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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filing and Eligibility Requirements in Minneapolis, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on November 22

    This is an age old question. You have a lot of debt or maybe you have a modest amount of debt and the creditors are like chihuahuas that just will not leave you alone. Every month is a constant battle- juggling the payment to creditors with paying your bills.

    Many of our guests wonder is they qualify for chapter 7 bankruptcy. Sometimes, it can feel like you are not a candidate for bankruptcy when you really are a good candidate for bankruptcy. How do you know if you should be considering chapter 7 bankruptcy? How do you know you even qualify to file a chapter 7 bankruptcy?

    I know this seems like a smart ass answer, but if you are thinking about it, you probably qualify to file.

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    Tips For Finding The Best Bankruptcy Lawyer in Minneapolis, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on November 15

    You have hit the wall. You live in Minneapolis and you have lived with overwhelming debt for years. You juggled the debt as long as you could and then the house of cards came crashing down on you. You stopped paying the bills altogether and simply buried your head in the sand. When life crashes around sometimes the best coping method is to put your ear plugs in and your helmet on and let the world around you crash and burn. When you are down and out, sometimes you cope by simply ignoring it because that is what you mentally need to do. 

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    Getting Financing and a New Car After Filing Bankruptcy in Minneapolis

    Posted by Wesley Scott on November 9

    There are many outstanding benefits of hiring a Minneapolis Bankruptcy Attorney to help you restructure or eliminating your debts but bankruptcy is not without its difficulties even after your debts are discharged. After you've successfully completed your bankruptcy you might find yourselve wondering how to keep this positive momentum going. One of the most significant components to success is a simple one we often overlook. By simply identifying our goals we can begin to develop plans to achieve them. For many of us following a bankruptcy the major priority is reestablishing our credit so that we may obtain financing once again. Many of us overlook the significance of financing; the ability to pay for groceries or unexpected costs when there is no cash on hand is incredibly stressful, and we tend to focus on the lack of cash in these circumstances. These things may seem out of reach to you after you file bankruptcy but this is certainly not the case.
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    Why MInneapolis Bankruptcy Lawyers Say Filing Beats Consolidation

    Posted by Wesley Scott on November 3

    Paying your bills is what we all want to do. No one likes the idea of not paying debt we incurred. The idea of drowning in debt is scary and the mentioning the “b” word is even scarier. Human beings are all the same. At heart, I believe most of us would rather claw our own eye balls out than not pay our bills. And yet, life interferes with our best plans. 

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    Repairing Your Credit Following Filing Bankruptcy in Roseville

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 31

    Once you have completed the process of Filing Bankruptcy in Roseville and have been granted your discharge you may be under the impression your work is done and for the most part this is true. However there still remains the important task of assuring your credit information is reported correctly and updated with credit reporting agencies. This is an essential component to beginning your renewed financial stability because most of us will eventually need new credit and financing following our bankruptcy discharge.

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    4 Secret Ways To Easily Meet With A Minneapolis Bankruptcy Lawyer

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 28

    This is not easy stuff folks. The amount of courage it takes to reach out for help cannot be understated. Most of our clients in Minneapolis are embarrassed to find themselves in debt and often scared to reach out for help. However, equally nerving is not being able to pay your bills and worrying that you might be living in a card board box soon. There is hope. Debt is simply a problem to be solved and nothing more. It’s no different than having an infection in a really embarrassing location. The medical staff does not find it embarrassing, they just need to find the solution to the problem. That is the same for Minneapolis Bankruptcy Lawyers . Our laser focus is to solve your debt problem for good.

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    Filing Chapter 7 With Our Roseville MN Bankruptcy Lawyers

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 26

    Are you struggling with overwhelming debt? Has it become too difficult to manage? If so, these struggles have probably taken toll on the rest of your life as well. When dealing with a major debt problem it can be very difficult to stay happy and focused. Fortunately, if you’re dealing with overwhelming debt right now there are a few easy ways out that our Roseville MN Bankruptcy Lawyers can help you with. One of the easiest, available to all who qualify, is a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. In this article we will discuss the key components of a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy so that you can learn what to expect during the process and determine if Chapter 7 would be a good option for you.

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    The Nuts and Bolts of Filing Bankruptcy in Minneapolis

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 24

    Ok, so you know you need to file for bankruptcy, but still want to know what’s going to happen to your debt?  More importantly, you want to understand what’s going to happen to your belongings?  Well, the annoying answer to these questions is “it depends.”  In Minneapolis, you are fortunate to have the option of using the rules provided for in the federal bankruptcy code or the benefits provided for under Minnesota Statute.  Depending on your specific situation, it may be more advantageous to use one set of rules over the other.  Before we dive into the discussion about your assets, we’ll take a look at what type of debts you can discharge through bankruptcy.

