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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    How Many Times Can I File Bankruptcy in MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 9

    Just because one event in your life causes you to seek relief in bankruptcy that doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen again. Think about this. You start a business when you are 34. The business ends miserably and you discharge your liability on a large commercial lease, trade payables, and a bank loan in a bankruptcy. Next thing you know you are 48 years old, you suffer a heart attack and you were in the middle of switching jobs and got caught with no health insurance because the Cobra premium was insane and you could not afford it. What do medical bills from a heart attack look like without insurance? I bet the medical bills total 50k or more.

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    Coronavirus and Bankruptcy: Is There a Medical Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 8

    Every once in a while I get asked if there is such a thing as a medical bankruptcy? Well, not really. I mean yes, you can file bankruptcy on medical bills, but there is no “medical bankruptcy” in the sense that there is one particular bankruptcy that handles only medical bills and nothing else.

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    Why Minnesotan's Suffering With Debt Choose Kain & Scott

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 7

    Minnesotans who are suffering from debt problems go to Minnesota’s largest bankruptcy website: www.kainscott.com. When I am looking for information on a subject, I want the best information I can find. I don’t want to spend days skipping around websites trying to cobble together good information on bankruptcy in Minnesota. If you live in Minnesota and you are contemplating filing a bankruptcy in Minnesota, this is the website you want to go to.

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    Coronavirus, Business and Bankruptcy: What is Your passion?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 6

    All across Minnesota, there are tens of thousands of businesses that are suffering because of Coronavirus. Many of these business owners will face bankruptcy through no fault of their own. Who saw a pandemic coming 6 months ago? Even if you could have predicted the pandemic, what would you have done differently? Would it really have changed the course of events in a meaningful way?

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    Governor Walz Makes Kain & Scott Essential Business

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 5

    There are certain services that are considered essential even during a government ordered Coronavirus shelter in place order/lock down. Getting relief from your debts is one of them. Every Kain & Scott employee is consider an essential worker and will be in the trenches helping good Minnesotans just like you get out from under crippling debt.

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    Minnesotans Facing the CoronaVirus and Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 4

    Life is strange and very humbling. For so many of us, just a month ago we were riding stock market highs, good incomes, and plenty of toilet paper. And then, all of sudden someone shut the lights off and everything went dark. The Coronavirus doesn’t care about the economy or your health. It destroys anything in its path. What are Minnesotans to do who have never missed a monthly payment in their life who all of sudden have no income?

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    Learn What To Expect From Your Free Bankruptcy Consultation

    Minnesotans Who File Bankruptcy Go to LIFEBACKLAW.com

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 3

    I am an information junkie. If I am feeling a bit uneasy about a subject I want the most clear and understandable information on the subject so I can get clarity on, and fast. One of the wonderful things about www.lifebacklaw.com is it is written so that an eighth grader can understand it. That is exactly how I want my information on a subject that is a bit foreign to me. I want it so that even an eighth grader can understand it.

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    Bankruptcy Is Not The End, It's A New Beginning

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 2

    I totally understand the feeling of doom. We people who suffer from high anxiety are all too familiar with that feeling. Don’t ever try to rationalize anxiety because you cannot. If someone says they are afraid of a carrot, trust them, they are afraid of a carrot. And then, add anxiety to bankruptcy, and you get lift off. So many people view bankruptcy as a failure, the end to your credit, and really embarrassing. I totally understand these feelings. We know how you feel. Our formers guests all felt the same way. But what they found, is just the opposite is true.

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    Bankruptcy and COVID-19: What the Heck?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 1

    This virus has certainly caused tension and panic, which is very clear. However, Kain & Scott will remain open to answer any questions and to still continue to file Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies. We have had some concerns from current and future clients regarding filing a new case and what will happen with current ones. Below, we will provide some updates and continual assurance that we are here for you during this stressful time!

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    What if I want to pay my debt back?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 31

    We have had many clients that come into our office that are truly embarrassed that they have gotten themselves into the situation where they need to file for bankruptcy. You know what? Life does happen and it is going to be okay—we are here help you and never to judge you!

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    What if a creditor is not listed on my credit report?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 30

    In this fast paced world we live in many people rely on their credit reports or utilize tools such as Credit Karma to stay up-to-date with who and what is reporting on their credit. We certainly believe this to be an excellent practice, but also would like to provide a word of caution: not all creditors or debts will appear on your credit report.

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    Kain & Scott IS MN’s Highest Rated Bankruptcy Law Firm

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 29

    When you are in such a vulnerable position like our clients are when they make the decision to file for bankruptcy, the human touch is more important than ever. While any old attorney can file your bankruptcy, having your lawyer and their team wholeheartedly in your court is a rare phenomenon.

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    Completing Your Credit Counseling Courses

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 28

    No one is going to deny that there is a lot of complicated red tape that those who are filing for bankruptcy have to navigate. And, in addition to that red tape, a whole lot of hoops to jump through as well!

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    Why File Bankruptcy and Ignore Your Relatives

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 27

      We all have well-intentioned families. I have heard this a million times. “My dad says I should not file bankruptcy.” “My cousin Louis says I should not file bankruptcy.” “My brother says I should not file bankruptcy.”

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    Looking To File Bankruptcy? Hire Kain & Scott

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 26

     If you are looking to file bankruptcy in Minnesota, and you want the highest google reviewed bankruptcy law firm, you want Minnesota’s largest bankruptcy law firm, and you want Minnesota’s oldest bankruptcy law firm, you have all of these in one firm; Kain & Scott.

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    Kain & Scott: Minnesota's Bankruptcy Law Firm

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 25

    I don’t always root for underdogs. Why? I have a question for you: If you were having heart surgery and I told you, you have a choice between two doctors. The first doctor is a foot and ankle doctor, a family general practitioner and a part time heart doctor. The second doctor has been doing 100% heart surgeries for decades and that’s all she does. Which doctor would you choose to perform your heart surgery? Of course you would pick the second doctor. I would too! There are certain things you just don’t mess around with right? I mean your cousin might say hey, go see Ralph Malph the general doctor and part time heart surgeon but maybe you should consider doing some research yourself.

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