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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    Completing Your Credit Counseling Course

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 20

     A mandatory step during a bankruptcy filing is the completion of a U.S. Trustee certified credit counseling course. Many people worry about this –is it a test? A class they must attend? I have even had one client ask if the credit counseling is a punishment!

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    Don’t Fall for Debt Consolidation - Here's Why...

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 17

    We’ve all seen or heard commercials advertising debt consolidation as the ideal way to escape financial difficulty. Have trouble paying your bills? Call us to fix all your problems! But while the actors in these commercials are overjoyed after one call, debt consolidation often is not a long term solution.

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    The Most Common Post-Filing Concerns

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 16

    Even when you have all your ducks in a row, life tends to throw a goose in the mix. Our instinct is to panic or get angry but if this happens to you after you’ve filed you can be assured that we’ve got your back! Here are some of the most common post-filing obstacles that we can help with!

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    The Road After Your Review & Sign

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 15

    You’ve just completed your review & sign appointment. You’ve gone through your petition with a Kain & Scott attorney and verified all the schedules and information is true and correct. The I’s have been dotted; the t’s have been crossed. But we’re not quite done.

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    Why a Credit Report is Important

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 14

    If you have ever had a credit card, loan, or a debt collection, you are likely to have a credit report. A credit report is one of the most important documents of your financial life. A credit report is a compilation of information about how much debt you’ve accumulated, how you pay your bills, where you live, where you work, whether you’ve filed bankruptcy or had a lawsuit judgment entered against you, and whether you’ve had a home foreclosed or vehicle possessed. If it sound like a credit report contains a lot of information, it does. An annual credit report can be over 100 pages long.

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    How To “Shop” For A Bankruptcy Attorney

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 13

    Many times the most frustrating (and counter-intuitive) part of bankruptcy is fees. I have to pay to file bankruptcy?! It feels like finding attorneys or law firms who aren’t trying to kick you when you are already down is a hell of a lot harder than it should be. Most firms bill you by the hour and demand a thousand dollars or more down up front before your case is even filed. Other firms will charge you for an initial consultation appointment. 50 bucks for them to tell you that you may not even qualify for a bankruptcy discharge?!

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    What Should I Wear to a 341 Meeting?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 10

    Clients often wonder how much they should dress up for their 341 meeting, also called the meeting of creditors. Though the meeting does not take place in court, meetings with the trustee are often held in a courthouse or other government building. Clients want to make sure they are making the right impression, which generally means dressing business casual.

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    Are Student Loans Dischargeable Through Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 9

    In general, student loan debt is not dischargeable in bankruptcy. The Bankruptcy Code prohibits the discharge of student loans in almost every instance. This boggles the mind given how burdensome student loan debt is to so many Americans, but student loans are not currently covered in bankruptcy.

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    Minnesota Vs Federal Bankruptcy Exemptions

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 8

    When filing for bankruptcy, debtors are able to exempt certain assets from the bankruptcy. In other words, there are some assets a debtor can definitely keep in a bankruptcy, be it a home, car, personal belongings, or other property, up to a certain amount of value. In Minnesota, bankruptcy filers can choose to take state or federal exemptions, but not both. Depending on the asset, the state or the federal exemption will be more generous. The exemptions change periodically to adjust for inflation.

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    Credit After Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 7

     Many people fear that filing bankruptcy means they will never be able to get a loan again—their credit will be ruined and they can kiss any future large purchases goodbye. Not so. Bankruptcy certainly affects credit, but the effects are not overwhelmingly dire, nor irreversible.

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    Nondischargeable Debts in Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 6

    A discharge is a court order stating that a debtor is relieved of paying his or her debts. This is the aim of bankruptcy. Bankruptcy does not discharge every type of debt, however, so if you are having trouble paying any of the following debts, bankruptcy may not be right for you.

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    The Bank Statements Bankruptcy Trustees Want To see

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 24

    An important category of documents needed for a 341 meeting is bank statements. The trustee wants to see statements from any kind of account you had on the day you filed for bankruptcy, even if the account had zero dollars in it. The trustee needs statements from every account listed in the bankruptcy petition.

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    Types Of Bankruptcies You Can File In Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 23

    Four types of bankruptcy are available under federal law. They are each intended for different types of debtors and are outlined in Chapter 7, 11, 12, and 13 of the Bankruptcy Code.

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    Common Financial Hardships Leading To Bankruptcy In MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 22

    There are countless hurdles in life that can push us into financial hardship and no one’s journey to and through bankruptcy is exactly the same. But there do tend to be unavoidable similarities in many cases: drop in income, the dissolution of a relationship, and medical debt are facts of life for many of our clients.

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    How To Remove Judgments After Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 18

    Judgments are issued when a creditor or debt collector takes you to court for the debt that you owe. A summons is sent to you and if you do not respond to that summons or if you lose the case, the court will issue a judgment in favor of the creditor.

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    Everything You Need To Know About Kain & Scotts credit Repair Program

    Posted by Wesley Scott on April 17

    Kain & Scott offers a FREE 90-day Credit Repair Program for all of our clients who file a Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy through us. A Credit Repair Specialist can help you start rebuilding your credit as efficiently as possible. The program’s services can be performed at any time, but are free for the first 90 days after discharge.

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