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    How Our MN Bankruptcy Lawyers Have Made Filing Bankruptcy Easier

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 21

    Kain & Scott has been in existence since 1972. As Minnesota’s oldest Bankruptcy Law Firm, our MN Bankruptcy Lawyers have seen a thing or two about the Bankruptcy Process evolution that has taken place in Minnesota over the years. I can remember when I came aboard the firm in 1997, we would file bankruptcy cases with the bankruptcy court my mailing 3 copies of the petition and schedules to the bankruptcy court. You never knew which day was going to be your date of filing because you never knew exactly when the bankruptcy court would receive your package of copies.

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    5 Reasons Why Bankruptcy In Roseville Is Better Than Debt Consolidation

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 17

    So you live in Roseville MN and you had one of the 5 events happened to you which resulted in overwhelming debt: 1) business failure; 2) income drop; 3) divorce or relationship break up; 4) medical problems; 4) bad financial decisions (we have all made them). You are stressed out because you are falling behind and you can’t keep up. That uneasy feeling of slowly drowning in debt, suffocating, and you can’t seem to pull out of it. If you are a human being you will feel your tummy churning and just a depression hanging over your head. 

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    Filing Bankruptcy In Minneapolis "Pro Se"

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 15

    Bankruptcy is a well-established financial tool that has been a means of successful financial recovery and ongoing stability for many people all across Minneapolis.  Many Minneapolis residents will File Bankruptcy this year so that they can start 2017 with a fresh new financial start.  Among the many bankruptcies that will be filed a small percentage of them might be attempted to be filed “pro se” without the aid of an experienced Minneapolis Bankruptcy Lawyer.  Although it’s not required by law to retain a Bankruptcy Lawyer in order to File Bankruptcy in Minneapolis there are many advantages to doing so.

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    The Biggest Secret To Finding The Best Bankruptcy Lawyers in MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 14

    You are sick of the financial chaos and uncertainty. You are tired of worrying about opening the latest onslaught of bills coming in. It’s time to do something about it. You have gone to a website that lays your choices out well- that is, how do you solve an overwhelming debt problem for good. You make the courageous decision to put your family first and your creditors second. You decide it’s time to get your life back and move on with living instead of constant worrying. You should be proud of yourself!

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    A Look At Filing Chapter 13 With Our Roseville MN Bankruptcy Lawyers

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 12

    In Roseville, the vast majority of us don’t think to seek help from the strain of an overwhelming debt problem until it has eroded away so many great aspects of our lives. We’ll forgo home and automotive expenses just so that we can buy food and clothing. This “rob Peter to pay Paul” financial black hole can be very easy to fall into and even more difficult to climb out of. Unfortunately, usually by the time you think to turn to a Roseville MN Bankruptcy Lawyer for help you’re already left with nothing. In these circumstances Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy would generally be advised but what if you would have looked to Bankruptcy for financial relief at the onset of your struggles?

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    What It Feels like To File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Before And AFter

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 6

    How do people in Minnesota feel before they file a bankruptcy? If you are contemplating filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Minnesota, chances are you feel like a real pile of dog doo doo right now. The good news is how you feel before you file bankruptcy is not the same as how you will feel after you file bankruptcy.
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    The Plain Truth: How Filing Bankruptcy in MN Affects Your Credit

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 4

    Like so many Minnesotans that call us every day, we hear one common concern over and over again. Minnesotans worry about how bankruptcy affects their credit score and credit life after the bankruptcy is filed. If you are contemplating Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Minnesota, but you just need a better handle on how bankruptcy affects your credit, here it is. The obvious question so many ask about their credit relates to their future dreams and ambitions.

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    MN Bankruptcy And How It Affects Our Future

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 3

    Many Americans seek financial recovery each year through the liquidation proceedings involved with Chapter 7 Bankruptcy yet few are aware what Chapter 7 Bankruptcy involves.  In a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy any non-exempt assets the debtor possesses will be liquidated by the trustee as allowed within the US Bankruptcy Code and the revenue is to be divided among creditors based on the priorities set forth within the bankruptcy code.  The vast majority who seek relief through Chapter 7 Bankruptcy have no non-exempt assets to be liquidated or perhaps the cost and effort involved addressing these assets is deemed impractical by the trustee when compared to their potential value to creditors.  But what about our investments and our ideas; what about these seeds we have sown which may someday still bear fruit?  Where do they stand throughout the bankruptcy process?

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