Why Minnesotans Should Never Represent Themselves In Bankruptcy

Posted by Wesley Scott on May 7, 2020 at 4:19 PM
Wesley Scott

Bankruptcy-Debt-ReliefWhen I was younger, I remember thinking to myself how much can I save if I do this myself? Sometimes, it made sense and often times it was a major mistake. For example, I remember one time thinking I can change oil in my go-cart right? Wrong! I am not making this up. I was in the process of changing oil on the go-cart when I turned the oil plug just a little too tight. I ended up stripping the oil plug threads. This little snafu cost me several hundred dollars. An oil change would have cost me 20-25 bucks max.

We get people all the time who tried to file their own bankruptcy and failed miserably. Folks, bankruptcy is too complicated for most lawyers. You certainly do not want to try and tackle something that is too complicated for most lawyers. We end up seeing these cases filed by Minnesotans without a lawyer and they are disasters. Sometimes, it makes sense to just dismiss the entire bankruptcy and start over. You wouldn’t do heart surgery on yourself would you? Of course not! The do not file bankruptcy yourself!

I used to sympathize with people who I saw try to traverse the dangerous bankruptcy waters. They would lose assets they didn’t have to lose and the trustees would prey on their lack of bankruptcy expertise.  I felt for them. The real issue is this—a good bankruptcy lawyer does not cost you money, they save you money! Bankruptcy involves your legal rights and is very intricate in how the Bankruptcy Code works. Heck, at Kain & Scott, we have a FREE 90 Day Credit Repair program (a $3,250.00 value for FREE!). It cost you money NOT to use Kain & Scott!

Call Now For A Free Strategy Session With A MN Bankruptcy Lawyer From Kain & Scott

When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to Minnesota’s ONLY bankruptcy law firm to help you a) get rid of debt and b) repair your credit using Kain & Scott’s FREE 90 Day Credit Repair Program by going to www.kainscott.com. You will be glad you did!


A word from Minnesota Bankruptcy Attorney, Wesley Scott



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