Welcome To The MN Bankruptcy Blog

Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    Top 16 Myths About Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 2

    You know all those bad things you’ve always heard about bankruptcy. Most of them are NOT TRUE! Here are the top 16 myths aout bankruptcy your creditors want you to believe and reasons why each is NOT TRUE.

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    3 Ways To Talk To A Minneapolis Bankruptcy Lawyer Almost Instantly

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 30

    We are in an age of consumer convenience. Consumers insist on meeting/speaking with professionals in much more convenient ways than yesteryear. I want to be very clear, I still think a face to face meeting is the best way to meet with a bankruptcy attorney.

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    What Creditors Won't Tell You That Our MN Bankruptcy Lawyers Will

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 29

    Have you ever wondered why there is such a stigma associated with bankruptcy? After all, companies file bankruptcy all the time and reorganize themselves to live another day. The number of companies that have filed bankruptcy only to rise out of the ashes of debt are way too numerous to even mention.

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    Get Your Life Back | Going Beyond Debt Help

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 25

    Bankruptcy is our core – it’s not just what we do, it’s all we do. We believe it is a tool that should be used to help people get their lives back. Most clients come into our office feeling hopeless, helpless and defeated, but leave feeling invigorated and free. Bankruptcy allows debtors to recover and rebuild after a financial crisis, or in other words, get their lives back. However, our commitment to our clients does not stop at the filing of their bankruptcy case.

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    Finding The Best Bankruptcy Attorney in Minneapolis MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 24

    You made up your mind that you are going to going to start 2017 debt free. Smart decision! You live in Minneapolis and you have 40k in unsecured debt, your credit is shot, and you already have 2 judgments against you and the phone is ringing off the hook! To top if off, you are really worried that the creditor is going to find out where you work now because you are finally making decent money and you don’t want your wages being garnished. Of course, you don’t want the creditor calling your new employer either. That is embarrassing and could potentially cost you your job. What do you do? 

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    4 Advantages of Filing Bankruptcy vs Debt Consolidation

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 17

    I have high anxiety. I get the anxiety and courage it takes to even think or say the word bankruptcy. While it is easier for me to think or say that word, one, I do bankruptcy work for a living and two, I am not now facing a bankruptcy. I respect those two very important distinctions between us. Many Minnesotans facing overwhelming debt are on the fence about whether they should think about bankruptcy as an option. Often times, some sort of debt consolidation wins out instead so we can say we are avoiding bankruptcy. While that is true, in the short term, long term many of those people end up filing bankruptcy anyway. Here are some of the factors we think you should consider before going down an alternative path instead of choosing bankruptcy first. 

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    Learn What To Expect From Your Free Bankruptcy Consultation

    The Truth About How Bankruptcy Impacts Your Credit

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 15

    Over the years, we have had many Minnesotans contemplate bankruptcy but what they really want to know is, if I do this, how will bankruptcy really impact my credit? If we let our home go back can we get financing to buy another one soon so we are not on the street? Can we buy a car if I need another one- I have to get to work? I completely understand these concerns our guests have and if I were in your shoes I would share the same concerns. We all have them- we need to live, a place to stay and we need vehicles to get around!

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    The Story Behind Our Motto - "We Don't Judge You, We Help You Get Your Life Back!"

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 14

    Kain & Scott’s motto and slogan is “We don’t judge you, we HELP you get your life back.” Life shouldn’t hurt and when your engulfed with overwhelming debt you deserve to get your life back! Let's face it: Life with overwhelming debt is painful and life without debt is beautiful. This is the reason we are not concerned with why you reach out to us, but most importantly how we can help you solve your debt problems once and for all. 

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    Who Is Kain & Scott And Why Does It Matter To Me?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 9

    I seldom like to write about ourselves. I guess it’s my Minnesota upbringing that makes me shy away from tooting our own horn for any reason. But, then it dawns on me, we have to tell our story so our Minnesota guests can understand who we are and why it’s important to those of you reading this blog. If you are considering filing a bankruptcy in the state of Minnesota, this blog is important to you- keep reading!

    Finding and meeting a Bankruptcy Lawyer to help you get your life back is very important. This is an emotional time for you and you need someone who understands what you are going through. With this in mind, let me tell you who Kain & Scott is.

