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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    Credit Unions and Cross-Collateralization With Vehicle Debt

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 29

    Cross-collateralization is a common practice used by credit unions, where one piece of collateral—such as your vehicle—secures multiple loans. This means if you have a car loan and later take out a personal loan from the same credit union, your car could be used as collateral for both debts. As a result, even if you pay off your car loan, the credit union may still hold the title to your vehicle until all other loans are repaid.

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    Student Loans and the CARES Act

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 28

    On March 27, 2020 the CARES Act was signed into law, which among many things, provided temporary student loan relief. This relief is only for federal student loan borrowers whose loans are held by the US Department of Education. This is an important point. Any private student loans are not affected by this Act, and continue to remain collectable.

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    What’s the deal with my credit score and credit report?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 27

    Your credit score is a number that measures how likely you are to repay loans on time. It essentially assesses the risk of an individual not being able to pay back that loan.

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    The Background Of Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 26

    The US Constitution authorizes Congress to enact uniform laws regarding bankruptcy. Congress created the Bankruptcy Code and the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure. The Code and Rules set forth the formal procedures and legal processes for individuals and entities experiencing debt.

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    How to file bankruptcy in Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 25

    Debt smothers the life out of you. Everything is dependent upon how much debt you have. Think about it, the kind of vehicle you drive, the kind of home you live in, and even the quality of food you eat is determined by the amount of debt you have. No wonder thousands of Minnesotans each year decide to get their lives back by ridding themselves of debt and repairing their credit using Kain & Scott’s FREE 90 Day Credit Repair Program.

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    How to summon the courage to file bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 24

    I wonder about this question a lot. If you think it doesn’t take courage to file bankruptcy, you have never done it. My mom used to say that about raising children. She would say, “if you think raising children is easy, you have never done it.” My mom was right about that! Let me ask you a question. When you go to the doctor, and get a physical, do you like doing so? Of course not. We humans are private people and we would prefer not to be exposed. And yet we still go to the doctor. Why? Because we want to protect our health.

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    Why Minnesotan's turn to Kain & Scott When They Need to File Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 23

    We know you would rather be fishing, going to the park, or spending time with your family rather than filing bankruptcy. Having debt problems cripples your life. Everything is seen through the prism of the debt you have. Can you purchase this? No, you have too much debt. Can you buy a house? No, you have too much debt. And so the story goes.

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    How to improve your credit using Kain Scott's Free Credit Repair Program

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 22

    At Kain & Scott, we have two jobs. One is to help our guests eliminate debt using either Chapter 7 Bankruptcy or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. Once the debt is eliminated, we do not leave our guests hanging. We go the distance with our guests.

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    What about my coronavirus stimulus check and bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 21

    On March 27, 2020, Congress passed, and the President signed into law the CARES Act, designed by Congress to address the pressing financial concerns facing Americans in light of the  Coronavirus pandemic.

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    What is income for bankruptcy purposes?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 20

    The preparation of bankruptcy petitions, schedules and statements, whether for a chapter 7 or a chapter 13 case involves an analysis of how much income is earned by the bankruptcy debtor or debtors.  It’s a factor in the determination of monthly income (the means test) and it’s a factor in scheduling an accurate budget in the bankruptcy schedules.

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    Stimulus Checks: What Does It Mean For Your Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 19

    The CARES Act passed last week by Congress authorized stimulus checks based on income for most Americans.

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    What happens to lawsuits in a bankruptcy case?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 18

    One leading reason for people to consider filing a bankruptcy case is becoming a defendant in a lawsuit.  In many cases, being served with a lawsuit is the “last straw” that makes people who have been trying to fight off their financial problems change course and decide to file a bankruptcy case.

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    What are the most common causes of bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 17

    Every single client has unique circumstances that brings them into our office. We fully understand that bankruptcy is not what people want to be doing and for that specific reasoning, they don’t want to be in our offices. Please make note, we will never judge you or your circumstances that brought you to us—we will simply help you in the most empathetic and professional way possible.

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    How can I build my credit score back up?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 16

    Whether it is after you have received a discharge in your bankruptcy or you are looking for ways to boost your credit score, you have come to the right place! Not only does Kain & Scott specialize in bankruptcy, we also have an in-office credit repair specialist that will make sure your credit report is clear and free of creditors! This is a program we offer free of charge after you receive your bankruptcy discharge.

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    Why do my payments change throughout my Chapter 13 bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 15

    On the surface, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be kind of a complex configuration of numbers and rules to understand. Our team at Kain & Scott is dedicated to complete transparency and communication with our clients—we want you to understand the ebb and flow of your chapter 13 bankruptcy case!

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 14

    If you need to file bankruptcy there is a certain way you would like to be treated by the professional you hire. You would like to be treated with kindness, helpfulness, professionalism, and yes, exceptional customer service. There is one bankruptcy law firm in Minnesota who delivers on these values; Kain & Scott.  These just happen to be the four values Kain & Scott lives by. Those values are the prism for how we hire employees, grade each other, and ultimately the test to see if you can continue to work at Kain & Scott.

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