Are You Afraid To File Bankruptcy in Rochester, MN

Posted by Wesley Scott on December 9, 2019 at 1:09 PM
Wesley Scott

biggest-bankruptcy-regrets-in-minnesotaAt Kain & Scott we understand how terrifying it is for guests to face the prospect of a bankruptcy. Most of us have some level of anxiety in general. But, when it comes to bankruptcy, and the thought of filing one, most of our anxiety levels would shoot the moon. Why? Why is it that people are afraid to face bankruptcy if they need to do so to protect their family?

I think on some level the creditors of the world have sold the “shame” of filing bankruptcy to the general public. You know, you have heard people say, oh bankruptcy, I would never do that or I pay my bills I don’t know what to think about people who file bankruptcy or some other version of this. I think creditors have done a nice job of “selling” this social norm to us. However, how many of us know a business that filed bankruptcy? A lot! How many of us know of a bank that no longer exists or has filed bankruptcy? A lot of us.

You see, even the creditors selling this phobia of filing bankruptcy file bankruptcy themselves. When a business or bank files a bankruptcy do you think the business sees it as a social or emotional failure? Heck no, they see it as a prudent business move. Well if it is a prudent and savvy business move for them why not for your family too?

Let me ask you a simple question—why do you go to the doctor or bring a child to the doctor? To get better right? Well, sometimes, are family finances are sick and need healing too. Do you feel bad if your daughter has to go to the doctor to get the medicine for your daughter to feel better? Of course not. Then why feel bad if you take medicine to make your finances feel better?


When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to Minnesota’s HIGHEST GOOGLE reviewed bankruptcy law firm at You will be so glad you did!


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