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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    Top 10 Bankruptcy Myths

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 22

    Bankruptcy has a bad reputation. Most, if not all, of these negative feelings about bankruptcy are due to myths that have been passed on from one misinformed person to the next. We are here to set the record straight and show you that those myths are completely wrong. With bankruptcy experience dating back to 1972, our firm can assure you that you will not have to go through any of the following experiences.

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    5 Things NOT to Do Before Filing Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 17

    Are you considering filing a bankruptcy case in Minnesota to relieve your debt problem?  If so, you may have already found a great deal of information about what you should do prior to filing bankruptcy; however, the things you should NOT do prior to filing bankruptcy are just as important.  In many cases, what you do prior to filing bankruptcy may not have a direct impact on your bankruptcy case. However, there are a few actions you can take that may negatively affect your case.  Below are five things you should never do if you are contemplating filing a bankruptcy case.

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    5 Ways to Repair Your Credit After Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 15

    One of the top concerns of many of our clients is how filing bankruptcy will affect their credit rating. This is a valid concern because credit scores are no longer used only for obtaining credit. Insurance companies, telecommunications companies, and employers are now checking credit histories and using credit scores to make decisions about more than simply issuing credit. So, how does filing bankruptcy affect your credit score?

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    Choosing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney: Eden Prairie, Minnesota Family Shares Their Experience

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 10

    Our story may sound familiar because so many other families are experiencing the same situation due to the recession. My husband and I had great jobs before the recession.  We were in debt with our house, vehicles, and a few credit cards but we were doing great. We paid our bills each month and had money left over to contribute to savings. Then the recession hit and my husband lost his job.  Unemployment compensation helped for a while; however, it eventually ran out. We cut expenses and reduced spending — we even took our children out of pre-school and day-care to save money since my husband was home to take care of them.

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    Why Cheap Minnesota Bankruptcy Attorneys Aren't Worth Your Time

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 25

    Are you wondering if you should file a bankruptcy to get rid of your debt?  You have likely read information on the Internet and talked to friends, family, or co-workers who filed bankruptcy successfully, but you are still unsure if a bankruptcy is the best way to deal with your debt problems.  If you are considering a bankruptcy filing, you need to consult with a qualified Minnesota bankruptcy attorney before you make any final decisions. 

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    Ways to Pay Off Your Student Loan Debt

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 18

    The amount of student loan debt owed by Americans has surpassed the total credit card debt owed in this country. The cost of receiving a college education continues long after the student receives his or her diploma in the form of student loan payments.

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    We're Striving to Be the Best Bankruptcy Lawyer in Woodbury, MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 11

    Are you searching for the best bankruptcy lawyer in Woodbury, MN? The attorneys at Kain & Scott have one goal — to help individuals and businesses who are experiencing financial troubles. You have suffered with debt problems long enough. You deserve to get on with your life without the threat of being sued by a creditor or harassed by a debt collector. 

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    What Does Bankruptcy Do For You

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 4

    Bankruptcy law was created to provide individuals with a way to resolve debt problems. Some people assume that you only need to file bankruptcy if you are "bad with money" or you abuse credit; however, this is not true.  While some people who file bankruptcy do so because they got into trouble with debt, most people need the help of the bankruptcy court because of a financial crisis caused by the loss of a spouse, unemployment, a failed business, divorce, personal injury, accident, or sudden illness. You can experience a financial crisis at any time — bankruptcy can help you recover and rebuild your credit following that crisis. 

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    Will I Lose My Cabin If I File for Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 28

    In Minnesota, owning a cabin is the ultimate dream. You have likely saved up for many years to be able to buy one, but now a recent financial crisis (i.e. job loss, medical bills, divorce, etc.) has made it hard to keep up with all of your bills. You may be worried that if you file for bankruptcy you will need to sell or let go of your cabin that you worked so hard to buy. However, when you file bankruptcy, you do not lose all of you assets as many people believe. In most cases, debtors are able to keep their assets while eliminating their debts.

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    You Should Never Refinance A Mortgage To Pay Credit Card Debt

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 21

    Not all debts are the same.  Some debts are unsecured (i.e. credit card debt) while some debts are secured (i.e. mortgages).  Most people think of a mortgage as “good” debt because as you pay this debt down, you are increasing your net worth because the equity in your home is increasing. Furthermore, a mortgage is a debt that has a purpose — to provide a home for you and for your family. 

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    Applying for Credit After Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 14

    Face it, in today's world, credit is almost always necessary. From buying a house, financing a new vehicle, or paying for higher education. The key is to manage credit wisely after bankruptcy. Some people believe that if they file bankruptcy they will never be able to qualify for credit again, but this is not true.

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    5 Things You Should Ask Yourself After a Free Bankruptcy Consultation

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 30

    Taking the step to meet with an attorney for a free bankruptcy consultation is the first thing you should do on your road to getting your finances under control. Many lawyers provide a free bankruptcy consultation to help you decide what is right for you and your situation. The bankruptcy consultation is an opportunity for the attorney to evaluate your financial situation in detail in order to provide affordable solutions to your debt problems based on the attorney’s vast knowledge of bankruptcy law and his experience helping people solve their financial problems.

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    What Should I Look For In A Roseville Bankruptcy Attorney?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 25

    Are you struggling to pay your bills each month with less and less money?  Are bill collectors harassing you for payment and are creditors threatening lawsuits, foreclosure, or repossession?  If so, you should consider filing a bankruptcy case to resolve your debt problems.  Making the decision to file bankruptcy may not be an easy process; however, with the right Roseville bankruptcy attorney, the process and experience of filing a bankruptcy case can be less stressful than you may think.

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    What Debt Consolidation Companies Don't Tell You

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 17

    Eliminating calls from creditors, reducing finance charges, lowering interest rates, and only having one debt payment to worry about each month sounds wonderful to someone who is struggling to pay his or her debts.  That is exactly what debt consolidation companies promise clients.  Debt consolidation companies promise to cut years off your debt payments, help reorganize your debt, alleviate your stress and anxiety, and improve your financial situation. 

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    Minnesota Bankruptcy Exemptions

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 10

    One of the most common questions that we are asked is, “If I file bankruptcy, will I lose all of my property.” A common misconception is that if someone files bankruptcy they will lose his or her property. Unfortunately, the fear of losing property keeps many people from seeking the debt relief that bankruptcy provides.

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    Do Your Maple Grove Bankruptcy Attorneys Really Have Over 47 Years of Experience?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on May 19

    Maple Grove, MN was founded in 1858 and is located in Hennepin County with an estimated population of 68,119. It is a vibrant part of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan area with many retail, dining, cultural, and entertainment options.  The city is also home to research, development, and manufacturing facilities. With a median household income of $92,188 and a strong commercial presence, the city is attractive for anyone looking for a stable economy and ample job availability.

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