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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 18

    In a world full of confusion, wouldn’t it be nice just to have some straight forward facts about Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? I think so too. So, what follows are facts about Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.

    First, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is on your credit report for 10 years- period. Second, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy improves your credit profile. Why? Because you have no debt! Think about it- if you are a bank would you lend someone money who is in debt say 100k in credit card debt? Hardly. Now, would you lend the same person money if they had no debt? Why not!? They have no debt!

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    The Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Process in Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 16

    In many ways, federal and state laws outside bankruptcy are very pro-creditor. For example, a moneylender in Minnesota may begin the auto repossession process after just one late payment. Most creditors will try to work something out with the borrower before they resort to repossession. But, there are no guarantees. The same thing applies to late mortgage or rent payments.

    In these situations, Minneapolis families basically have two options. First, they can hope that the moneylender shows some degree of patience and mercy. Second, they can take control of their finances and begin the Chapter 13 bankruptcy process in Minnesota.

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    The Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Process

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 15

    Since the early 1800s, the Supreme Court has consistently held that bankruptcy is designed to give honest but unfortunate debtors a fresh start. Many notable individuals and businesses, from Henry Ford in the early 1900s to General Motors in the early 2000s, have used bankruptcy to get this fresh start. You can do the same thing.

    From start to finish, the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process usually takes a little less than a year. A lot of things happen in these nine or ten months. This post highlights some of the key points.

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    How Can A Minnesota Bankruptcy Save My House?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 13

    In many cases, a mortgage lender begins home foreclosure proceedings after just two missed payments. Sometimes the Minnesota lender is a little more patient, but that’s certainly not true in all cases.

    Pre-foreclosure basically starts a financial landslide. The moneylender usually sends an acceleration notice very early in the process. Once the lender issues that notice, the bank no longer accepts partial payments. So, the homeowner goes further and further into delinquency with each passing week.

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    What Happens When You File Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 12

    The first thing that happens when you file bankruptcy is you feel an immediate sense of relief. Why? Because as soon as you file a bankruptcy, your creditors are banned from contacting you to collect on a pre-existing debt. There is peace in the valley, your phones no longer lite up and your mail box is full of junk mail - NOT bills!

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    How To Get 100% Debt Relief In Less Than Four Months

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 11

    If I told you there was a way to get 100% debt relief in less than four months would you believe me? Well you should! Because at Kain & Scott our Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyers help people do it everyday. Not only that we help them repair their credit - fast! Here's how... 

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    Learn What To Expect From Your Free Bankruptcy Consultation

    Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filing Fees And Payment Plans

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 8

    Considering Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, but wondering how much it costs and how to pay for it? At Kain & Scott, we offer affordable bankruptcy and easy payment plans.

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    Finding An Awesome St Paul Bankruptcy Law Firm

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 7

    If you were looking for an awesome heart surgeon in St Paul, you would want to find the most experienced you can find, wouldn’t you? Well, the same thing is true if you were looking for an awesome St Paul Bankruptcy Law Firm. Not only do you want one that's experienced on your side, but one that's kind, helpful and professional.

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    How Does Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Affect My Credit Score?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 6

    Many people believe that if you file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy you will ruin your credit forever and you can basically forget about ever getting credit again. This is complete and utter nonsense and here's two reasons why...

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 5

    What are the main differences between a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?  Sometimes, it helps to peel the onion back, layer by layer, and go back to the basics. What are the primary differences between a Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy? We will leave the question of which one you should file for a different day.

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 4

    It seems like such a simple question doesn’t it? What is a creditor? A creditor is someone who you either owe money to or claims you owe money to.

    For example, you might have a 10k balance on your Master Card account. Master Card is a creditor of yours. You owe them 10k and they would like you to pay them 10k.

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 3

    If you are living in or around Woodbury, MN and suffering from overwhelming debt, you are not alone. Each year, more than 15,000 Minnesotans file for bankruptcy protection because the debt simply becomes unmanageable. Suffering from overwhelming debt is mentally and physically stressful. If you find yourself in this position, there are a few things to do right now.

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    Why Most Minnesotans File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy In Minneapolis

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 2

    At Lifeback Law, we have been at filing Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies for a very long time. In fact, we have been filing bankruptcies since 1972. Kain & Scott is Minnesota’s oldest bankruptcy law firm. Throughout these many decades we have seen a thing or two as to what causes our guests in Minneapolis, Minnesota to file chapter 7 bankruptcy.

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 1

    Ah the great state of Minnesota in the summer. Fishing, barbeques, fireworks, the sound of loons. I love it. But, if you are suffering from overwhelming debt in Minnesota, these things may not have the same meaning for you. It’s hard to enjoy Minnesota summers when all you can think about is your overwhelming debt.

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    (Video) The One Regret You Will Have About Filing Bankruptcy In Woodbury

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 29

    Kain & Scott has been helping Minnesotans get their life back since 1972! We have seen and heard just about everything you can imagine when it relates to debt, how people feel about it and how it affects peoples’ mental and physical health. The apprehension people feel about filing bankruptcy is real. And yet, the vast majority never regret filing bankruptcy.

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    What Are The Duties Of Minneapolis Bankruptcy Trustees?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 28

    Bankruptcy is quite unlike other civil cases in Minnesota. In a divorce or commercial dispute, the judge controls almost everything that goes on in the case. But in a bankruptcy, the debtor may not ever even see the judge. In fact, it’s not uncommon for the debtor never to even go in a courtroom.

    Instead, the trustee has day-to-day responsibilities in terms of case management. These responsibilities vary significantly between a Chapter 7 and a Chapter 13. However, the trustee’s overall role in a Minnesota bankruptcy remains the same. The trustee, who is not a judge and may not even be a lawyer, must do what is in the best interests of the creditors. The trustee is not on your side. That’s your lawyer’s job.

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