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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    William Kain

    William Kain
    I have been practicing law for over 30 years, more than 20 of those have been with Kain & Scott, P.A. I continue to enjoy helping those who fall into unfortunate financial situations get back on their feet. St. Cloud is the community where I live, work and play, and I take great pride in helping and supporting my fellow community members in their time of need.
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    Recent Posts

    Recognize Creditor Harassment and Put a Stop to It

    Posted by William Kain on April 10

    We receive calls every day from people just like you who are trying to pay their bills but have suffered a financial crisis and have fallen behind. They report that creditors and collection agencies are threatening to take their homes, garnish their wages or levy their bank accounts unless the bill is paid immediately. We hear horror stories of collection agents repeatedly calling their homes, their families or their place of employment to scare them into paying their debts. Angry collection agents bang on their doors or yell into the phone using abusive language and threatening legal action if the bill is not paid. All of these actions are considered creditor harassment and you have rights to make them stop.

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    Everything You Need to Know about Bankruptcy and Back Taxes

    Posted by William Kain on April 3

    Some people are faced with taxes that they cannot pay because of a lost job or the loss of a spouse’s income. Others may have increased the number of exemptions they claimed during the recession so they could put more money into their pockets each pay period and they are now facing huge tax bills. Whatever the reason may be for owing back taxes, bankruptcy may have the solution for your tax problems. Most personal taxes are not eligible for a discharge through bankruptcy; however, there are exceptions to the general rule. Plus, filing bankruptcy can help you with your back taxes in other ways.

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    Find Bankruptcy Attorneys in Roseville, MN You Can Trust

    Posted by William Kain on March 25

    Debt is stressful and facing debt problems alone can be overwhelming. That is why you need experienced Bankruptcy Attorneys in Roseville, MN you can trust working on your behalf to find a cost-effective solution to your debt problem. Dealing with debt collectors and collection agencies while trying to provide for your family can leave you feeling as if there is no hope.

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    Debt Consolidation Programs Treat the Symptom(s), Not the Cause

    Posted by William Kain on March 20

    For many debtors, debt consolidation programs do not work. In fact, many people who file bankruptcy have already tried to resolve their debt problems by contacting one of the many debt consolidation programs that are advertised. These companies claim that they can resolve debt problems for pennies on the dollar, when in fact they are more concerned about making a profit than finding real debt solutions for their clients.

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    5 Tips to Manage Non-Dischargeable Student Loan Debt

    Posted by William Kain on March 6

    Student loan debt is a serious problem in America. As an increasing number of individuals choose to further their education by taking college courses, the amount owed from student loans has inched increasingly higher each year. Student loan debt now exceeds credit card debt as the leading debt problem in America. Currently, there is about $1.2 trillion in student loans owed by college graduates and current students. College graduates are completing their education and entering the job market burdened with a crushing debt load and years of student loan payments ahead of them.

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    Experienced Personal Bankruptcy Attorneys Offer Significant Advantages

    Posted by William Kain on February 27

    Are you considering filing for bankruptcy relief? It is possible to do this on your own (without a bankruptcy attorney). You will have to act as your own legal representative – which requires an understanding of the Bankruptcy Code, not to mention court etiquette and filing procedures. Incompletely or improperly filing bankruptcy will cause more headaches and issues than you had to begin with. Once you file a bankruptcy case, you may not be able to undo any mistakes you make while representing yourself.

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    When Life After Bankruptcy Starts, Start and Stick to a Budget

    Posted by William Kain on February 20

    Many clients ask what life after bankruptcy will be like and how long it will take to recover from filing a bankruptcy. For most, life after bankruptcy is much less stressful. You will be filled with an overwhelming sense of relief as bill collectors stop calling, creditors stop breathing down your neck and you can finally see hope for your future, free from the burden of debt. You’ll get to feel optimistic about your future again, happy that you can start fresh and begin to recover and rebuild. No matter what emotions are felt after a bankruptcy is complete, there is one common thread that weaves itself through life after bankruptcy -- the ability to learn from past financial mistakes.

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    What to Do When the Collection Letters Won't Stop Coming

    Posted by William Kain on February 13

    If you fear going to the mailbox each day because you dread seeing collection letters, you are not alone. Many Americans are unable to pay their bills and they are facing the same financial stress that you are experiencing. Even with the restrictions imposed on collection agencies through the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, collection agencies still find ways to harass people in an attempt to collect a past due debt. For most people, this becomes an ongoing nightmare as their financial situation worsens and the collection letters not only continue but also become increasingly threatening and ominous.

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    What do Bankruptcy and Student Loans Have in Common?

    Posted by William Kain on February 6

    For anyone familiar with bankruptcy and student loans, you may be wondering how these two topics could have anything in common. First, bankruptcy is designed to relieve you of your debt. On the other hand, incurring student loans places you in debt. Furthermore, student loans are typically non-dischargeable (there are exceptions in some cases) in bankruptcy making them one of the few unsecured debts that survive a bankruptcy filing. It would seem that these two concepts would be the exact opposite of each other; however, there are similarities between bankruptcy and student loans.

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    What is Loan Consolidation and Will it Help My Financial Situation?

    Posted by William Kain on January 30

    If you are wondering, “What is loan consolidation and will it help me?” you are not alone. Banks and loan consolidation companies target people who are struggling to pay their bills with advertising claiming that a loan consolidation can solve all of their debt problems. However, while loan consolidation may help some individuals, it is not always the best solution. Furthermore, there are several types of loan consolidations available, each having unique benefits and disadvantages. Before I go into detail about the various types of loan consolidations and how they may benefit you, I would like to provide you with a clear answer to the question, “What is loan consolidation?”

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    When it Rains it Pours: Divorce and Bankruptcy

    Posted by William Kain on January 2

    Why do so many people who get divorced fall into financial trouble?

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    How Debt Consolidation Companies Turn Lives from Bad to Worse

    Posted by William Kain on December 19

    As a legal advisor, I've come across many people who've gone through some extremely nightmarish situations due to debt. They have been lied to about the financial services they selected, made poor financial decisions or encountered bad debt consolidation companies with programs they were assured would help.

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    Don't Waste Your Money - Know When to Stop Paying Creditors

    Posted by William Kain on November 14

    Making the final decision to file bankruptcy can be challenging, but my clients report feeling immensely relieved. Simply settling on this decision provides relief because you have a plan to move forward and out of your financial darkness. Technically, nothing official happens until you file your petition. However, your peace of mind will lighten your load and allow you to think and see your future clearly.

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    Collection Agencies can be Ruthless in Attempts to Get Your Money

    Posted by William Kain on October 17

    The more educated you can be about debt, creditors and the laws that protect you, the more likely you are to be treated fairly. This blog is going to discuss tactics collection agencies use and how you can fight back.  First, you need to understand who may be contacting you to collect on your debts – then we will go into how collection agencies may attempt to get your money.

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    Kain & Scott P.A. is a MN Law Firm Completely Focused on Bankruptcy

    Posted by William Kain on September 4

    PR For Immediate Release:

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    Don't Let Unfounded Bankruptcy Misconceptions Scare You Away

    Posted by William Kain on September 3

    Filing for bankruptcy seems like a big, scary decision, mainly due to its reputation and image painted by our media. High ranking officials and celebrities, such as George McGovern and Larry King, receive a lot of negative attention when they file bankruptcy. As of late our media is focused on Detroit, an entire city, going bankrupt. Unfortunately, the fact that individuals, businesses and even cities, are filing bankruptcy is the only part of the story that is “newsworthy,” and we don’t get to see their return to normalcy – to debt freedom. 

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