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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    5 Ways To Know If You Should Be Thinking About Hiring A MN Bankruptcy Lawyer

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 25

    At Kain & Scott, our MN Bankruptcy Lawyers have been filing bankruptcies in Minnesota since 1972. In that time, we have filed many thousands of bankruptcy cases. After a while, you can see patterns that Minnesotans go through before they file for bankruptcy protection. It’s almost like clock work really. So, if you see yourself doing one of the five common things people do before they file bankruptcy in Minnesota, you should ask yourself, is this me too?

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    MN Bankruptcy Lawyers And Your Family: A Closer Look At Common Concerns

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 22

    Having a family brings with it many responsibilities and obligations. We all want to do the very best we can for our loved ones. Unfortunately, unexpected hardships and financial difficulties are almost inevitable with the limited resources that many of us must contend with. Bankruptcy proceedings are designed specifically as a solution for those faced with such hardships so that they may again find financial stability and bring comfort for those we love, cherish and care for. MN Bankruptcy Lawyers can provide you with a fresh start to your finances and immediately halt any actions being taken against you by many of your creditors so that you may begin the process of recovery and family stability.

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    Considering Bankruptcy? Here's What Not To Do Before You File...

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 19

    So much is written about the process of bankruptcy IE what happens when you file, what is a meeting of creditors, what happens after you file to your credit score, but very little is written about what to do, or in many cases not to do, BEFORE you file bankruptcy. I can’t tell you how many times I uttered the words, “I wish you would have called me before you did that.”

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    How To Pick The Best MN Bankruptcy Lawyer Near Me

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 8

    All right, it’s time to get out of this financial turmoil. You’re over your head in debt and you’re trying to stay current on your payments yet you just can’t do it anymore. Creditors don’t stop calling and harassing you and it’s extremely overwhelming. You’ve came to the conclusion that the only way out is bankruptcy. So you get online and start searching for a MN Bankruptcy Lawyer. The second you type in the query MN Bankruptcy Lawyer in Google and press enter, you get hundreds of results. Uh oh, now what?

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    Two Things Every MN Lawyer Should Know That MN Bankruptcy Lawyers Do

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 30

    How many of us lawyers meet with clients and yet miss issues the client could pursue to their benefit? I suspect the answer is a lot of us. Don’t be too hard on yourself since it’s impossible to know everything right? Most of us limit our areas of practice to a few and focus on those areas. When clients ask our MN Bankruptcy Lawyers and I about other areas of law we get jittery and tell them that we don’t practice in that area and they should see a lawyer who specializes in it. At Kain & Scott every Lawyer has a referral directory that we use to refer clients to any other area of law besides consumer bankruptcy work. Minnesota Bankruptcy work is all we do.

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    Why Thousands Of People Are Calling The Kain & Scott Bankruptcy Lawyers MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 15

    You might not recognize Kain & Scott as the leading Bankruptcy Lawyer in MN or a Law Firm that has been practicing for over 40 years. You’re also likely to have found us on Online. And if you’ve been searching the internet for a while now researching Bankruptcy Lawyers MN you might have seen us on several different websites. The Kain & Scott brand name has been well established in MN since 1972. We have helped thousands of Minnesotan debtors get their lives back. In a recent statement by one of our clients Sonja from Minneapolis, she said, “These lawyers are amazing! They definitely know what they are doing!” But Sonja isn’t our only happy client ecstatic about getting her life back! Thousands of Minnesotan’s call us for help relieving their debt problems every year and leave us positive reviews just like her. Here’s why:

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    Learn What To Expect From Your Free Bankruptcy Consultation

    How Estate Planning and Filing Bankruptcy In MN Can Work Together

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 10

    The golden years- a period of relaxation, plenty of money, lots of travel and the freedom to play golf and fish everyday right? For many of our Minnesota seniors, the retirement years don’t look anything like this. In fact, for many seniors there is nothing golden about chronic pain, no money, lots’ of debt, and with that the freedom to do very little.

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    Where To Find Our MN Bankruptcy Lawyers and How To Get One

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 9

    Bankruptcy can be quite the complicated process and especially if you don't know what you are doing. But it doesn't have to be that way! At Kain & Scott we have several MN Bankruptcy Lawyers with years of experience here to help you with the mounds of worksheets, prepare you for the 341 meeting and to file your case with the court. Plus, they make the Bankruptcy Process quick, easy and will guarantee that everything has been done right so your debts get discharged.

