Welcome To The MN Bankruptcy Blog

Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    Don’t Hire an Out-of-State Firm

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 12

    Are you a Minnesota resident looking into debt relief options and wondering where the heck to even start? You have probably Googled “bankruptcy attorney” until you are blue in the face trying to decipher the difference between law firms and services. And, if you are like me, you are probably reasoning –“well, a big nationwide firm has to be successful and know what they are doing to have so many locations all over the place.”

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    One St Paul WOmens Chapter 7 Horror Story & How To Avoid Her Mistake!

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 2

    Bonnie was in over her head with debts. She was suffering needlessly. So she did some on-line research and made a phone call to an out of state “law firm” that said they do bankruptcy work. She spoke to a sales person who was not a lawyer. The sales person said she could file Chapter 7 bankruptcy but before the case got filed she would have to make monthly payments and pay the fee in full before they filed her case.

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    The Single Biggest Benefit Of Filing Chapter 7 In St Paul

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 28

    We humans worry all the time. We worry about what happened in the past, what is happening now, and what will happen in the future. And then, we change a fact or two and run through the same worries over and over again. Is this true or what? We need to learn to relax and understand that life is a series of events, some good, and some downright ugly. But, we need to learn to go through these events with grace and dignity. Trust me, I am high anxiety. I know what it is like not to go through ugly events with grace and dignity.

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    The Pros and Cons of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 27

    Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a repayment plan that sets up debtors with a payment plan to pay off some of or all of their overwhelming debt. It is a longer term commitment than a Chapter 7, lasting 3-5 years as opposed to 3-6 months and that tends to make potential filers balk at filing a Chapter 13.

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    Making Sure You're Always in The Loop At Kain & Scott

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 25

    What truly sets Kain & Scott apart from every other bankruptcy law firm is our follow through. What we want for our clients is a fresh start, an optimistic future, and to be able to provide them with the resources to do just that. In addition to our 90-day free credit repair program after your discharge and our exclusive list of Minnesota professionals, Kain & Scott also offers everyone the opportunity to sign-up to be a part of our e-mailing list.

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    Qualifying for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 23

    There are two types of personal bankruptcies: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Depending on your individual situation, you may or may not qualify for one chapter or the other. Determining which chapter you qualify for with the help and guidance of a Kain & Scott attorney is an important step towards making the decision to file for bankruptcy.

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    Learn What To Expect From Your Free Bankruptcy Consultation

    Bankruptcy in Minnesota - Step By Step

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 22

    Despite all of the differences between Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the processes to get your case filed and on its way to a discharge are almost identical –even though the time-frame for each chapter is vastly different.

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    The Pros & Cons of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 21

    When weight your debt relief options listing out the pros and cons is a visually helpful way to make a decision as you are doing your research. Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy each have their own sets of benefits and challenges.

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    Kain & Scott From The Clients Perspective

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 20

    If I’m looking to make a big purchase, the first thing I do is scroll on down to the product reviews. What do people actually think? What problems have they had? How many people have actually bought this? How many people liked it enough to leave reviews? How many people hated it enough to leave reviews?

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    Can I Stop A Wage Garnishment in St Paul, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 19

    It has to be one of the most anxiety producing events in our client’s lives. You come home and open up the mail only to find a wage garnishment which has been mailed to your employer. What are you to do? Where are you to turn to? This is definitely one of the scarier events that can happen to anyone of our guests.

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    Life After Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in St Paul, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 18

    It is never what you think it will be. What people think will happen to their credit after bankruptcy is not really what happens. Many people think that if they file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, they can forget about credit for the rest of their lives--forget about being able to finance a home, car, or anything else.

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    How Does Bankruptcy Effect My Co-Debtors?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 15

    Many times applying for a loan or looking for an apartment, you are required to have someone co-sign. A co-signer can be a spouse, a parent, or a friend that agrees to be liable for the debt if the primary signer fails to make payments for whatever reason.

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    A Transitional Period for Kain & Scott

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 14

    There is no doubt that our firm is going through a huge transitional period and, if you are a current client or even a potential client that can make you a little wary. With a new location in Duluth popping up, two attorney’s welcoming new additions to their families, a rapidly growing Kain & Scott team, and all of our attorney traveling back and forth to satellite locations, one can worry about getting lost in the shuffle.

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    WATCH OUT FOR THIS When Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in St Paul, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 13

    The humility of being alive. Businesses fail, incomes drop, medical problems occur, relationships break up and yes we all make bad financial decisions. When you need to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy watch out for those people who try to prey on your weakness.

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    Can I File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Rochester, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 12

    People often want to know if they qualify to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Rochester, Minnesota.  The answer hinges on the answer to a couple of questions. For example, the Bankruptcy Code precludes people from filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy (and receiving a discharge) if they have previously filed Chapter 7 or 13 Bankruptcy and received a bankruptcy discharge in a certain period of time.

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    Kain & Scott’s NEW Permanent Duluth Location!

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 11

    One of our goals here at Kain & Scott is to be as accessible to as many Minnesotans as possible. We do this in a variety of difference ways. We offer alternatives to in-person appointments like over-the-phone, Skype, or Facetime.

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