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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    What to Expect With Kain & Scott

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 19

    With nine full-time attorneys and five permanent staffed locations and growing, Kain & Scott always wants to ensure that we have our clients at the forefront. No matter how many offices, attorneys, or staff members our firm grows to we want to make sure that our clients always get the same top-notch service that Kain & Scott is known for. 

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    Our Services Beyond Simply Filing Your Case

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 19

    Chances are your bankruptcy case is going to be filed and you will receive your discharge with nothing more than one or two natural and easy to resolve hiccups along the way. But what if there comes along a little complication post-petition filing? A concerning letter from the bankruptcy court or a misstep during your Chapter 13 payment plan? No need to worry! We have got you covered. Just because your case has been filed does not mean that you have gotten rid of us just yet! There are many things that may or may not pop up after your case has been filed that we are able to help you through. Never hesitate to ask or to reach out!

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    Why Does my Attorney Want me to File a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 18

    Most who file for bankruptcy want to file a Chapter 7. By filing Chapter 7, everything is said and done within three to six months and the slate is wiped clean. So when potential filers learn that they are only eligible to file a Chapter 13 or their attorney recommends a Chapter 13 over a Chapter 7, they panic. Three to five years in bankruptcy with monthly payments throughout the duration of that time? Why would someone file a Chapter 13 and drag the process out when Chapter 7 gets you out of debt faster with no payment plan?

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    What Assets Can I Keep if I File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Duluth, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 17

    A common concern people contemplating filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy have is what assets can I keep if I file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? Will I lose all my assets? Can I keep all my assets? Exactly what will I lose and what can I keep?

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    Minnesota's Largest Chapter 7/13 Bankruptcy Website

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 16

    Have you ever been interested in a topic and wanted to research it but there was no one place to research everything you want and need to know about the topic? That is more than frustrating right? I could not agree more. That is why Kain & Scott set out to build and maintain Minnesota’s LARGEST Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy website at www.kainscott.com. At www.kainscott.com you will find everything you are looking for about what is Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy, what is the bankruptcy process, what are the costs, and many do’s and don’ts before and after filing bankruptcy.

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    I Really Don't Want to File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, but Should I?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 12

    When I was growing up, whenever I wished for something that was beyond my control, my mom would say, “if your aunt had nuts, she would be your uncle.” Sometimes, you simply cannot change the facts before you. If you have overwhelming debt, there is no snap of the finger that will make that fact change. And of course, we all hope for those windfalls that never come—you know the lottery winning that will make this all go away fast right?

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    Learn What To Expect From Your Free Bankruptcy Consultation

    What Can I Expect After Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Eagan, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 11

    This is a question I would be asking if I were facing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy near Eagan, MN. What can I expect after filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Eagan, MN? Like what happens to the debt? Does it get paid? What happens to my credit? Can I get credit after I file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

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    I Called Duluth, MN Bankruptcy Law Firm Kain & Scott and Got My Life Back!

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 10

    I like water. Water is physically, mentally ,and spiritually refreshing. When you live in or around Duluth, MN you areliving next to the largest body of freshwater on the planet. You know what else is refreshing in Duluth, MN? Filing Chapter 7/13 Bankruptcy and getting your life back!

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    Bankruptcy Is Not A Failure, It's A New Beginning

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 9

    What do you do when a limb on a tree dies? You cut if off. What do you do when healthy flesh is disease ridden? You either operate to remove the diseased flesh or you apply medicine to remove the illness. So it is with overwhelming debt. When your cash flow is sick, you do surgery and remove the sickness. Do people enjoy having overwhelming debt rule their lives? Hardly.

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    Duluth MN Bankruptcy Lawyers Near Me?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 4

    If life took a turn on you that you didn’t expect, sometimes bankruptcy is the only way out. Oh we humans like to think we can manage on our own, and sometimes we can, but sometimes the sheer size of the debt and headwinds you face are simply too much for humans to take. We cause ourselves to suffer far longer than we should. Its’ part of human nature I guess to see if you can’t pull through anything yourself. Well, I have news for you—you sometimes need help. Are you going to remove the tumor on your hind-end yourself? Of course not. Well then why on earth do you think you can overcome 50k in debt yourself with a modest income?

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    What Happens To My Credit After Filing Chapter 7 in Duluth, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 3

    So many good Duluth residents think that if they file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, they will ruin their credit forever. We hear this common misconception all the time. They also wonder if, after filing bankruptcy,
    can I rent, can I buy a home, and can I get credit cards or vehicle loans again? These are all legitimate questions that I would want to know the answer to as well. But life is not always what it seems. I have a little secret to let you in on: future lenders don’t care if you can pay your current debt, what future lenders really want to know is will you pay us if we lend you money now? That is really what future lenders care about.

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    The Importance Of Professional Bankruptcy Office Space In MN

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 3

    You would think a law firm would always have professional spaces to meet with guests, right? You would be so very wrong. I cannot tell you how many times we have met with guests who tell us they met with another law firm and their space was gross and creepy. Really? Trust me folks, I have heard it all. I have had people tell me the lawyer wanted them to meet with him at his own home even? Talk
    about unprofessional! I have had guests tell me they met with an attorney in a shabby conference room that had a picnic table in it. A picnic table? I have even had guests tell me they saw a cockroach in one of the offices. Not good.

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    The Importance of Your Review & Sign

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 26

    The second appointment that clients schedule with our firm is what we call the “review and sign” appointment. This is most certainly the big kahuna. This two hour meeting with both a legal assistant and with your attorney digs into the nitty-gritty of your situation and the particulars of your bankruptcy petition and schedules. The review and sign appointment is important for quite a few reasons but really for the following four big ones:

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    Welcome to Kain & Scott

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 23

    Thank you for the warm welcome.” Our Kain & Scott team sees and hears these words on a daily basis and it never fails to elicit a smile from everyone around. More than once we have all heard that our clients deciding factor when choosing a bankruptcy attorney was Kain & Scott’s hospitality (the experience and professionalism was just considered an added bonus!)

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    What You Should Know: Bankruptcy & Student Loans

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 22

    Filing for bankruptcy will not release you from the debt of your student loans. These are non-dischargeable debts. So, if you are suffering from overwhelming student loan debt what relief, if any, can bankruptcy provide?

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    Don’t Fear the Filing!

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 21

    Much like when Sheryl Crow sang about the first cut being the deepest, the first step of filing bankruptcy is the hardest! Mustering up the confidence to call a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney to schedule an initial consultation is no easy feat! It takes a whole lotta courage to start the process and to continue with that process.

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