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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    Debt Consolidation Pros and Cons You Need to Consider

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 31

    If you are struggling with debt, you are not alone. Many Americans face this situation every day due to job loss, loss of a spouse, medical illness or other circumstances that prevent them from paying their bills. Whatever your situation may be, it is important that you understand that there are options available to help you manage this burden and recover financially and emotionally. One possible solution for dealing with debt is debt consolidation. Debt consolidation can help individuals who are struggling to make minimum monthly payments on their credit cards or other debts. However, in some cases, debt consolidation could create more problems than it solves. While it may seem practical to consolidate debts into one, lower monthly payment, you must first consider the pros and cons to debt consolidation.

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    How Divorce and Bankruptcy Turned My Life Around

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 12

    Divorce is one of the top 5 reasons many debtors turn to bankruptcy. If you are going through this situation, know that you are not alone. The following is one woman’s story about how divorce and bankruptcy turned her life around, in ways she could never have expected.

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    Consumer Credit Counseling Can Help You Get and Stay on Your Feet

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 10

    Few things in life are of greater consequence to one’s physical and emotional well-being than financial hardship. Many individuals facing harassment from creditors have enough of an income to begin allocating toward their debts, but not enough to keep up and prevent the seizure of their assets. Many debtors turn to bankruptcy to find a fresh beginning.

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    Become an Expert Money Manager, Even When Times are Rough

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 22

    Learning to manage money is a life skill everyone should possess, though it rarely gets taught in any formal educational setting. Money management skills are valuable to own at every stage in life, especially when trying to manage debt.

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    First Step to Get Out of Debt - Don't Use Bankruptcy as a Last Resort

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 24

    If you are in debt and looking for a way to get out, consider ALL of your options. When all of your options are on the table, take time to think through the advantages and disadvantages of each and how they will affect your life in the long run. Sit down with a legal professional, too, to discuss your options and get advice and opinions about which is best for your specific situation. 

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    Life After Bankruptcy: The Light at the End of the Tunnel

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 10

    The effects of filing bankruptcy are felt almost instantly. The moment you decide to file bankruptcy you will likely feel some of the stress fade because you know the end of your financial nightmare is in sight. Once your petition is approved, you can begin the journey to debt freedom, feeling lighter and happier than you have felt in a long time. Put the nightmare behind you and begin living the life you have been dreaming of.

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    Learn What To Expect From Your Free Bankruptcy Consultation

    Debt Free in 120 Days or Less | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 13

    Becoming debt free can be done in 120 days or less if you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Minnesota. To ensure the process is completed in three-four months, work with a bankruptcy attorney. A bankruptcy attorney will be your guide through the legal jargon, court meetings and mountains of paperwork, ensuring you complete all steps accurately and in a timely manner.

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    How Does Debt Consolidation Work | Debts That Can Be Consolidated

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 18

    You cannot and should not borrow your way out of debt, especially if you are currently not able to manage your debt. Doing so will result in extended payment plans, and, in the end, you will be deeper in debt than when you started. This is precisely the foundation that debt consolidation programs are built on. By extending your debt timeline you will pay more money; that money then gets paid to the debt consolidation company you “hire” to help you manage your debt.

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    Debt Consolidation Solutions Blog Series: Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 25

    Chapter 13 bankruptcy, also called a “wage-earners” bankruptcy, is essentially a repayment plan based on what you can afford. It allows you to prioritize your debt and make payments based on your income. This plan is best for those who are experiencing a temporary setback and need some time and space to breathe, in order to get their financial situation under control.

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    Debt Consolidation Solutions Blog Series: Debt Settlement Programs

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 18

    Overview of Debt Settlement Programs

    The third blog in our debt consolidation solutions series focuses on debt settlement programs. It functions by halting all payments you are making to creditors and requires you to close your accounts. Instead, you will make monthly payments (usually lower than your current payments) to a trust account. When that account has built up enough to pay off your debt in full, the debt settlement program company will begin negotiations with your creditors. They will also attempt to negotiate a lower debt amount by offering to make a lump sum payment.

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    Debt Consolidation Solutions Blog Series: Unsecured Loans

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 11

    Debt consolidation can be a very confusing concept because financial terminology is complicated and contracts can be very convoluted. The term itself, debt consolidation, is confusing because it can be used to describe a group of debt solutions or as an individual option. For simplification purposes we are going to use the term ‘debt consolidation’ to describe the general concept of combining multiple unsecured debts into one.

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    My Credit Card Company Won't Comply with My Debt Consolidation Plan

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 9

    Credit card companies are in business to make money and we make it very easy for them to be profitable. Credit cards fulfill our need for instant gratification. It is very easy to spend money on a credit card because there is no physical exchange of cash and you are not expected to pay at the time of transaction. This process plays upon humans’ need for instant gratification.

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