Getting Ahead of Your Debt in Minnesota

Posted by Wesley Scott on July 15, 2019 at 12:34 PM
Wesley Scott

Is Chapter 13 the right choice?Debt is a rip tide. You are swimming perfectly fine one minute and the next you are swept out to sea, no help in sigh, and growing ever more exhausted trying to keep your head above water. Debt seems perfectly manageable until all at once it’s not. Most times this is because of something completely out of your control. Job loss, medical procedure, vehicle accident. All it takes is one lone incident for the tide of debt to pull you far, far away from dry land.

It is near impossible to predict when or if your debt will suddenly become too much to manage and not many choose to file for bankruptcy before their debt becomes unbearable. Bankruptcy is always seen as a dead last resort.

What we hear from our clients though, should make us reevaluate that. Time and time again our clients tell us, “I only regret not filing for bankruptcy sooner.” Before the piling up of bills, before the harassing creditor calls, before having to make the choice between rent or groceries, before the current came and took them away.

While, yes, you can never be sure when the debt is going to become unbearable, or when life is going to pull the rug from beneath your feet, you may have an inkling. Maybe your budget is getting a little tighter than you are comfortable with, or you have noticed creeping interest rates on some of your debts. Maybe you are just plain sick of that unsecured personal loan with the insane interest rate bogging you down.

You have the power to be proactive with your debt –to get ahead of it –to give yourself a lifejacket! Requesting a consultation with Kain & Scott is absolutely free and no obligation. Explore your options and schedule an appointment today.


Don’t feel trapped by your debt. Consult with a Kain & Scott attorney by requesting an appointment at

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