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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    What Really Happens When You File Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 13

    So you decided to file bankruptcy, and get your life back. You have resolved yourself to the fact that of all the options available to you, filing for bankruptcy, getting a fresh start, makes the most sense. I am really proud of you and honor your courage and anxiety! There is a lot of fear about filing bankruptcy. You wonder what people will think of you, what will they ask you and if you have to go to court?

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    Buying a House After Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 12

    For many people, the thought of buying a house after bankruptcy is one of the reasons why they want to avoid filing for relief from their debts. They assume that once they file bankruptcy they will not be able to obtain any type of credit, including a mortgage, because of the bankruptcy.  Unfortunately, this fear keeps some people from filing a bankruptcy case or delays the decision to file bankruptcy until matters are much worse.  The bankruptcy myth that a debtor will never qualify to buy a house after bankruptcy is simply that — a myth.  

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 11

    In the last few blogs, I’ve written about the choices people who are in a chapter 13 bankruptcy case have when, for whatever reason, the chapter 13 plan payments have become difficult to afford.  I wrote about simply catching up on past-due payments, or setting up a structured repayment plan, called a cure order, when the financial problem facing a chapter 13 debtor is temporary.  In my last blog, I looked at plan modification, a restructuring of the chapter 13 plan, in cases where post-bankruptcy-filing financial problems are more permanent and profound.

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 10

    I am a proponent of erring on the side of filing bankruptcy. Why? Because hitting the reset button is good for you mentally and physically. Who among us wants to live with overwhelming debt that results in stress and worry that sometimes doesn’t end for years? Not me. I have high anxiety. I don’t necessarily mind problems, but I cannot have no solutions. I also don’t want solutions that delay getting relief. For, me delayed relief from a problem, is no relief.

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    (Video) Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 9

    If you live and work around Woodbury, Minnesota, and you are contemplating filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, there are some things you should know. Sometimes things are not how they appear at first sight. Have you ever had the experience of thinking in your mind something was going to be really scary and then you did it, and found out it wasn’t as scary as you thought. Heck- you might have even enjoyed yourself a little!?

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    Tips for Designing a Successful Chapter 13 Repayment Plan

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 8

    Individuals who desire to reorganize their debts under Chapter 13 of the United States Bankruptcy Code must file a proposed Chapter 13 repayment plan. As part of the Chapter 13 repayment plan, you will propose to the court and your creditors how you intend to repay your debts (often times unsecured debts only get paid pennies on the dollar-and the balance owed gets discharge, i.e. wiped out, tax free). In order to be eligible to file a Chapter 13 case, you must have a regular source of monthly income, such as wages from employment or income from self-employment, social security, pension or other reliable source that can be verified by the court. Some debtors may be able to demonstrate regular assistance from family members to satisfy the income requirements to file for Chapter 13 relief.

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    Learn What To Expect From Your Free Bankruptcy Consultation

    How to Reach Short Term Financial Goals After Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 7

    If you have filed bankruptcy, you have taken the first step toward recovering and rebuilding your finances. Bankruptcy gives you a fresh start, and one of the best ways to regain strong financial health is to set short term financial goals.

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 6

    I am starting to see a disturbing trend occur in the legal field. Some law firms seem to think they can hire non lawyers to do lawyer’s jobs. Thing is- we lawyers are licensed to give legal advice to clients, non-lawyers are not.

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 5

    The idea of bankruptcy for most is a scary proposition. But once you find out how it works, it softens the blow. For me, bankruptcy is a business tool, as Trump would say, to solve a business problem. That is, bankruptcy is a tool, to solve an overwhelming debt problem. Okay, well how does it solve the overwhelming debt problem?

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    Download our Free Debt Solutions Comparison Chart


    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 4

    It is sad for me to watch as some law firms protect their bottom line over the interest of the clients. If you think this doesn’t happen in Minnesota, think again. There is one firm, that rhymes with locker, that has five lawyers and five paralegals. Now, this firm advertises for Minnesota guests to come in to see them for a free “bankruptcy analysis”.

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    (Video) What Makes Kain & Scott MN's Best Bankruptcy Law Firm?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 3

    I have a cynical personality. I don’t trust easily and I want proof of statements made. Sound like you too? I think many of us are a bit cynical. Now, you shouldn’t be like my grandpa who was so cynical that he didn’t trust anyone. But a healthy dose of cynicism in the market place is ok! When you are looking for an awesome bankruptcy lawyer is Minnesota, look no further than Kain & Scott. Why? Here is the proof!

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    (Video) Chapter Bankruptcy 13 Facts

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 2

    What is a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy? How does it work? How does it look on my credit? These are all wonderful questions with straight forward answers. Here are some Chapter 13 facts you will find useful.

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    Creditor Harassment - What are Creditor Limitations?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 28

    Scared to answer the phone or open your “overdue” stamped mail? Worried about going to work and your boss calling you into his office to talk about your financial situation? Concerned about walking to the parking garage and not finding your car in its spot because it has been towed?

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    Does A Minnesota Bankruptcy Clear Tax Debt?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 21

    Each year, the federal government collects over $3 trillion in individual income taxes. Some people may think that’s because taxes are so high. That probably has something to do with it. The country’s high voluntary compliance rate (82 percent) may have even more to do with it.

    But it’s not all good news. A lot of money, some $320 billion according to the IRS, goes uncollected. The Service states that the main problems are underreported income, underpayment of taxes, and nonfiling. The IRS has a lot of resources with which to collect this money. Even in the downsized IRS, there are agents and accountants whose sole job responsibility is collecting that unpaid tax. These individuals have a lot of tools at their disposal. In most cases, the IRS does not need a court order to garnish wages, file property liens, or even garnish bank accounts.

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 20

    From the oldest bankruptcy law firm in Minnesota, since 1972, comes Kain & Scott to explain what you need to know about filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. Very few people realize the government actually has a government sponsored debt consolidation plan. It’s called a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. And if you knew how it works, no one would do traditional debt consolidation.

    Here is what you need to know about filing a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy:

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 19

    Have you ever had a bad thing happen to you? Of course right? Have you ever had a bad thing happen to you twice? Of course right? Bad things happen to good people. Businesses fail, incomes drop, medical problems happen, relationships break up, we all make bad financial decisions, so what right?

    Sometimes, life deals you a blow and you may need to file another bankruptcy.  You can file another Chapter 7 Bankruptcy 8 years after you filed your previous Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Section 727 of the Bankruptcy Code limits you to filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy every 8 years. It used to be every 6 years until the Republicans changed the law in 2005.

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