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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    Does Bankruptcy Clear Minnesota State Tax Debt?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 7

    Lawmakers in St. Paul may spend much of 2018 wrestling with a projected $188 million shortfall. While not a staggering sum, the state will surely look for new revenue sources before it trims services. So, expect the Department of Revenue to be even more aggressive than usual in collecting past-due income taxes. That’s especially true for older delinquent accounts which have not seen much activity lately.

    These tactics are actually good news for Minnesota taxpayers looking to discharge their tax debts in bankruptcy. As set out below, the Bankruptcy Code sets out very specific rules in this area. Taxing authorities strictly adhere to these rules and almost never grant exceptions.

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 2

    If you live in Bloomington, Minnesota and are considering filing a bankruptcy this is a lesson in buyer beware! At Kain & Scott our Bloomington Bankruptcy Lawyers have seen several bankruptcy services advertised on park benches, back pages of newspapers, and from out of state companies. Take our word for it, here’s the main thing you need to watch out for…

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    How Often Can You File Bankruptcy in St Cloud, Minnesota?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 1

    It can happen to any one of us. One catastrophe can happen after another. You might have started a business 10 years ago that failed miserably right? That caused the first bankruptcy. 5 years ago you might have been diagnosed with brain cancer. While you beat it, the illness left you with an insurmountable pile of medical debt. That led to the 2nd bankruptcy… Now what?

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 28

    There are some universal truths in the world. These are things that always apply no matter what. When you are contemplating filing a bankruptcy in St Paul, Minnesota, I can tell you there are 2 things you should NEVER do before filing bankruptcy.

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    (Video) Are St Paul Minnesota Bankruptcy Records Public?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 23

    Yes, bankruptcy records are public information in general. It’s no different than your divorce records or criminal records which are public too. But, when is the last time you went down to Ramsey County and checked out your neighbor’s criminal or divorce records? Likely never right?

    Most people have too many concerns and worries in the world themselves- they don’t have time to worry about someone else’s problems, because they have enough problems themselves.

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 16

    There are a lot of talking heads on tv and the radio who will tell you to try and avoid filing bankruptcy. I say nuts! I say you should err on the side of filing bankruptcy and getting your life back. Why? Look, we all want to pay our bills okay, so can we just take that off the table right now? If you could pay your bills, you wouldn’t be reading this blog! Am I right?

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    Learn What To Expect From Your Free Bankruptcy Consultation


    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 15

    I am amazed at the number of Americans that don’t know the government actually has a government sponsored debt consolidation plan for you! It’s called a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and it is amazing! The number of benefits of being in a government sponsored debt consolidation plan cannot be understated.

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 14

    Once you have made the decision to get your life back, by filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, you want to know how long is this going to take to get your life back right? When people make up their minds to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, they are so excited to get their lives back they always want to know when? When do I get my life back, improve my credit profile, and live for the future!

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    (Video) 3 Reasons Why Debt Consolidation Sucks - Minneapolis Bankruptcy Does Not

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 13

    Yes, I know, there are better words in the English dictionary than ‘bankruptcy”. But, not filing bankruptcy is even worse! Don’t believe me, let’s talk. My opinion has always been the same, Minneapolis, Minnesotan’s should err on the side of Minneapolis Bankruptcy. Debt consolidation sucks. Why? Well, there are numerous reasons why debt consolidation sucks, but here are three.

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    2 Things All St Cloud Minnesota Bankruptcy Clients Should Know

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 12

    Filing Bankruptcy in St Cloud is about getting your life back sooner than later. Any delay in getting your life back means that your family is drowning in debt when there are life jackets back at the cabin that could have been used to save your life! We know how humbling the “b” word can be. We respect the courage and anxiety it takes for to reach out for help. There are 2 things that every St Cloud Minnesota Bankruptcy client must know.

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    (Video) Common Fears Associated With Filing Bankruptcy In Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 1

    If you live in Minnesota and you are contemplating filing a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, you might feel nervous about doing so. After all, you don’t file bankruptcy every day. You will have a lot of questions about doing so. You may feel nervous about filing bankruptcy.

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    Are Bankruptcy Records Public In Minnesota?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 25

    Although some bankruptcy filing records are public record, there are several very good reasons why that partial disclosure should not deter people from filing bankruptcy. Overall, bankruptcy filings are down significantly. In September 2017, consumer filings reached a ten-year low. However, many observers do not expect the downward trend to last. Instead, Northwestern University bankruptcy professor Bruce Markell expects rising interest rates to drive the number of filings back up, as distressed consumers will no longer be able to borrow their way out of financial jams in such an environment.

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    Filing Bankruptcy In Minnesota? Please Be Aware of Scammers!

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 12

    If you are a resident of Minnesota, be careful about getting sucked into using services of an out of state marketing company, or out of state law firm trying to help you File Bankruptcy in MinnesotaSome of these companies have www.glassdoor.com reviews from their former employees that are scathing.

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    How Much Does It Cost To File Bankruptcy in St Paul, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 11

    Does it seem like an oxy-moron to you that a person who has debt has to pay for St Paul Bankruptcy Lawyer? I know, I used to feel the same way. It seems like when you are broke, there would be no way to pay for fees to begin with. However, when you are no longer paying on debt, that will typically create some room to pay for fees.

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    Can Bankruptcy Be Filed On Medical Debt In Edina, Minnesota?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 10

    Medical bills are the worst kind of debt there is. They are impossible to predict and certainly not preventable. I have a relative who is a young woman who has brain cancer. Do you have any idea how huge the medical bills are for something like this? That is not to mention the amount of other debt incurred along with medical bills.

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    How Long Does Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Stay On My Credit Report?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 9

    Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Roseville, Minnesota is a life changing event. To me, there is no better way to get your life back than to push the reset button and move on with your life. Living with overwhelming debt is terrible and very stressful. Living without overwhelming debt is beautiful and happy. Still, the question remains- how long will this affect me? How long will a Chapter 7 filing remain on my credit in Roseville?

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