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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    (Video) Can Bankruptcy Stop Foreclosure In Bloomington?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 8

    It can happen to anyone. You fall behind on your mortgage payments and you start to panic. And trust me, there are not many things that can make you panic like the thought of losing your Bloomington home because you fell behind on the payments. However, with Bankruptcy you are in luck. Bankruptcy stops foreclosure and here's how...

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    Everything You'll Want To Know About Filing Bankruptcy in Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 6

    At Kain & Scott, our team of bankruptcy specialists are out in the real-world talking to real people about bankruptcy every day. After thousands of conversations with Minnesota residents, there are certain questions that come up over and over again in our discussions that, although the answers have a significant impact on the lives of those who are Filing Bankruptcy seem to be off-limits and therefore never addressed on most bankruptcy websites.

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    (Video) What Bankruptcy Should I File In Monticello, Minnesota?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 5

    So, you live in or around Monticello, Minnesota and you know you need to file bankruptcy but you are not sure which bankruptcy you need to file. There are some simple questions to ask to figure out which bankruptcy makes sense for you.

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    (Video) Minnesotan Clients Choose Kain & Scott To File Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 4

    Why do Minnesotans choose Kain & Scott to file bankruptcy? Simple. Kain & Scott has the best customer service experience than any other bankruptcy law firm in Minnesota. But, don’t take my word for it, read what our former and current guests say about us online with google reviews. Kain & Scott is Minnesota’s highest Google reviewed bankruptcy law firm- period.

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    How Do I Know If I Should File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy In St Cloud, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 3

    It’s a simple question isn’t it? I mean how do you really know if you should stop paying your bills and push the reset button? You will hear so many financial “gurus” tell you to try and avoid bankruptcy. I think these people are nuts. In fact, I would tell to you to err on the side of filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and getting your life back. Why? Simple. Life is short. Do you want to be bogged down in debt for eternity with crappy credit anyway or do you want to live for the future, know you can pay your bills on time, and seek a new life?

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    (Video) Can Bankruptcy Clear Medical Debt In St Cloud, Minnesota?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 2

    There is nothing worse than medical debt. Why? Because it is so unpredictable and uncontrollable. It’s one thing to have to go through a surgery or awful illness but it is even worse when you sit back, hopefully healthy again, and receive all of the medical bills from the illness or surgery.

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    (Video) Are Bankruptcy Filings Published In The St Cloud, MN Newspaper?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 26

    One of the common concerns that our Minnesota guests have is will my bankruptcy be published in the St Cloud, MN newspaper? I get this. When you are knee deep in debt you feel like a loser- you don’t want anyone else knowing what you are going through lest they judge you, right?

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    Become Debt-Free in 2018 with Minnesota Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 22

    Did 2017 wreak havoc on your finances? 2018 is almost here; while you’re stocking up on champagne, decorations, and party hats to ring in the new year, you probably can’t believe that 2017 has come and gone so quickly. As you sit down to write out your resolutions for 2018, have you thought about what you can do in the New Year to finally get rid of your debt for good?

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    Your Biggest Minnesota Bankruptcy Questions, Answered

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 14

    As Minnesota’s oldest bankruptcy law firm, we’ve heard every bankruptcy question in the book over the last 50 years of helping Minnesotans erase their debt.

    Here are some of your biggest Minnesota bankruptcy questions, answered:

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    Should I be Considering Bankruptcy if I’m Current on all my Payments?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 11

    I get this question a lot. When is the right time to think about bankruptcy? Should I even be considering it if I’m current with everything? I think it really depends on circumstances and if you can project what the next couple of months forward will look like.

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    How Does Wage Garnishment Work in Maple Grove, Minnesota?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 6

    Wage garnishment is often one of the most pressing concerns for our potential clients in Maple Grove, Minnesota. They want to know if creditors can garnish their wages, and if so, when it will happen and how much they can take. Unfortunately, under Minnesota state law, creditors can garnish your wages because creditors have the right to seize any available non-exempt property, and that includes a portion of your wages. But there are things you can do to prevent or stop wage garnishments, and we will discuss the collection process and how you can stop it below.

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    How Long Does Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Stay On Your Credit Report In Monticello, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on November 29

    It is a question we get a lot. How long will a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy stay on my credit report? The answer is 10 years- and that is a certainty. However, that does not mean that you will not get credit for 10 years. Quite the contrary. You see eliminating debt is always a good thing for your credit profile. Getting rid of debt, tax free, and going through Kain & Scott’s FREE 90-Day credit Repair Program improves our guest’s credit profiles to a point much better than before they did either.

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    The Role of a Trustee in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on November 20

    If you’re considering filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Minnesota, you probably already know how important an experienced Minnesota bankruptcy attorney is to your case (and for reasons why Kain & Scott are the best bankruptcy law firm in Minnesota to handle your Chapter 7 bankruptcy, see below!)

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    Be Aware of the Benefits and Dangers of Debt Consolidation Loans

    Posted by Wesley Scott on November 19

    The economy is tough, and many people are looking for ways to help them manage and eliminate debt. With the rising cost of living, it can be tough for many consumers to even make the minimum payments each month on credit cards, charge cards and loan payments. If you are one of these people, there are several options available to you. One of those options is combining a lot of small debts into larger debt consolidation loans. However, before you make any decisions regarding your credit and debt situation, you should know how debt consolidation loans work. Having all the facts can help you choose the right option for your personal situation and avoid any unmanageable circumstances.

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    (Video) St Cloud Bankruptcy: How Much Does It Cost To File Chapter 7?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on November 13

    One of the most common question we get at Kain & Scott in St Cloud is, "How much does St Cloud Bankruptcy cost? Obviously, if you are suffering from overwhelming debt, you don’t have gobs of money laying around and this is a legitimate concern. However, filing bankruptcy can be more affordable than you would think. Let's discuss:

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    Twelve Years After the BAPCPA

    Posted by Wesley Scott on November 9

    For those of us who were practicing law at the time, the month of October, 2005 is very memorable. It was October 17, 2005 that the provisions of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act went into effect - the most sweeping change in bankruptcy law since the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978.

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