    If your case gets thrown out your probably not going to be very happy and you'll be back in the exact same boat that you're in now. That's why getting help from Kain & Scott will make a world of a difference! But where can you find one of our MN Bankruptcy Lawyers? And how do you get one of them? Here's how to get in touch with a Kain & Scott Bankruptcy Lawyer today, to help get you started on the road to a debt free life again! 

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    The Truth About Medical Bankruptcy In Minneapolis

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 8

    One of the major reasons to think about a bankruptcy is medical debt. When I was young, my mom was a stay at home mom and my dad worked in a factory. Trust me, my dad never made a lot of money and probably retired making less than $10.00 an hour. In a family of 9 children you would think that a family of 11 people would cost you a fortune in health insurance. But growing up in the back waters of the Mississippi River in the 70's and 80's health insurance was not the fortune it is now. I also don’t recall my parents ever worried about medical bills. Heck, I am not even sure I even remember hearing the words “co-pay” and “deductible.”

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    MN Divorce Lawyers: Here's What Can Happen To Your Fees If Your Client Files Chapter 7 

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 1

    Let’s face it, not every client you meet with has 10k to put down toward legal fees. Some clients require the use of a payment plan to pay attorney fees incurred in a divorce. But, what happens if your client files a bankruptcy during or after the divorce, and meanwhile, the client has incurred a hefty bill for your services?

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    MInneapolis Lawyers: You Don't Have To Be Bankruptcy Lawyer To Explain The Options

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 28

    You are a Minnesota lawyer and maybe you practice in real estate, divorce, or estate planning work, and you meet with a client who has legal issues you can handle, that’s why they call you, but then the client talks about overwhelming debt. All of sudden, your brain freezes, you are not sure what to say or how to handle that issue. Chances are, if the client has overwhelming debt issues, it consumes their life and stresses them out. You excel in your area of law but don’t even know where to begin with a debt problem.
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    How Does Bankruptcy in Minneapolis And The Automatic Stay Stop My Creditors?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 25

    When you file bankruptcy, lawyers will tell you that the automatic stay goes into effect on the day you file a bankruptcy. But what is the automatic stay? Our Bankruptcy Attorneys in Minneapolis like to think of the automatic stay as a shield that goes up between you and all of your creditors. The automatic stay is a law built into the bankruptcy code to protect you from the actions of your creditors. It is a very powerful law. It protects you from creditors: collection calls or billing, starting or continuing lawsuits, garnishing wages or levying bank accounts, repossessions of vehicles and foreclosures of homes.

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    How Much Does It Cost To File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Minneapolis MN ?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 23

    Are you contemplating filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Minneapolis? If so, then you want to know how much it costs. Let’s face it moneys tight and your debt is deep. After all you wouldn’t be even considering it if it wasn’t, right? Here’s a list of fees that you will encounter:

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    How Does The Automatic Stay Affect My Divorce & Bankruptcy In Roseville MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 13

    Imagine a world in which creditors could collect from debtors at will and without rules. It would be chaos, literally. Hypothetically speaking, if I know Pete owes me 10k and I know that Pete’s business is teetering on the brink of financial ruin, and there are no rules, what am I going to do? I tell you what I am going to do. I am going to secretly find out what assets Pete owns and then I am going to quickly assert control over those assets so I can get paid my 10k plus costs. I want to do this before any of Pete’s other creditors get wind of Pete’s financial condition and take his assets- before I can get paid. 

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    What Are The 2 Best Ways To Get Out Of Debt In Eden Prairie MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 12

    Oh the humility of being alive. Some of us go through life and never receive a DWI. Some of us should have received a 100 DWI’s and never receive one. Some of us never incur overwhelming debt, and yet, some of us will. Have you ever had a brain tumor? Me neither and yet 1000's of Minnesotans every year have them. Much of the time, life events’ are out of your control- seriously, they are. No one dreams of having a brain tumor or incurring overwhelming debt. This is not a place most of want to be. Yet, each year, over 10,000 good Minnesotans file bankruptcy. Why? The reasons are varied but most bankruptcies fall into one of 5 categories.

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    Should You File Bankruptcy After A Minnesota Auto Accident?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 9

    If you were recently involved in a car, truck, or motorcycle accident, you might be wondering whether you should file bankruptcy.  That is a complicated question that involves the intersection between two legal practice areas -- auto accident law, and bankruptcy law.  The answer depends on a number of factors.

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