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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    Why You Should Never Delay Filing for Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 16

    Debt is not just a financial problem. It is a physical and mental problem too. Overwhelming debt places an enormous stress on the mind and body that is not healthy for us. Kain & Scott has been around since 1972, we have seen a few things. And one of the things we have seen is the deterioration of health because of debt. Anxiety and depression are common among those people who suffer with overwhelming debt.

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    Some Minnesota Bankruptcy Law Firms Invest Little Money in People and Spaces

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 15

    Some Minnesota Bankruptcy law firms invest little money in people and spaces and guess who suffers when they don’t? Yes, you do. You see an unhappy workforce results in unhappy clients. There is no other way around this. If an employer has unhappy employees guess what you are going to be? Unhappy! 

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    Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Requirements

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 14

    Assuming one meets the jurisdictional requirements to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, what are the basic requirements to qualify to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? Good question. I have had people over the years who wanted to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy but could not. Why? Section 707(b) lays out the elements associated with what we call the “means test”. Basically, if your income is over the median income for your family size in your state, you must go through a “means test” which is a combination of real numbers and set numbers.

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    How to Avoid Unprofessional, Unkind, and Unhelpful Bankruptcy Staff in Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 13

    A law firm should honor the courage it takes for people to reach out for help in resolving a debt problem. Having a debt problem can be embarrassing for many Minnesotans. And instead of seeing Minnesotan’s courage to reach out honored by law firms I found the opposite was happening and it made me mad.

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    Dump Debt And Get Your Life Back

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 11

    Sometimes, it is ok to hit the reset button in life and move on from an overwhelming problem.  I have never once had anyone regret the decision to dump debt and move on with their lives. The only regret that petered out eventually was the regret that they had not hit the reset button sooner. One of the biggest advantages of filing bankruptcy is not only the debt gone but it goes away tax free. Think about that for a moment. If you owed me 100k and I said forget about it I am going to write off on my taxes as a loss. Well, since I am going to write it off as a loss it has to be income to you.

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    Bankruptcy and the Right to be Heard

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 10

     Everyone has the right to be heard. No bias, no judgment, just quiet resignation to being heard by someone who really cares. At Kain & Scott we listen a lot. This is a painful journey for most of our clients and we would be remiss if we didn’t sit back and listen to our guests as they tell their story of what happened to them and overwhelming debt. 

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    What is the Deal with Student Loans

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 9

    It seems that almost everyone in this country has one thing in common-student loans.  You receive this extensive training, only to find out there are no jobs available in that field, and the skills are non-transferable.  

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    What is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in English

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 8

    Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is a bankruptcy where you do not make payments back to your creditors. Instead, your liability on the debt id “discharged” in bankruptcy. Once discharged in bankruptcy, you are no longer liable on the debt, tax free, forever. So while the creditor will write off the debt as a loss on their tax returns, the debt forgiven is not taxable to you under the IRS Code. The IRS Code basically says whatever debt is forgiven as a result of a Title 11 Bankruptcy, which Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is, is not taxable to you. The tax form you should file with your tax return is IRS Form 983.

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    What Debts are Discharged In A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 7

    If you file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, what debts are discharged? This is an excellent question I was just asked a few days ago. This person had some unemployment overpayments, child support, and student loan debt plus about 65k in credit card debt.

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    Can I Keep My House If I File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy In Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 6

    If you are like me and have high anxiety, having debt would cause you to raise this question. If I file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Minnesota, can I keep my home? When you file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Minnesota, you are able to keep your home. The reason you are able to keep you home is this; there are state of federal exemptions you can use which allow you to keep your home. If you have a lot of equity in your home, you likely will need to use the Minnesota exemptions. If you don’t have a lot of equity in your home, you will likely use the federal exemptions. Do not worry about which set you should use as a quality Minnesota bankruptcy firm will help you with this.

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    Do People Survive Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 5

    I know this headline seems a little silly. But if you have anxiety, this headline is spot on. Yes, people not only survive bankruptcy, they thrive after bankruptcy. Just a few weeks ago I had a former client call me. He said he was in our neighborhood, driving by one of our buildings, and he was reflecting about his own story. He said he remembers being terrified about the prospect of filing bankruptcy. But, he said, after he filed the bankruptcy and got his life back, he never once has regretted the decision to file.

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    Have You Been the Victim of Legal Advice Given to you by a Bankruptcy Paralegal in Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 2

     At Kain & Scott, we never have potential or current clients receive legal advice from a paralegal. Any legal advice dispensed is always dispensed to you by a licensed Minnesota bankruptcy lawyer. Trouble is, not everyone thinks that it is illegal and unethical for paralegals to give legal advice to Minnesotans suffering from overwhelming debt. 

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    How Long Does a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Take

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 1

     A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is a government sponsored debt consolidation plan. It is government sponsored because our legislators enacted Chapter 13 Bankruptcy into law under Title 11 of the U.S. Code. 

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    How to Qualify for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 31

    The Bankruptcy Code lays out the parameters for who can file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Many of these requirements can be found in Section 109 of the Bankruptcy Code, “Who may be a debtor”. As to who qualifies for a Chapter 7 discharge one needs to look at Section 707 and Section 727 of the Bankruptcy Code. When you put these provisions all together you get a better picture of who can file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and who can receive a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy discharge. These two things are quite different.

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    When Should I File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 30

    When you first realize the boulder coming down the hill is going to run you over. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard clients say, “I just wished I had not waited so long to file.” Personally, I think human beings are far too rough on themselves. We wait far too long before we reach out for help. I think our pride and our vanity gets in the way of taking medicine we often need to take to cure the illness faster. After all, when your finances are sick, isn’t that what you are supposed to do? Find the medicine to cure the ailment and take it? That way, you can move on faster with your life.

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    Is There Such Thing as a Covid Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 29

    The other day, I had a caller ask me is there such a thing as a COVID 19 bankruptcy? I said that is interesting question and the answer is yes and no. No, there is no specific bankruptcy called COVID 19 bankruptcy but yes there are plenty of bankruptcies that are the direct result of COVID 19. It is the same thing as when someone asked about whether there is a bankruptcy dedicated to just medical bills, you know, like a medical bankruptcy. The answer is the same. No, there is no such thing as a medical bankruptcy but medical bills cause a lot of bankruptcies.

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