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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.



    Posted by Col Ovik on April 15

    Provided under 26 U.S.C. § 6334, certain property claimed as exempt on the bankruptcy schedules are exempt from IRS liens. The Bankruptcy Code does not require debtors to include the exempted amount in an IRS allowed secured claim. 

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    Am I Allowed to Financially Support Others During my Personal Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Saint Paul, Minnesota?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 13

    A chapter 13 bankruptcy is a great way for Minnesotans struggling with their finances to manage their debts. In a chapter 13 bankruptcy case the debtor (what you call a person who files for bankruptcy) pays as much as they can afford, each month, in a 3 to 5 year repayment plan, after which they receive a discharge of their remaining debts.

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    When Should You Take Insurance off of Surrendered Property in bankruptcy in Minneapolis

    Posted by Amanda Scharber on April 11

    If you are planning on surrendering secured property in your bankruptcy case, it likely has crossed your mind as to when you should take the insurance policy off. 

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    Should I Use Credit Cards and Pay Creditors Before Filing for Bankruptcy in Saint Paul, Minnesota?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 9

    Filing for bankruptcy helps thousands of Minnesotans deal with, and eliminate, debt, each year. Many people contemplating filing for bankruptcy often wonder if they should be paying back their creditors and using their credit cards up until when their bankruptcy is filed. The short answer is, “no,” as using credit and paying back creditors does not benefit a person who will be filing for bankruptcy. In fact, doing this can actually cause issues in that person’s bankruptcy case. 

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    Adjusting Your Tax Withholdings after Filing a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in St. Paul, Minnesota

    Posted by Danielle Lin on April 7

    Filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a helpful tool to deal with overwhelming debt. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows a debtor to pay as much as they can afford in a three to five year repayment plan. After three to five years, a debtor will receive a bankruptcy discharge of their remaining debts. How much a debtor pays each month, is impacted by their monthly expenses and the deductions from their paystubs. Federal exemptions can protect certain assets, including tax refunds, in bankruptcy.

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    How the Bankruptcy Automatic Stay Protects People from their Creditors in Saint Paul Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 5

    Bankruptcy is very often the very best way for an individual to deal with their debts and regain control of their financial circumstances. Both chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy cases often afford a great deal of relief to debtors (what you call people who file a bankruptcy case).  In both types of cases, the debtor is protected against most types of debt collection actions that could be taken by their creditors. This protection from creditors begins immediately from the very day a debtor’s chapter 13 or chapter 7 case is filed and typically lasts through their entire case, with certain limited exceptions. The automatic stay against creditors is one reason why filing for bankruptcy is usually the best tool a person can use to take care of their debt problem.

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    Can I Keep the Furniture I am Financing After I File for Bankruptcy, in St. Paul, Minnesota?

    Posted by Danielle Lin on April 3

    Filing for bankruptcy often raises questions about the fate of your possessions, especially financed furniture. If you’re wondering, “Can I keep the furniture I am financing after I file bankruptcy in St. Paul, Minnesota?” – the answer is often yes, but it depends on several factors. This comprehensive guide will help you understand your rights and options regarding financed furniture during bankruptcy.

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 1

    Unfortunately, I have witnessed the carnage that can occur when someone thinks it is a good idea to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy on your own. I feel bad for people who do this. I feel worse for people when I see the looks on their face when they realize what deep trouble they are in because they thought they could save a few dollars bypassing a good bankruptcy law firm, and in the end, that desire costs them far more than a good bankruptcy lawyer. Oh sure, there are software programs out there and organizations that crow about filing bankruptcy yourself. Some of these organizations are even non-profit and I think mean well.

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    Filing Taxes After Bankruptcy in St. Paul, Minnesota

    Posted by Danielle Lin on March 31

    After a debtor files for bankruptcy, the automatic stay immediately goes into effect; the IRS will be stopped from any collection efforts on a debtor’s tax debt. In order for a debtor to qualify for a bankruptcy discharge, the debtor must have filed tax returns at least two years prior to the filing of their bankruptcy case. The debtor also must have income tax debt that is at least three years old, and the debtor’s tax debt must have been assessed by the IRS 240 or more days before the debtor’s bankruptcy case was filed. Whether or not a debtor’s tax debt is discharged through their bankruptcy depends on when the tax debt was incurred.
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    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 29

         You got the headline right. If you live in Minneapolis, MN and you are thinking about debt consolidation vs bankruptcy, forget debt consolidation right now. I feel bad for people suffering with debt. I know you want to pay the debt, we all do. But, debt consolidation is a waste of time, energy, and money. First, who do you trust to help you with this? Many of the “debt consolidation” companies are owned by the credit card companies so who do you think they are there to help?

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    Missing a Mortgage Payment in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in St. Paul, Minnesota

    Posted by Danielle Lin on March 26

    A Chapter 13 bankruptcy provides a debtor with a fresh start by allowing the debtor to make monthly payments to the bankruptcy trustee in a 3-5 year repayment plan to pay back a small portion of their debts, after which they will receive a discharge of the remaining debt that remains unpaid. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows a homeowner to cure mortgage arrears (past due mortgage payments). However, debtors must pay future monthly mortgage payments on time during a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, in order to avoid a foreclosure of their house.

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 24

         How do you file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Minneapolis, MN by relaxing? Easy, you reach out to LifeBack Law Firm! At LifeBack Law Firm, we do most of the work while you relax. At LifeBack Law Firm, we pamper our clients who have suffered enough as it is. Here is the thing, at LifeBack, we have no bankruptcy worksheets to fill out. We pull asset and credit reports for you and gather much of the information that is needed to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Minneapolis. 

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    Can I Get Rid of Civil or Criminal Fines and Penalties if I file for Bankruptcy in Saint Paul, Minnesota?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 17


    Whether a person files a chapter 13 or chapter 7 bankruptcy case in Minnesota, they are afforded a tremendous amount of relief and protection from their creditors. In a chapter 13 case, the debtor (what you call someone who files a bankruptcy case) pays as much as they can afford in a three to five year repayment plan, after which they receive a discharge of their debts.
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    What Happens if I File a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and Become Unable to Continue Making Payments in Saint Paul Minnesota?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 14

    Filing a chapter 13 bankruptcy is a great way for many Minnesotans to deal with their creditors and get rid of debt.  In a chapter 13 bankruptcy, the debtor (the legal term for a person who files a bankruptcy case) makes monthly payments to their creditors in a three to five year repayment plan, after which they receive a discharge of their remaining debt. 

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    What Will Happen to My Retirement Loan in My Minneapolis, Minnesota Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Amanda Scharber on March 13


    If you have a retirement loan and are wondering what will happen to it within bankruptcy, you have come to the right place. You may be wondering whether you will have to continue paying it or if your liability will be included in the debts you will discharge. 
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    Do I Need to Sign a Reaffirmation Agreement to Keep My Car if I File a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case in Saint Paul, Minnesota?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 10

    When a person files a chapter 7 bankruptcy case in Minnesota, they can choose what to do with their secured debts such as home mortgages and car loans.

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