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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    William Kain

    William Kain
    I have been practicing law for over 30 years, more than 20 of those have been with Kain & Scott, P.A. I continue to enjoy helping those who fall into unfortunate financial situations get back on their feet. St. Cloud is the community where I live, work and play, and I take great pride in helping and supporting my fellow community members in their time of need.
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    Recent Posts

    How to File for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

    Posted by William Kain on September 23

    If you’re filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Minnesota, you may be aware of the stress and time-commitment required when filing your bankruptcy petition without an attorney. But did you know that with the wrong bankruptcy attorney the process can still be long, difficult, and stressful?

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    What is a Priority Creditor - Part 2

    Posted by William Kain on September 21

    Last week, I wrote about priority debt - the type of unsecured debt that Congress decides should take priority over general unsecured debt in a bankruptcy case. Holding priority debt can be very beneficial for creditors, since in a chapter 7 case, all priority debt is paid, in full (if there are sufficient funds available) before any general unsecured debt is paid, and in a chapter 13 case, all priority debt must be paid in full in order for a chapter 13 plan to get confirmed and for the chapter 13 debtor to receive a discharge.

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    What is a Priority Creditor?

    Posted by William Kain on September 14

    When the lawyers at Kain & Scott file bankruptcy cases, one of our jobs is to “classify” debt. There are three classes of debt in bankruptcy cases: unsecured, secured and priority.

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    What Happens If You Transfer Money Prior To Filing Bankruptcy?

    Posted by William Kain on September 8

    Last week, I wrote about a common concern that people have when thinking about a bankruptcy filing: the entanglement of family members in the potential client’s financial affairs. I wrote about the effect a bankruptcy has on a non-filing spouse and the issues in bankruptcy that come up when a relative has co-signed on a financial obligation with a bankruptcy debtor.

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    How Can I Keep My Family Out Of My Bankruptcy?

    Posted by William Kain on September 7

    Most of the people that I see at my office who are experiencing financial problems are feeling a significant amount of stress about their money problems. And many of the people with whom I meet are concerned about what will happen to family members if they choose to file bankruptcy. The concerns come from many fact situations.

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    Why Filing Chapter 7 Could Save Your Life

    Posted by William Kain on August 25

    Filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy turns lives around by eliminating debt. Our clients are proof that by filing Chapter 7 you can get a fresh start and be free from the burden of debt that is holding them back financially, emotionally and even physically. Dealing with debt problems is a heavy burden to bear and it often causes stress and anxiety. The American Psychological Association’s annual stress survey revealed that approximately one-quarter of Americans experience high levels of stress with concerns about money, jobs and the economy being named as the top sources of stress for many. Unfortunately, unpaid bills can harm your health, arguably even more than it harms your credit rating.

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    When Should I File for Bankruptcy?

    Posted by William Kain on August 14

    Answering the question, “When should I file for bankruptcy” is a difficult thing to do when you are immersed in the overwhelming stress caused by debt. Worrying about how you will pay your bills and take care of your family, while dealing with aggressive debt collectors and threatening lawsuits, can quickly take its toll. This is precisely when you should meet with an experienced bankruptcy attorney. Doing so before things get out of hand and you are tempted to do something drastic will payoff in the long run.

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    What Are The Requirments to File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

    Posted by William Kain on August 14

    When I meet with clients who are facing financial difficulty, I tell them that the first thing we have to decide is if they need to do something to resolve their debt issues, other than just using the same debt reduction strategies that they’ve been using up until the time we met. For the vast majority of the people I meet with, the answer to that question is yes - the reason they are in my office is that they don’t see a good financial outcome by maintaining the status quo.

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    The Requirements To File A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

    Posted by William Kain on August 12

    Last week I wrote about the Requirements to File a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case. I wrote who (or what) can file chapter 7 case, the means testing requirement involved in chapter 7 cases, and the requirement that a chapter 7 debtor have a credit counseling briefing prior to filing a chapter 7 case. This week, I will look at the question that, while it does not come up often, can be quite important in the few cases where it is an issue: the venue of the bankruptcy case. Then I will write about what a chapter 7 debtor has to do to obtain a discharge.

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    Inheritances in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

    Posted by William Kain on August 10

    The clients with whom I meet to discuss filing bankruptcy come in all ages, and genders. Some of my clients are very low-income wage earners; others have fairly high salaries. But my clients have one thing in common: they haven’t had very much good luck financially. For many of these people, filing a bankruptcy case, whether under chapter 7 or chapter 13, is the best option they have to resolve their financial issues. For a small percentage of these people who file bankruptcy cases, the years of bad luck that they experienced prior to filing is changed suddenly when they learn that they will inherit money or property from a deceased loved-one’s estate.

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    Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

    Posted by William Kain on August 2

    When you make the decision to file for bankruptcy in Minnesota, you are making the decision to erase your debts and change your life for good. But knowing which type of bankruptcy to file – Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 – can be confusing. Each type has the power to erase your debts and which is right for you is determined by your unique financial situation.

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    What Happens After Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

    Posted by William Kain on August 1

    You’ve taken a major step in regaining your financial freedom by filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Congratulations on being well on your way to becoming free from debt!

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    Choosing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Minnesota Family Shares Their Story

    Posted by William Kain on July 29

    We see individuals and families of all shapes and sizes in need of help due to financial instability and hardship. In order to portray the “true story” of filing bankruptcy in Minnesota we want to share some of our experiences with people just like you, looking for a way out of debt and a fresh start. We are going to add generalizations and change the personal details for privacy purposes. However, many debtors experience similar situations and circumstances, so these stories are likely shared by many.

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    Escape Debt Danger With The Best Bankruptcy Lawyers in Woodbury, MN

    Posted by William Kain on July 23

    Does your debt make you feel like you are walking on a tightrope without a safety net? Are you in constant danger of falling further behind on your bills as you struggle living paycheck-to-paycheck?

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    MN Bankruptcy Lawyer Explains: What Happens When You Default On Credit

    Posted by William Kain on July 18

    Most of the potential clients our MN Bankruptcy Lawyers meet with at Kain & Scott have defaulted on at least one of the accounts they hold. For many of the people I meet, they have been able to stay current on some accounts, but because of their financial circumstances, they have not been able to maintain current payments on all of their accounts.

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    Do Debt Consolidation Loans Actually Work?

    Posted by William Kain on July 16

    There are many situations in which debt consolidation loans can be used and applied. In some situations a debt consolidation loan will benefit your financial situation, and in others it will not. Determining the best solution suited for your specific situation can be tricky, and I highly recommend discussing with a legal professional or financial advisor before taking action.

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