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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    4 Reasons You Should File Bankruptcy in St Cloud, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 5

    There are numerous reasons to file bankruptcy in St Cloud, MN.  But, if I had to limit my top 4 reasons to file either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in St. Cloud, MN, here they are!

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    Can I File Bankruptcy With My Spouse?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 4

    One of the questions that does arise from time to time is can one spouse file bankruptcy and the other one not? Yes, one spouse can file bankruptcy and the other one not. There is no requirement that both husband and wife must file a joint bankruptcy. Quite often, there are good reasons why a spouse does not file. Perhaps this is a new marriage and one spouse has no debt and the other spouse came into the marriage with debt wreckage from the previous marriage.

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    What You Need To Know About Meeting With A MN Bankruptcy Lawyer

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 3

    It might be logistically simple to make contact with a lawyer’s office to make an appointment to discuss the possibility of filing a bankruptcy case.  But it certainly is not easy to do this emotionally.  Many people feel embarrassed to be in a tough financial position, and these people worry that talking openly about these problems will result in a lawyer judging them as somehow not very smart or that they are financial failures.

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    An Interactive Dial To See If you Should File Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 2

    I have high anxiety. If I can find comfort in resolving a problem without a lot of stress, well that is what I am going to do. If I was struggling with overwhelming debt, and if I had access to some interactive tool I could use to help me decide if I should a) contemplate filing bankruptcy and b) which chapter I should consider filing, I would do it in a heartbeat!

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    Facing Bankruptcy in MN? Go To This Website First

    Posted by Wesley Scott on March 1

    If you are drowning in debt and you are thinking about filing bankruptcy, there is one bankruptcy site you want to visit. If you are looking for a simple to use website to that will tell you what is bankruptcy, what is the process of filing bankruptcy in Minnesota, and what does it cost, you only need to go to one bankruptcy website in Minnesota. It is the largest bankruptcy website in Minnesota. The website is designed for two people. The first person who simply wants basic information and they want to set up a free strategy session to solve an overwhelming debt problem. The second person wants to dig deep and read as much as they can about bankruptcy in Minnesota.

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    What is the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Process and Fees in St Cloud, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 28

    Wouldn’t it be great if there was one website you could go to and learn about what is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? What is the process of bankruptcy in Minnesota? What are the bankruptcy fees? Wouldn’t it be great if this information was on one website? Wouldn’t it be great if I could read and understand the information on a basic human level? Surprise! There is a website that has easy to understand information on what is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in St Cloud, MN and what is the process and fees? Go now to www.kainscott.com and you will see just how easy it is to get your questions answered quickly.

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    Wage Garnishments and Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 27

    After the creditor recovers a money judgement (usually by default), the creditor will seek to execute this judgement.  Wage garnishments are common way for creditors to enforce the judgement.  Since wage garnishments threaten your ability to survive, there are exemption statues at both the state and federal level exempting from garnishment a portion of your earnings.  The Federal Wage Garnishment Law applies throughout the United States and provides two limits: (1) a floor preventing any wage garnishment for low income workers; and (2) a maximum percentage that may be garnished for high income workers. The garnishment floor is 30 times federal minimum wage per week.  If you make less than 30 times the federal minimum wage per week, all your wages would be exempt. If you earn over 30 times the minimum wage per week a creditor could garnish the excess up to 25% of your disposable earnings. (“Disposable” wages are the earnings that remain after deducting all withholdings required by law)

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    I Need My Car... What Are My Options With Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 26

    In a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy if you are leasing a vehicle, it is not potential property of the bankruptcy estate and cannot be liquidated. If you own your car or are loaning the vehicle, we determine the amount of equity you have in it. Once determined, we use the applicable exemptions to protect $4,000 (federal) or $4,800 (Minnesota) of equity. If there is more equity than can be protected, an arrangement may need to be made with the trustee to avoid liquidation of the asset; such as a payment plan.

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    Do Creditors Get Upset If You File Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 25

    Have you ever wondered how creditors react when you file for bankruptcy? What emotions do they experience? Do they feel angry, betrayed, or perhaps indifferent? The truth is that most creditors, especially large institutions, have a surprisingly unemotional response to bankruptcy filings. Let's delve into the reasons behind this and address some common concerns about creditor reactions.

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    Filing Bankruptcy Sucks, Your Lawyer Should Not

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 20

    This the name of a book published by Minnesota’s LARGEST bankruptcy law firm—Kain & Scott. We think the title of the book says it all. We know how much courage it takes to face an overwhelming debt problem for good. And when you summon that courage, the professionals you reach out to for help should honor your courage with kindness, helpfulness, professionalism, and exceptional customer service.

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    Bankruptcy Estate Planning

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 19

    People who are deciding if they should file a bankruptcy case often are concerned about whether they will be able to retain property that they own as they make their way through a bankruptcy case. It’s an understandable concern. Bankruptcy law sets out a list of property that is “exempt” - that is, the property can be retained by the debtor without the property being administered by the bankruptcy trustee. In chapter 7 cases, debtors have to either turn over to the chapter 7 trustee property that is not exempt or repurchase the property from the trustee. 

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    Need to file bankruptcy in Rochester, MN? Avoid this

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 18

    Never, and I mean never, call an out of state company to file bankruptcy in Rochester, MN. There are some out of state companies that solicit Rochester, MN residents to file bankruptcy with them. When you see their ad and call the number you end up in a different state. Don’t fall for it. Hang the phone up and call a Rochester, MN based bankruptcy law firm.

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    How To File Chapter 7 in Rochester And Get Your Life Back

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 17

    Meet Jamie (Fake name). Jamie called us in desperate need of help. You see, his wages were being garnished and Jamie and his significant other just had a baby. Jamie needed all of his wages to keep the roof over his family’s head and to feed his family. Having his wages garnished meant that Jamie was facing a situation where he couldn’t pay rent and pay his bills and keep food on the table.

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    Why Bankruptcy Works

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 14

    Bankruptcy carries with it a stigma.  It is seen as a refuge for the “deadbeat” - an easy way for someone who knowingly and voluntarily entered into a credit agreement to shed a legal obligation to pay a debt.  So many of the people I meet with to discuss their financial situation express to me that meeting to talk about filing bankruptcy is really their financial last resort - that they have gone to great (and sometimes financial painful) steps to avoid having to make the appointment to start a bankruptcy filing.

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    Why Am I Still Getting Letters From The Trustee After Filing?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 13

     First of all, congratulations on filing bankruptcy and getting your life back! That is wonderful. If you file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, the timeline from when you file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy until you get your discharge is about 4 months. However, that does not mean that your case is over.

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    What is The WIld Card Federal Bankruptcy Exemption?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on February 12

    You will sometimes hear bankruptcy lawyers talk about the “wild card” bankruptcy exemption and you wonder what that is. When you file bankruptcy, debtors are required to disclose all their assets on schedules. You are also required to select exemptions if you want to exempt, or protect, your assets. Section 522(d) of the Bankruptcy Code lays out the exemptions you can select under the Federal Bankruptcy Exemptions. You can chose none of the exemptions if you wish to, but we would not recommend that.

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