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    4 Unique Ways You Can Meet With A MN Bankruptcy Lawyer At Kain & Scott

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 7

    Have you ever given serious thought to solving your overwhelming debt problem, but you just can’t find time to meet with a Bankruptcy Lawyer? Or, have you ever wanted to meet with an experienced Minnesota Bankruptcy Lawyer but you are too afraid to meet face to face?  Meet Kain & Scott, MN's Nicest Bankruptcy Law Firm, who has perfected the process of Bankruptcy to make it soothing to our guests- we do most of the work while you relax and spend time with family.

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    3 Reasons Why You Should File Bankruptcy in Minneapolis Now

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 6

    Kain & Scott has been Minnesota’s Bankruptcy Law Firm since 1972. Our Minneapolis Bankruptcy Lawyers have seen a thing or two about the reasons that hold people back from filing bankruptcy. The truth is, all of the reasons you think you shouldn’t file bankruptcy are actually the reasons you SHOULD file bankruptcy. Crazy right? Well, read on if you are skeptical.

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    When And Why Minnesotans File Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 5

    We have been practicing Bankruptcy Law at Kain & Scott since 1972. Our Lawyers have helped thousands of Minnesotans get their lives back and not a single one of these cases was identical to another. Everyone’s case is different because everyone is different. However, we have seen nearly everything under the sun and yet, the reasons why Minnesotan’s file bankruptcy can be reduced to 5 general categories.

    I can assure you I have never had a single Minnesotan call me and say Wes, I really incurred all of this debt knowing I would file bankruptcy in the end. Or, you know Wes, I spent 12 months in Europe, with my friends, using my plastic on all of our expenses, knowing when I got back to Minnesota I would file bankruptcy. So, why do Minnesotans file for bankruptcy? Here we go!

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    Minneapolis Bankruptcy Attorney Success Stories at Kain & Scott

    Posted by Wesley Scott on November 30

    I recently met with a guest in Minneapolis who I had met with 2 years ago. She was contemplating bankruptcy 2 years ago- which is why she met with me then, but she was not ready to file bankruptcy. Have you ever heard of the expression, “flowers bloom at different times?” I like that expression because it fits out clients to a tee. Often the Minneapolis Bankruptcy Attorneys meet with guests and we think gee, you should really file bankruptcy and get your life back. But, for the client, this is all very brand new and scary.

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    Roseville MN Bankruptcy Law Office Reviews & Horror Stories

    Posted by Wesley Scott on November 28

    I want to be very clear at the outset that what follows I do not like- at all. When I hear these stories it makes me very upset. When you feel overwhelmed with debt and all alone no one should be made to feel this way. The Bankruptcy Law Firm that you hire in Roseville should have your back, protect you, make you part of their team. I know this is a bit corny but I always envision my job as protecting the client like an injured bird and I am the mother hen watching out for them, protecting them, and rooting for them to succeed. Unfortunately, that does not always happen. Here are some horror stories we have been told from clients that have had negative experiences when filing for bankruptcy protection.
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    How To Restore Your Credit Following Your Bankruptcy Discharge

    Posted by Wesley Scott on November 27

    The decision to file bankruptcy is something that never comes easy for any of us. Many individuals have been given the immediate help and support their finances needed desperately through filing bankruptcy but how do you rebuild your credit following your bankruptcy discharge? Some filers simply assume that their credit is destroyed beyond repair and attempt to navigate their finances without credit moving forward from their bankruptcy which can be a difficult if not impossible task in today’s world. We all need credit and financing from time to time and your bankruptcy does not eliminate these financial tools completely by any means. There are several ways we can improve our credit and restore our financing capabilities after a bankruptcy so let’s begin to go over some of the logical steps in the process.
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    Should I File a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on November 23

    Life should not hurt this much. You have decided that bankruptcy is the medicine your family needs to get your life back and look toward the future not keeping staring at the past. You should be proud of your courage and your need for certainty and security in life. It’s nice to know that when you start fresh you can pay your bills and keep the roof over your head. But still, you struggle with which bankruptcy makes most sense.

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