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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    WHy Creditors Hope You Make The MIstake Of Filing Bankruptcy Yourself

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 2

    We are seeing organizations proliferate that encourage Minnesotans to file bankruptcy themselves. I am sure the people that run these organizations mean well. However, they are leading people down a path that puts their future in jeopardy. Creditors hope people file bankruptcy themselves. Why? Because you are bound to make serious mistakes that will cost you money which means a gain for creditors.

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    What You Should Know About Your 341 Meeting’

    Posted by Wesley Scott on January 1

    A necessary step of the bankruptcy process is what is called a 341 Meeting. Your attorney may also refer to it as a meeting of creditors. What is the purpose of this meeting? Why is it important? What happens during this meeting? These are all great questions with very straightforward answers!

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    What Happens To My Credit During a Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 31

    This is a big worry for most of our clients. And why wouldn’t it be? Your credit can determine a lot of things: credit card or loan approval, interest rates, eligibility for housing or vehicle loans, and more! It’s only right that one would be nervous about their credit after filing a bankruptcy. So let’s go over what will happen to your credit throughout the bankruptcy process.

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    Determining Which Chapter of Bankruptcy You Should File

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 30

    While the outcome of Chapter 13 bankruptcy and Chapter 7 bankruptcy is ultimately the same: discharge of your debts, the journey to discharge is different between the two chapters. A Chapter 7, from start to finish is between 3-6 months. A Chapter 3 is 3-5 years. This is a big difference. So, how does your Kain & Scott attorney help to determine which chapter of bankruptcy you are eligible to file for?

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    Minnesota Bankruptcy Vs. Debt Consolidation

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 29

    I start with one universal truth: Every single person I have ever met wants to pay their bills and do so on time. Want another universal truth? We are all human and our brains are imperfect and we WILL do imperfect things. Like what? Like start businesses that fail, start relationships that end, suffer mental and physical health problems, lose income, and yes, make bad financial decisions. If you know of anyone who says they have not made bad financial decisions, you may feel free to call them a liar, because they are lying. So, now that we have these two universal truths out of the way, once debt has been incurred how do you go about solving the debt problem for good?

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    How to Know if You Chose the Right Attorney

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 28

    It is never easy to know if you have made the right choice. This goes for nearly every decision we make, whether is it choosing the right home or car to buy, deciding when or where to start a family, saying ‘yes’ to a new job, or saying ‘no’ to your kids! 

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    Learn What To Expect From Your Free Bankruptcy Consultation

    What Are The Benefits of Filing With Kain & Scott?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 27

    One would think that a bankruptcy filing is a bankruptcy filing no matter the attorney or firm who files it, right? So why would one choose one bankruptcy firm or bankruptcy attorney over another? Why would a potential bankruptcy filer choose Kain & Scott over the competition?

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    Is Filing For Bankruptcy Worth It?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 26

    Filing for bankruptcy is a difficult decision. A decision that no one should take for granted or take lightly. When deciding whether or not to file a great question to explore is this: is filing for bankruptcy worth it for me? Taking into account all of your debts, incomes, expenses, and assets, is bankruptcy the best route for me. What are the pros and cons of filing? What is gained and what, if anything, is lost during the bankruptcy process? Most of these questions are best discussed with an experienced bankruptcy attorney in a consultation. But how does one decide to take that initial step and schedule an appointment? Here are some questions to ask yourself:

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    What Your Credit Score Looks Like After Filing Chapter 7 in Rochester

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 24

    It is likely the most common question bankruptcy attorneys get. You want to know what is the “impact” of filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy on your credit, right? Of course!  It is not what you think. In fact it is the opposite. But don’t take my word for it, ask our guests!

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    Why File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Rochester, Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 23

    Kain & Scott is Rochester, MN’s oldest bankruptcy law firm. We have been doing bankruptcy work since 1972. I am going to let you in on one universal truth we have learned over the years. That is, Minnesotans wait far too long before they file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and get their lives back. I know, we as humans want to avoid the “b” word. But let me ask you a question: Would you avoid a medical procedure if you knew that you would IMMEDIATELY get relief from the procedure? You would not, right? The same holds true for bankruptcy.

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    What Not To Do Before Filing Chapter 7 In St Cloud, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 22

    There are things you should never do before filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Experienced bankruptcy attorneys can guide you through the complicated landscape of bankruptcy in Minnesota. We have seen what happens when someone refuses to pay for quality bankruptcy representation and it is not pretty.

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    Filing Chapter 7 in St Cloud, MN? Watch For This...

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 21

    Whenever I hire professionals, I expect the professional to be kind to me, answer my phone calls, and of course, they must know what they are doing. I realize people need to start out somewhere in life but honestly, I would prefer they not start out on me.

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    Understanding What A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is in Duluth, Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 20

    Let’s face it, there are a lot better words in the English dictionary than bankruptcy. But, thank goodness we have a tool to fix a problem. It is not different than taking aspirin for a headache. What exactly is a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

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    Best Duluth, MN Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 19

    If you are filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Duluth, MN you want the best Duluth, MN Chapter 7 Attorney right? Of course! I know I would too. If you spend 15 minutes or less researching the best bankruptcy lawyer in Duluth, MN you are going to find an awesome bankruptcy attorney.

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    If You’re Struggling With Debt in MN, Here Are Your Options

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 18

    Although it may not seem like it, when you are struggling with overwhelming debt you do have choices. Some may not be the most desirable or the best choices, but it is a good idea to take a look at all of your available options.

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    What Can and Can’t Be Included In A Minnesota Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on December 17

    One of the things that a Kain & Scott attorney will help you to do during your initial consultation is to take inventory of all of your assets, income, expenses, and debts. Our attorney will collect this information and, based off of it, make a recommendation on what the best avenue is for getting your life back!

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