices. Some individuals cause debt problems for themselves through poor spending habits, abuse of credit cards, gambling, co-signing loans for others or because of a failure to budget and manage money well. Because they feel their debt problems are due to something they did or failed to do, they may wonder, “Is personal bankruptcy a good option for me?”

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    Filing Bankruptcy Due to Medical Bills Piling Up is Very Common

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 7

    According to a study conducted by NerdWallet Health, over twenty percent of Americans will struggle with medical debt this year. For some, the best alternative is to file bankruptcy. Medical bills have been an ongoing financial problem for many Americans for more than a decade. In 2009, more than 60% of individuals who filed for bankruptcy relief did so due to medical bills. According to a report published in the American Journal of Medicine, the number of individuals who had to file bankruptcy due to medical bills rose from 46% in 2001 to 62% in 2007.

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