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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    How To Overcome The Fear Of Speaking To A MN Bankruptcy Attorney

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 26

    You are like me. I am high anxiety and have unrealistic fears about different things. Most of us would have a normal fear about speaking to a bankruptcy attorney about a debt problem. Why? We humans have a problem with losing, defeat, and not paying our bills right? It causes us to be embarrassed, feel defeated, and just generally really crappy inside.

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    Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in MN From Beginning to End

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 21

    Chapter 7 Bankruptcybegins once an individual seeking debt relief files a petition with the Bankruptcy Court. Here in Minnesota all of our counties are divided up and assigned to a small number of divisional offices. For example, anyone residing within Hennepin County would file their Bankruptcy Petition with the Minneapolis office. There are also several other pieces of required information which will need to be submitted and reviewed in order for your bankruptcy to be approved and your debts discharged

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    What Does A Minnesota Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustee Do?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 19

    When you are digging into what a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustee in Minnesota looks like, have you ever wondered who this person is and what on earth do they do? I am a veteran MN Bankruptcy Attorney and when I first started out many years ago, I wondered myself what the Chapter 7 Trustee does. If you file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Maple Grove, Minnesota, or anywhere else in Minnesota the United States Trustee’s Office will assign a Chapter 7 Trustee to your Bankruptcy Case.

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    A Starter's Guide To Filing Bankruptcy In Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 16

    Beginning the process of filing bankruptcy can seem like an overwhelming task but at http://kainscott.com we have several great resources readily available to any Minnesotan seeking relief from their financial hardships.  Our team of expert MN Bankruptcy Attorneys are always happy to address any and all of your specific concerns because we always want to ensure that you are well-informed and comfortable throughout the process. 

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    The Truth Behind MN Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 14

    When many of us are asked to describe the type of people who we think Contact MN Bankruptcy Lawyers we often begin to apply very negative associations with what we view a bankruptcy debtor to be.  Many people believe those who seek debt relief through bankruptcy are irresponsible with their finances or indigent because of a lack of effort on their part to better their circumstances.  In Minnesota we take great pride in our earning ability, possessions and financial stability yet these things do not define who we are as individuals nor is anyone invulnerable to sudden financial hardship regardless of their prior success, finances or possessions. 

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    Top 3 Reasons To File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy In Minneapolis

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 13

    So, you are sitting at home wondering about your debt right? You are wondering how it is that end the end of each paycheck you have no money left. By the time you make minimum payments on your credit cards and other expenses that’s it- money all gone. This is especially true if you have fallen into the pay day loan trap. I have been there myself when I was in college. You sell your soul to get a few bucks today but what you pay back is far more than you borrowed- it makes you physically sick just thinking about it.

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    The Government Sponsored Debt Consolidation Plan Everyone Loves

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 8

    I bet most of my readers did not know that there is a government sponsored debt consolidation plan. In fact, when I meet with Minnesotans from all walks of life they are surprised to learn that there really is a government sponsored debt consolidation plan. Not only does it exist, it has been around for decades. Why then do most people not know it exists? In a nutshell, because people do not look any further if it involves the “b” word. I wish the government would not call this debt consolidation plan a chapter 13 bankruptcy. I wish they would instead call it what it is, a government sponsored debt consolidation plan. I first want to walk you through the nuts and bolts of a chapter 13 bankruptcy and how it works and then I want to walk you through a real “live” (as my 4 year old son used to say) example of a chapter 13 bankruptcy at work.

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    The Dischargeable Debts Our MN Bankruptcy Lawyers Can Help You With

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 31

    Declaring Bankruptcy and wiping out mountains of unmanageable debt can be a great catalyst for financial recovery and stability.  Many financial obligations can be completely discharged under Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy offers easy repayment plans for those who are ineligible for Chapter 7 yet still experiencing financial hardships.

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    The Filing Process You And Your MN Bankruptcy Lawyer Will Follow

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 30

    Lets take a closer look at the steps you and your MN Bankruptcy Lawyer will take when you file because there are countless individuals and families who find themselves facing financial hardships unexpectedly and these people are often unsure of their options. The bankruptcy process is federally regulated and put in place for those who find themselves in these difficult financial circumstances. Many people are concerned with the complexities involved in legal matters and are apprehensive because of this that's why it's best to seek the knowledge and experience of a trained legal professional but it is equally important that you understand the undertaking.  

