Welcome To The MN Bankruptcy Blog

Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    How Does a Minnesota Bankruptcy Protect My Assets?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 16

    We know how hard you have worked for everything that you have. Those household luxuries that most take for granted mean so much more than their material cost. They are comfort and memories. This is especially true for those who are suffering from overwhelming debt.

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    Preparing to File Your Bankruptcy With Kain & Scott

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 13

    One of the most important documents that you will receive from our office after you have had your initial consultation is a personalized document checklist. Based off of your conversation with one of our attorneys, a checklist will be drawn up for you to take home.

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    You Are Not Alone With Your Kain & Scott Team!

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 12

    Bankruptcy can feel lonely. No one talks about it. No one wants to admit they are in an active bankruptcy or have filed for bankruptcy in the past. Many filers feel that their only lifeline during this difficult time is their attorney. And, let’s be honest, most attorneys don’t exactly have what we call “bedside manner.” This doesn’t really help with the “lonely” feeling.

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    Expect the Best with Kain & Scott

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 11

    I am the type of person who does not like the unexpected. Before I do anything, I want to know: what is the plan? What can I expect? When, where, and how are things going to happen? Whether it is a night out with friends or an important doctor’s appointment, I need to know what is going on!

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    Best Bankruptcy Law Firm in Rochester, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 10

    If you are looking for the best bankruptcy law firm in Rochester, MN, you found it! Ok, I know, we are tooting our own horn which can come off as unseemly. But, what if I told you we are not the ones tooting our own horn? What if I told you that your own family and friends in Rochester, MN voted Kain & Scott not only Rochester’s, but Minnesota’s BEST bankruptcy law firm by making Kain & Scott the HIGHEST Google reviewed bankruptcy law firm!? It is true, and the benefits you!

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    Are You Afraid To File Bankruptcy in Rochester, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 9

    At Kain & Scott we understand how terrifying it is for guests to face the prospect of a bankruptcy. Most of us have some level of anxiety in general. But, when it comes to bankruptcy, and the thought of filing one, most of our anxiety levels would shoot the moon. Why? Why is it that people are afraid to face bankruptcy if they need to do so to protect their family?

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    Learn What To Expect From Your Free Bankruptcy Consultation

    There Is NO Shame in Getting Your Life Back

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 7

    One of the most powerful human motivators is shame. Shame can drive you to make choices you might not have wanted to. Shame can also keep you from making the choices that are in your best interest. Typically, people believe that filing for bankruptcy is shameful. Bankruptcy is something to be hidden and locked away and never spoken about.

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    How Bankruptcy Can Protect What Matters Most

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 6

    Many people who don’t understand bankruptcy believe that bankruptcy means loss. They think that bankruptcy means losing all of your material things: your home, vehicles, and your stuff. They also tend to think that bankruptcy means losing non­-material things: your pride, your dignity, and your financial security.

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    A Debt “Solution” to Avoid: Debt Consolidation

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 5

    A day ago, I had a conversation with a new client and it started out with a simple statement: “My wife and I are currently working with a debt relief company but it doesn’t seem to be working. We are $40,000 in debt now.”

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    The Difference Between Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy in Rochester, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 4

    Many people in Rochester know they need to file bankruptcy, but they are not always confident they know the difference between Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy. I am going to explain the basic differences between a Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy so it is easily understandable.

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    Want To File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Rochester, MN? Do This Now

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 3

    If you are contemplating filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in or near Rochester, MN, do this now! Go now to www.kainscott.com and either set up a FREE strategy session to learn how you can resolve a debt problem for good or spend time researching Minnesota’s LARGEST bankruptcy website. You could literally read at www.kainscott.com for days and still not finish reading everything there is to read about bankruptcy that we have produced or written.

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    Looking For The Best Bankruptcy Law Firm in Rochester, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 2

    By the time you finish reading this blog it will be clear to you which firm is the best bankruptcy firm in Rochester, MN. If you spend 15 minutes on these questions, you are going to find an awesome Rochester, MN bankruptcy law firm.

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    What is a Bankruptcy Going to Cost Me?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on November 28

    Most people’s bottom line is cost. When researching potential bankruptcy attorneys, it is an obvious deciding factor. How much is this entire process going to cost? Or maybe, what is going to be the cost if I do not go through with the process?

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    When is the Right Time to File For Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on November 27

    “Timing is everything.” We have all heard the old adage. We have agreed with it at some point in our lives and rolled our eyes at it during others. Regardless of how one feels about the phrase, it certainly rings true when deciding at what point one should take the plunge and file for bankruptcy. By filing at the wrong time you may be taking needless risks with your money and assets by filing too late or not gaining all the benefits you could be by filing too early.

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    Modifying, Amending, or Converting Your Bankruptcy Case

    Posted by Wesley Scott on November 26

    Change is healthy (and inevitable) fact of life. It can be welcome or not, it can be wonderful or it can be terrible. The bottom line is that we are all going to experience it in our lives –a lot!

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    When Minnesotans Need to File Chapter 7 or 13 Bankruptcy, They Turn To Kain & Scott

    Posted by Wesley Scott on November 25

    When I need professional help of any kind, I turn to professionals. I always use a three prong approach for choosing a professional. Number 1—I want a professional who is experienced and really is the authority on the subject. Number 2—I want a professional who has awesome communication skills. I don’t baby sit professionals and neither should you. Number 3—I expect the professional to be kind to me, always—even if I am under stress and ask numerous questions, which I will.

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