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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    Bankruptcy Filings Will Soon Hit Record Levels in Minnesota | LifeBack

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 25

    Soon, bankruptcy filings will hit record levels in Minnesota. I know it does not look like that can be the case right now, but it will be and sooner than you think. How can I be so confident of that? Easy, Google global debt and you will get part of the picture. But that is only part of the picture. Global debt levels never went away even after the last recession, which started in 2007/2008. We are at a crossroads in our economy that has fundamentally transformed itself without anyone noticing much.

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    The BEST Minneapolis Bankruptcy Law Firm: LifeBack Law Firm | LifeBack

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 21

    If you are suffering from debt, the last thing you want is to work with a group of “professionals” that are not very professional and who treat their clients like widgets on an assembly line. You don’t want to work with a law firm that would really ask their client to put up their clothing to secure the bankruptcy attorney’s fees. This is really happening.

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    Minnesota Lawyers Refer Their Bankruptcy Clients to LifeBack Law Firm

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 20

    Law firms are largely specialized these days. Many are what we call “boutiques” that cater to clients in one specific area of the law. For example, there are many personal injury law firm boutiques. Many law firms specialize in family law, criminal defense, or even more specific than that, one area of criminal defense like DWI law.

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    The 3 Best Minneapolis Bankruptcy Law Firms | LifeBack Law Firm

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 15

    When you are looking for the best bankruptcy law firms in Minneapolis, you cannot go wrong with choosing any of these three Minneapolis bankruptcy law firms.

    They will vary in prices and service offerings, but you will get experienced chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy counsel from any of them.

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    Minnesotans Refer Their Friends and Family to LifeBack Law Firm for Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 9

    Why do Minnesotans refer their friends and family to LifeBack Law Firm, P.A. for bankruptcy? There are many reasons but the biggest reason is they used LifeBack Law to get their lives back and they really felt good about how they were treated.

    After all, LifeBack Law is Minnesota’s highest Google reviewed bankruptcy law firm. If you care for your friends and family, refer them to LifeBack Law and we promise to use soft gloves and treat them exceptionally well.

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    Clothes as Collateral: Beware of How You Pay for Your Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 7

    As incredible as this may sound, there is a bankruptcy law firm that will actually ask you to put up your clothing as collateral for the attorney fees in a bankruptcy case.

    LifeBack Law will never ask any of it’s’ clients to put up the clothing on their back as collateral for our fees. At LifeBack Law Firm, we accept payment in one of three ways for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.

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    Bankruptcy in Minnesota: You Are Not Sick, Your Finances Are Sick

    Posted by Wesley Scott on October 4

    I constantly remind Minnesotans, your finances are sick, you are not. If you need a metaphor to think about this, here is one; actors and actresses many times need to be told, you are not the same person as the actor or actress.

    You are two different people. So when people criticize the actor/actress, they are not criticizing you, they are criticizing someone else. Same thing with debt. You are not your debt. You are you and your finances are separate and if your finances are sick we need to give medicine to your finances (bankruptcy) not you.

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    How Does a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Really Work Minnesota?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 14

    You are sitting at home, at your kitchen table, and you are working your way through a pile of bills that need to be paid. Some of these bills are past due. When you whip out the calculator and add all of the credit card debt, medical bills, and unsecured lines of credit, you get a total of $75,000.00 with monthly payments that total $3,250.00 to service just the minimum payments on all of the debts.

    Is chapter 13 bankruptcy in Minnesota something you should start considering?

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    Should You Ever Give a Bankruptcy Attorney a Lien on Your Own Clothing?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 10

    Unfortunately, in the bankruptcy world, there are some very unseemly practices. There are some companies who disguise themselves as law firms only to be referral agencies in reality. They take your phone call and have non-lawyers sign you up, and then refer you back to a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney. If you want crappy service, you should definitely do this.

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    Can You Imagine a Bankruptcy Lawyer Taking Your Clothes as Collateral for Fees?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 6

    We cannot either. Recently, we heard of one Minnesota law firm that seems so hard up for money they actually take their clients clothing, along with furnishings and appliances, as collateral for their fees. We cannot imagine anything more distasteful than this. Bankruptcy lawyers are supposed to protect their clients assets not expose them to creditors, and especially themselves. Instead, the lawyer seizes an opportunity to take their clients property as collateral? Ridiculous. At LifeBack Law Firm we would never engage in this kind of chicanery to get paid.

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    Minnesota's Largest Bankruptcy Law Firm Has a New Name

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 22

    We wanted to create a name that was congruent with who we are. We wanted to create a name that answered what do we do and have it more relevant to our marketing ethos in Minnesota. So we kicked back and brain stormed different names. We were going from Kain & Scott, P.A. to what name would fit us the best? After muddling our way through close to 500 names, we chose LifeBack Law Firm, P.A.!

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    What Does Bankruptcy Do to My Credit in Minnesota?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 21

    A lot of people who suffer with debt want to know how does bankruptcy affect my credit? There are all kinds of misconceptions about bankruptcy in the marketplace. I have had some people tell me they didn’t think they could get any credit after they filed a bankruptcy.

    This is not true at all. Over the many decades, LifeBack Law Firm has helped literally tens of thousands of Minnesotans get their lives back and most of them go on to obtain credit. Most go on to purchase homes and vehicles and all sorts of other items.

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    What Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and How It Works in Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 17

    Bankruptcy is a serious legal tool that shouldn't be entered into lightly. Fortunately, it can, in specific situations, help you move forward toward greater financial freedom.

    Chapter 7 is a specific chapter in the federal bankruptcy laws that represents what is known as straight or liquidation bankruptcy and that can wipe your financial slate clean.

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    What Is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy And How It Works In Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 10

    If you’re currently facing financial issues, it can color everything you do and can make your financial future seem bleak at best. If your financial situation seems insurmountable, help may be available in the form of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. While bankruptcy is obviously not the answer for everyone in every financially dire situation and is a fairly drastic move, it can – in certain situations – give you the kind of financial reboot you need to move forward with renewed confidence and purpose.

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    What is Bankruptcy? A Minnesota Bankruptcy Lawyer Explains...

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 7

    Bankruptcy is a legal process that offers individuals and companies facing overwhelming debt with the opportunity of a fresh start. The bankruptcy process can eliminate debt and halt the efforts of your creditors. In the long run, it can also improve you credit score and ability to obtain a loan.

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    What Happens when you File Bankruptcy in Minnesota?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 3

    Filing for bankruptcy in Minnesota could be the first step on your path to a financial fresh start. However, the exact steps along that path will depend on a few factors including the type of bankruptcy proceeding you have selected.

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