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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    Filing Bankruptcy in MN? Hire a Minnesota Law Firm

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 15

    Doesn’t it sound strange to read this? I think it does. Wouldn’t it make sense if you wanted to file a bankruptcy in Minnesota to hire a Minnesota law firm? I think it makes perfect sense. I feel bad for Minnesotans who are solicited by out of state companies or “law firms” to file bankruptcy in Minnesota. You say wait, how does that work? Well, it starts with being very careful when you first communicate with someone about bankruptcy. It turns out, there are companies who solicit you to file bankruptcy in Minnesota by “signing you up” and then referring you back to a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney?

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    How To Clear Up Credit Reports After Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 14

    The world is not a perfect place. I am glad it isn’t. Otherwise, life would be very boring indeed! In a perfect world, your credit reports would magically be perfect after filing bankruptcy and receiving a discharge. That does not always occur.

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    Coronavirus and Bankruptcy: We Will Get Through This

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 13

    There are not too many global events that can affect us all like the Coronavirus can. You may not be personally afraid of the virus but if you are 75 years old and in a retirement home you may be scared to death. We have a collective responsibility to care for one another despite the cost in terms of money.  The Coronavirus has been no fun for anyone. We have literally thousands of scientists all over the world in search for a vaccine. I believe we will 100% have a vaccine for the Coronavirus, the question is when?

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    Life After Bankruptcy In Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 12

    What is life like after bankruptcy in Minnesota? Rarely does this topic get discussed in a blog format. There are all kinds of blogs discussing what to do before bankruptcy, which firm to use, and what bankruptcy is and how it works but very little is written about what really happens to you after bankruptcy is over.

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    The Best Birthday Gift To Give Yourself Is Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 11

    If you think I am kidding I am not. One of the best gifts you can give yourself is the gift of mental and physical health. There is no better way to protect your mental and physical health than to shed unwanted debt and repair your credit as fast as you can.

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    Never Do This On The Day You File Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 10

    There are things you should never do on the day you file bankruptcy. The date you file bankruptcy is a snapshot of your life that is disclosed to your creditors along with the bankruptcy trustee. From that date, we glean what are your assets and what are your debts. We also see from that date backwards what kind of payments you made to creditors and what kind of transactions you made.

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    Learn What To Expect From Your Free Bankruptcy Consultation

    Filing Bankruptcy For Yourself? You Have a Fool For A Client

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 9

    When I was in law school, they always told us the lawyer who tries to represent herself has a fool for a client. Same holds true for non-lawyers trying to represent themselves—especially in a mine laden area of law like bankruptcy. Let me ask you a question--- do you think a heart surgeon would do heart surgery on themselves? Of course not. Do you think a non-heart surgeon would do heart surgery on themselves? Of course not.

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    What is the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Estate

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 8

    The Bankruptcy Code provides that filing bankruptcy automatically creates a new legal entity called the bankruptcy “estate.”  The estate separates what property is owned by the individual after bankruptcy from what property is to be sold to pay creditors.  

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    Why Minnesotans Should Never Represent Themselves In Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 7

    When I was younger, I remember thinking to myself how much can I save if I do this myself? Sometimes, it made sense and often times it was a major mistake. For example, I remember one time thinking I can change oil in my go-cart right? Wrong! I am not making this up. I was in the process of changing oil on the go-cart when I turned the oil plug just a little too tight. I ended up stripping the oil plug threads. This little snafu cost me several hundred dollars. An oil change would have cost me 20-25 bucks max.

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    How To Choose Minnesota's Best Bankruptcy Law Firm

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 6

    When I hire professionals, I want the professionals who are not necessarily the “cheapest”, but I want to hire professionals that 1) know what they are doing, 2) treat me like a rock star, and 3) I never have communication problems with. How hard is this to do with bankruptcy lawyers in Minnesota? Harder than you think. The Google reviews are littered with reviews of either bad lawyering or bad communication from the lawyer and his/her staff. This is not right.

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    Should I File Bankruptcy or Tough It Out?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 5

    I feel terrible for people suffering from overwhelming debt. Every single one of us wants to pay our bills. I have never met a single person who did not want to pay their bills. Paying our bills is not the question. It is the lack of an ability to pay our bills that we are really discussing. And what it all comes down to is this very relevant question: Should you protect your family over your creditors or not?

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    What Is Life Like After Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 4

    In a word? Wonderful! Why? How can that be? What about my credit? What about my assets in bankruptcy? What about my pride? What if monkeys fly out of my butt? The reason I raise all these questions for you is I have high anxiety. There would be a never ending stream of questions and “what ifs” if I were considering filing bankruptcy. So, we totally understand how you feel right now. All of our current and former clients felt the same way. But what they found is that life on the other side of bankruptcy is wonderful.

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    What to avoid when filing bankruptcy in MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 3

    I remember hiring a lawyer one time. He was juggling many cases. We needed him to represent us in a legal matter that was not overly complicated but we did not have time to do it ourselves. Besides, we learned in law school, that a client who represents themselves has a fool for a client. It is hard to be emotionally detached from a matter and hand the legal matter yourself. That is why even lawyers hire lawyers to represent them.

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    Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Duluth, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 2

    A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is sometimes referred to as a “fresh start” bankruptcy. It’s like hitting the reset button and starting over again or taking a mulligan in golf. It is a wonderful tool that can be used by residents in and around Duluth, MN to get rid of unwanted debt. Each year many Duluth residents opt to get their lives back quickly and are now living without overwhelming debt.

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    What to do if your lawyer messed up your bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 1

    Unfortunately, we see situations like this all too frequently. We get people who call us up and say basically, can you help us with our bankruptcy? The attorney we hired goofed up and now will not call us back. You would be shocked at how many times Kain & Scott gets this type of phone call. I feel bad for these people but I also wonder, had these good people spent a few more minutes researching Minnesota bankruptcy attorneys, could they have found someone better?

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    Coronavirus, Debt And A New Start

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 30

    Raise your hand if you have been affected in some way by the Coronavirus? That will be all of us. Now raise your hand if you have been financially devastated by the Coronavirus? That is a lot of us. Now, raise your hand if you wanted to be negatively financially impacted by the Coronavirus? Of course you did not.

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