Sometimes, it is ok to hit the reset button in life and move on from an overwhelming problem. I have never once had anyone regret the decision to dump debt and move on with their lives. The only regret that petered out eventually was the regret that they had not hit the reset button sooner. One of the biggest advantages of filing bankruptcy is not only the debt gone but it goes away tax free. Think about that for a moment. If you owed me 100k and I said forget about it I am going to write off on my taxes as a loss. Well, since I am going to write it off as a loss it has to be income to you.
Now don’t get me wrong—pay 30k in an estimated tax bill is better than pay 100k. I am just saying you go from one problem to the next problem—a tax bill you cannot pay. That is one of the many advantages of bankruptcy. You get the debt to go away without paying any taxes on the debt.
There is freedom in losing a ton of debt and there is freedom is losing a ton of debt, tax free. One of the things I really like about bankruptcy is it is like ripping a band aid off. You just rip it off and move on with your life. No long drawn out painful procedures. In fact with Kain & Scott, we have no worksheets to fill out at all. Nice right? We figure once you have summoned the courage to get your life back we should do most of the work while you relax.
When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to Minnesota’s largest bankruptcy law firm at You will be so happy you did!