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    How One MN Couple Got The Right MN Bankruptcy Attorney For Them

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 25

    Life is so amazingly humbling. One minute you are feasting on life, good relationships, good money, and all seems like it is clear blue skies ahead. And then suddenly, the sky turns black, and your life seems to be on a never ending bumpy path filled with stressed relationships, debts, and heartache. It can happen fast. It usually does.

    For one Minnesota couple the journey was not that rosy from the start. We will keep their names confidential, of course, but it started out shortly after (fictional names) Greg and Lisa’s wedding over 22 years ago.

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    What To Expect From Your MN Bankruptcy Lawyer

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 23

    Many people are concerned about how a bankruptcy will reflect on them and what impact it will have on their life and finances moving forward. Because of the stigma surrounding Bankruptcy, a legal process designed to provide US citizens with a means for financial recovery when needed, many people don’t talk about their financial hardships or their experience going through the Bankruptcy Process. We will be talking Dean in this segment and gaining the insight of an average Minnesotans experience Filing Bankruptcy with a MN Bankruptcy Lawyer and addressing their finances immediately following the discharge of their Bankruptcy. This is intended to shed some light on what can be expected and to debunk some of the common myths and misconceptions so let’s begin.

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    MN Attorneys: Here's Why Your Clients Shouldn't Do Traditional Debt Consolidation

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 18

    So, you are a Minnesota lawyer with a clientele from all walks of life. How many times have you heard a client say they have overwhelming debt? The answer is probably a lot right? And how many times has the suggestion to solve the problem been maybe you should consider debt consolidation? The answer agin is probably a lot right?

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    How MN Bankruptcy Attorneys Advise Facing Bankruptcy Before & After

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 10

    There are many reasons someone might be considering Bankruptcy and at Kain & Scott our MN Bankruptcy Attorneys believe it is important to understand the causes and ways you can prevent these circumstances from impacting your life moving forward after Bankruptcy. Everyone is offered credit cards and department store cards, America has an extremely lucrative credit industry with several types of financing available for any individual. But not all lenders are invested in their customers. The lines of credit or loan options offered by some lenders are not always intended to aid the consumer but rather provide additional revenue to the lender through hidden fees and adjustable rates that were not disclosed to the customer.

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    12 Debts Your Roseville MN Bankruptcy Lawyers Can't Discharge

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 8

    I am sorry you are experiencing overwhelming debt of any kind. Having overwhelming debt is stressful on anyone. Many Roseville, MN residents, when faced with crippling debt rightly turn to a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy to get their lives back and solve the problem once and for all. The goal of any Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is to get your life back. Technically speaking, we are looking for your debts to be “discharged” under section 727 of the Bankruptcy Code. A discharge of the debts means your liability for those debts is gone and the creditor cannot collect on those debts ever again.

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    MN Bankruptcy: Know The Facts And Common Misconceptions

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 3

    Filing a MN Bankruptcy can seem like an overwhelming process and it certainly can be in some instances. But it is critical for individuals considering relief through bankruptcy to take the time to consider the hardships they already have, and then to think about the benefits bankruptcy may offer. When we consider the long-term effects of defaulted agreements and financial obligations and how this may impact our future needs we can begin to see the immediate benefits to filing bankruptcy rather than continuing to struggle with financial hardship. There is a great deal of misinformation out there; much of it is the product of the credit industry in an effort to discourage individuals and businesses from seeking the relief they need. Let’s take a closer look at some of the common concerns many people consider when determining if bankruptcy is right for them. Don’t be fooled by aggressive creditors; know the facts and know your rights!

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    What To Do After Our Roseville MN Bankruptcy Attorneys Help You

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 26

    Imagine a world in which the phones are quiet, the mail box is not full of past due collection letters, and you are not worried about how you are going to make your mortgage payment or buy groceries. It can happen to you. At Kain & Scott our Roseville MN Bankruptcy Attorneys help thousands of Minnesotans every year get exactly that. After Filing Bankruptcy the fear and anxiety of it quickly dissipates into a wondrous world free from overwhelming debt. Our Roseville MN Bankruptcy Attorneys never hear clients regretting to File Bankruptcy. Rather, they regret waiting so long to file bankruptcy. Once you get on the other side of this thing, this overwhelming debt, life is so magically beautiful and less stressful.

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