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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    Looking For The Best St Paul, MN Bankruptcy Law Firm?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 10

    There are a lot of people in St Paul, Minnesota who are unfortunately suffering from debt needlessly. When you reach that point where you can no longer take it, you start Googling the best St. Paul, MN bankruptcy law firms. Here is what you will find.

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    Live in Mankato, MN and Worried About Filing Chapter 7?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 8

    I like to remember what Eleanor Roosevelt used to say—do something that scares you every day. I like this advice but it is easier said than done. This is especially true when it comes to the “b” word. Who dreams of filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? No one? But at the same time—who dreams of having a root canal or a divorce, or a failed business, or hey your job just went overseas, do you mind? If life were perfect we would all be robots and things would be tediously boring.

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    I Filed Chapter 7 in St Paul, MN and Got My Life Back!

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 7

    These are words we hear all the time from residents of St. Paul, Minnesota who file bankruptcy, get rid of their debt and go through Kain & Scott’s FREE 90-Day Credit Repair Program! You would think people would regret filing bankruptcy right? You would be 100% wrong! People not only don’t regret filing bankruptcy, they really regret waiting so long to file bankruptcy!

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    The Road to Getting Your Life Back Together

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 6

    People who have never had the burden of overwhelming debt love to spout clichés like “money can’t buy happiness” in an attempt to “comfort” their friends and family who are going through financial hardships.

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    What Can Prevent My Bankruptcy From Being Discharged?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 5

    It is uncommon but not unheard of –being denied a bankruptcy discharge. Most clients will never have to worry about discharge denial. A more everyday problem for filers tends to be worrying about non-dischargeable debts which is an altogether different beast.

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    Dealing With Wage Garnishments in Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 4

    A very real concern of our clients and of debtors in general is the possibility of a wage garnishment. This is when a creditor begins collections on a judgment against a debtor by withholding up to (but never more than) 25% of the debtor’s paycheck to pay off their debt.

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    Learn What To Expect From Your Free Bankruptcy Consultation

    Receiving Your Sign-Up Documents

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 3

    Some of the most important documents that you will get from us will be the sign-up packet received after your initial consultation. If one of our attorney’s recommends bankruptcy for your situation, they will provide you with all of the documents you will need to 1) retain our services and 2) prepare for your second meeting with us: the review & sign.

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    Suffering From Debt? Skip Debt Consolidation - Here's Why

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 31

    Not many people know about a government sponsored debt consolidation plan available to most Americans. If people who are now laboring through traditional debt consolidation plans knew about this government sponsored debt consolidation plan, they would cry tears of joy and here is why.

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    The #1 Concern People Have Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in St Paul

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 30

    How does filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy affect my future credit? This is the number #1 concern people have filing bankruptcy in St. Paul, MN and across the state of Minnesota. The myth—you file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and you ruin your credit for life and beyond. Why is this a myth? Well because it is not true and because what you think happens does not. In fact, it is just the opposite.

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    Getting the Most of Your Kain & Scott Team

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 29

    Some clients feel uncomfortable or embarrassed talking to Kain & Scott team members other than their attorney. We understand this hesitation. This process is a stressful time and speaking directly with your attorney can help to alleviate some of that tension. But we want you to know that our whole team can help to offer that reassurance as well!

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    What You Should Know: “Reaffirmation Agreement”

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 28

    Chances are if you have a secured debt listed on your bankruptcy (i.e. vehicle, second or third mortgage) you will be sent what is called a reaffirmation agreement from the lender. What this is, essentially, is a way for creditors to protect themselves from a total loss. Theoretically, you could simply stop making payments, surrender the collateral, and then have that debt discharged through your bankruptcy –a definite hit to the creditor.

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    Before You File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in St Paul - READ THIS

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 27

    Don’t get me wrong, filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is going to be the best thing you have ever done. Solving a debt problem for good feels amazing. So what is the thing you need to look out for? Unfortunately, there are people who prey on people who are in debt. They play on your fears and tug at your heart strings.

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    Things To Ponder Before Your Initial Consultation

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 24

    Knowing just what to expect can go a long way towards easing any nerves that come with meeting a bankruptcy attorney. If you have never filed for bankruptcy before, you may not have a single clue as to what a consultation will entail.

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    I’ve Filed For Bankruptcy Before, Can I File Again?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 23

    The answer is yes! Life can hit you in unexpected ways and sometimes the hits keep coming. A number of our clients have filed for bankruptcy multiple times –and filed with our law firm multiple times.

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    Challenging the Stigma of Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 22

    When my cousin was lamenting over his finances at our last family get together, I made the (apparent) mistake of asking why he doesn’t consider talking to a bankruptcy attorney. He was aghast –eyes like saucers, jaw practically on the floor, “Oh no, no, no.” And, since the holiday had been dull so far –I challenged him. “Why not?”

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    What You Should Know: ‘Automatic Stay’

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 21

    One of the most important terms and concepts for debtors during bankruptcy is “automatic stay.” The automatic stay is a big old stop sign between you and your creditors. For either a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13, from the time of filing to the time of discharge the automatic stay stops creditors from collecting on your debts with them.

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