Why Minnesotan's turn to Kain & Scott When They Need to File Bankruptcy

Posted by Wesley Scott on April 23, 2020 at 12:42 PM
Wesley Scott

We know you would rather be fishing, going to the park, or spending time with your family rather than filing bankruptcy. Having debt problems cripples your life. Everything is seen through the prism of the debt you have. Can you purchase this? No, you have too much debt. Can you buy a house? No, you have too much debt. And so the story goes.

But if you have to file bankruptcy, wouldn’t you rather hire a Minnesota bankruptcy law firm that is kind, helpful, professional, and delivers exceptional customer service? I know I would. If I were facing bankruptcy, I would want the lawyer to be very nice to me and empathize with what I am going through. I mean how hard is it for a professional to reach out and be kind, helpful, professional, and deliver exceptional customer service?

You would be shocked to see the lack of kindness, helpfulness, professionalism, and especially the lack of customer service in law firms in Minnesota. It is really appalling. In fact, so much of what we see from other “professionals” and hear from our guests who have been to other “professionals” is a shocking lack of empathy and honestly, treating you like a widget on an assembly line.

Human beings are not widgets on an assembly line. We are humans with feelings and needs. And when we humans fall down (and we all do), we want other humans to help us in a human way.  Trust me, we know the level of service you get from other lawyers because our guests tell us about the lack of service. I also know the level of service you get from Kain & Scott and it is far superior to what you receive anywhere else.

Call Now For A Free Strategy Session With A MN Bankruptcy Lawyer 

When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to Minnesota’s NICEST bankruptcy law firm guaranteed or 100% off your fees*™ by going to www.kainscott.com. You will be so glad you did!


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