Welcome To The MN Bankruptcy Blog

Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Where Can I Find a Bankruptcy Attorney Near Me in Brainerd, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 30

    There are many lawyers in and around Brainerd, MN. However, there is only one law firm that is in Brainerd, MN and whose practice is dedicated 100% to the practice of Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy. Why is that important to you? Let me ask you a question. Would you want an eye doctor to perform heart surgery on you? Of course not. Would you want a foot doctor to perform heart surgery on you? Of course not. Would you like a doctor who does heart, eye, and foot surgery on your heart? Of course not. You want a heart surgeon that does only heart surgery to do your heart surgery right? Of course.

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    How Can I Find a Bankruptcy Attorney Near Me in Duluth, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 29

    Hi! I am Wes Scott, the managing partner at Kain & Scott. When you do a Google search, the title of this blog strikes at the intention of most searchers on Google. You may not be looking for a “bankruptcy attorney near me in Duluth, MN” but my point is how often have you added those words in a Google search, “near me”? A lot right? Well, if you are suffering with a debt problem in Duluth, MN, you have come to the right place. Kain & Scott is located in Duluth and we staff our Duluth office with real people during our stated hours on our Google Map listing.

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    Trouble Finding a Good "Bankruptcy Attorney Near me" in Roseville, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 28

    The title of this blog strikes at the intention of most Google searchers in Roseville, MN looking for a bankruptcy attorney. How often have you caught yourself Googling something “near me”? I know I have a lot. Now wouldn’t it be nice if that Google search pulled up results that reflected real-life? Like, wouldn’t it be great if I searched “Roseville, MN bankruptcy attorney near me” that the search results actually produced results including “a bankruptcy attorney near me”?

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    Can I Find Bankruptcy Help Near Me in Rochester, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 23

    Having debt is no fun. We all want to pay our bills as they become due. Yet, if you live in Rochester, Minnesota and you are suffering with not just debt, but crippling debt, bankruptcy offers a chance to get your life back sooner than later. At the end of the day, every one of us is the same. We all want to pay our bills; but, if you put me in a position where I am forced to choose between my family and my creditors, my family should and must win.

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    The Best Website for Information on Filing Bankruptcy in Eden Prairie

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 22

    When I research a topic, I really get annoyed at reviewing a website that doesn’t give me thoughtful and meaningful information. When I land on a website that provides useful and actionable information, I am super happy! When you are researching a topic and become frustrated because the information you are coming across is trying to use a gimmick to get you to call the law firm, you should know that they are not really committed to helping you.

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    I Failed the Bankruptcy Means Test: Now What? Part 1

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 21

    The Bankruptcy Means Test is a legislative attempt at a formula that measures the ability of debtors to repay unsecured creditors over a period of time. The means test is a backward-looking litmus test using mathematical computations to help the court determine if the debtor is abusing the system by filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The objective of the bankruptcy means test was to remove judicial discretion from the process of determining if the abuse exists.

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    Life After Bankruptcy Chapter 13 in Duluth, MN: Julie's Story

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 18

    We’ve used a different name to protect her anonymity, but let’s call her Julie. Julie is a single woman who lives in Duluth, MN. She is highly successful and earns quite a bit of money. But like many of us, Julie suffers with short bouts of depression from time to time. When she goes through these bouts of depression her credit card use can get out of control. She gambles and buys things she often does not even need. In the end, her credit card debt simply got too high for her to manage by herself. That is when Julie called Kain & Scott, P.A.

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    Where Can I Find the Best Bankruptcy Information in Eagan, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 17

    If you're like me, when I am looking for information on a subject I am not looking for “gimmicky” websites or superficial information. I am looking for heartfelt good information on the subject I am researching. The same is true for bankruptcy information. If you are researching Chapter 7 or 13 Bankruptcy information in Eagan, Minnesota, you want great information on what is a Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, what is the bankruptcy process and what is it like, and what are the bankruptcy fees in one spot. If this is what you are looking for you will be happy to learn that www.kainscott.com is Eagan, MN’s largest bankruptcy website.

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    Will I Lose My Car If I File Bankruptcy in Eagan, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 16

    Many Eagan, Minnesota residents want to know, can I lose my car if I file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? This question really is a two-part question. First, can you lose your car if you file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy when you are in an agreement with an auto lender? Second, can you lose your car in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy as a decision by your Chapter 7 trustee?

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    What Kind of Bankruptcy Should I File? Comparing C13 and C7 Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 15

    If you live in or around Eden Prairie, Minnesota there is an easy way to determine if you file bankruptcy, which Chapter you will end up in. For those of you who have the ability to make a payment back to your creditors, you must do so. For those of you who cannot make a payment back to your creditors you likely will not be doing so.

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    3 Steps for Choosing a Bankruptcy Lawyer in Roseville, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 14

    If you are looking for a bankruptcy lawyer, a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy law firm in Roseville, Minnesota, there are some things you need to be aware of. Before scheduling an appointment with a law firm, you should really take 5 minutes to research the law firm you're interested in. 5 minutes could save you a lot of head ache down the road. You don’t want to be like a client who says, “I only wish I would have read more reviews on the firm before scheduling an appointment.” We hear this all the time from clients who were dissatisfied with other law firms.

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    Why You Should Read Law Firm Reviews Carefully Before Filing Bankruptcy in Roseville, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 11

    The single biggest complaint we receive from clients who used other law firms and had a bad experience with them, is this: “I wish I would have read more reviews BEFORE scheduling an appointment with the law firm.” In other words, had prospective clients simply taken a few more minutes to read, like binge read, the law firm’s Google reviews, the client would never have scheduled an appointment with the law firm to begin with and would have avoided a lot of pain. I feel bad for these clients.

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    How to Spot a Fake Law Firm Advertising Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 10

    Unfortunately, there are some law firms that lease a small space, stick a Google Map Listing on it, and call it a law office. In reality, these small spaces are occupied by someone from the law firm very sparingly. A prospective client looking at their advertisement and seeing their business hours may think the law firm has a formidable presence in Eden Prairie, when they do not. It is designed to be a mirage. A bait and switch if you will; to draw you into calling that law firm first and not someone else.

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    What Are Non-Exempt Assets in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 9

    When you file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy with the bankruptcy court, you are invoking the power of the court to put into place an immediate court order restricting your creditors from collecting from you on most pre-petition debts. It is an awesome power debtors have. The focus in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is primarily on debtor’s assets. Debtor(s) are required to fully disclose all their assets wherever located in the world. The purpose of this is to show a Chapter 7 trustee, and creditors, what debtor owns for assets and are those assets exempt or non-exempt?

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    Should I Stop Paying My Bills Before Bankruptcy in Minnesota?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 8

    One of the most common questions from our bankruptcy clients that we encounter daily is “Can I stop paying my bills?” The answer is an emphatic “YES!” In fact, not only CAN you stop paying your bills, but you SHOULD stop paying your bills!

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    What Is Life After Filing Bankruptcy in Eden Prairie, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 8

    I am high anxiety. I totally understand the anxiety of bankruptcy and the thought of filing bankruptcy. And yet, hundreds of thousands of Americans muscle their way through the bankruptcy process each year. In Minnesota, on an average year, over 13,000 Minnesotans file bankruptcy and get on with their lives. Right, now, as you read this blog there are thousands of Minnesotans just like you contemplating the thought of filing bankruptcy or who are actually in the process of filing bankruptcy and getting their lives back.

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