We have had clients tell us that when they called other Bankruptcy Law Firms in Roseville the people they spoke to were really rude to them. The clients reached out to the firm for help but the firm instead of being helpful was really rude to them. The client would call them to ask questions, follow up on information the firm needed, or just to see when the client’s case would be filed and the person answering the phone was short and didn’t seem like they cared to help the client out. This kind of conduct from law firm staff is hard to understand since the client hired you to solve a problem for them. When the firm acts like you are the nuisance you have to wonder why you hired them to begin with.
I actually spoke to a couple one time who said the lawyer they met with fell asleep at the consultation. What? He fell asleep? Yup, now that is about as rude as you can get! Apart from your lawyer falling asleep on you, there are numerous other ways our guests have said the lawyers were rude to them. We cannot begin to tell you how many times we have spoken to our guests who have said they have met with another Roseville MN Bankruptcy Lawyer and the lawyer was very rude.
How? To the lawyer, this is just business. To the client, this is scary as hell. When the lawyer acts indifferent to the feelings of the client, that is just rude. Many of our guests felt like the meeting with other lawyers felt rushed and antiseptic- like the lawyer just didn’t even care. To the client, all the lawyer seemed to care about is- are you going to sign up or not. We have had many clients tell us their meeting with a lawyer was timed, that the lawyer kept looking at his/her watch the whole time. That is rude.
When you go through something like this, you expect your lawyer to be your rock- the person you can hold on to when the storm sets in. I had one client tell me that she called another Roseville MN Bankruptcy Law Firm and wanted to speak to her lawyer. The client was told she could leave a message and the lawyer would call back in 2-3 days. WHAT?? Now, that is just plain rude!
Our guests finally summoned the courage to tackle this overwhelming debt problem, and they went to meet with a Bankruptcy Lawyer. The lawyer then turns to the client and dumps a huge pile of forms in their lap to fill out. If you were not stressed before, you will be now.
There is no question that facing a problem like debt takes courage to do. We have spent decades watching our guests do what most normal human being would do at the first sight of an overwhelming debt problem. They bury their heads in the sand and hope like hell this problem goes away. Unfortunately, it does not go away on it’s own.
Take that person and now dump a pile of forms in their lap without helping the client fill them out. The client will simply go back into their shell and hide from the world- it’s too much to ask of someone already overwhelmed with debt.
Many times, our guests are simply looking for relief and sooner than later. Do you want to wait 8 months before you get your life back? I don’t, especially once I made the decision to file bankruptcy, I just want to get on with it already. At Kain & Scott in Roseville our guests tell us stories of how they hear nothing from other Roseville Bankruptcy Lawyers for weeks and months, and eventually they get a letter stating they are missing something small. Months later they finally get filed. Meanwhile, when the guest calls to check up, it’s always rude city- why are you bothering us kind of stuff. That is not nice.
We constantly get phone calls from clients that hired other Bankruptcy Attorneys in Roseville. The call goes something like this- I received my discharge a while ago. The trustee still has questions and sends me letters asking for things. I call my lawyer but my lawyer says she is done with my case and will not help me anymore.
I really dislike these kind of calls. Your lawyer is supposed to represent you until the bankruptcy case is closed. The fact that you received your discharge does not relieve your lawyer from representing you in the bankruptcy case. So our Attorneys in Roseville end up helping these clients, because it’s the right thing to do, even though, their first lawyer should have helped them the whole way through the process.
My advice to guests is make sure your Bankruptcy Lawyer will be your rock through the entire case not just part of it and then drop you like a rock. Don’t be afraid to interview a few different lawyers and then hire the one that you are most comfortable with.
I personally do not find it funny to receive these kind of phone calls from clients of other Roseville Bankruptcy Lawyers.
Both the lawyer and client sign a responsibility form requiring both to stay in communication with each other. Not only is it ethically a problem for a lawyer not to call you back but it is also a breach of contract and the very forms that get filed with the bankruptcy court. Again, we hear these type of complaints all too often. The client of another lawyer will call Kain & Scott because their lawyer will not call them back.
When you interview lawyers to begin with, please check google reviews to see how the lawyer/law firm handles communication with their clients. If the reviews are not good, you know you should probably consider looking elsewhere.
Moral Of THe Story... Do Your Research
Don’t settle for professionals that treat you rudely. Don’t be the client of a another lawyer with a horror story. Do your homework before you hire a bankruptcy professional in Roseville, Minnesota. There are many very good bankruptcy lawyers in Roseville to choose from. Take your time researching on their website and looking at google client reviews before you hire a lawyer. If you spend time researching the lawyer, you will be less likely to have a horror story to share with us!
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Kain & Scott, P.A.100 South Fifth Street #1900
Minneapolis, MN 55402
(612) 843-0527