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Inside you will find over 500 helpful articles discussing the Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Process and other solutions for difficult financial situations.


    Wesley Scott

    Wesley Scott
    I love being a Minnesota bankruptcy attorney because it allows me to give people hope that, together, we can get their lives back. People call us because of business failure (many businesses fail, that is a fact of life), income drop (bad economy or otherwise), divorce (happens to many), medical problems (how can you help that?), and bad financial decisions (we have all made them!). I understand the financial pressures my clients face because I experienced many of these same pressures growing up. I know that most of my clients end up in debt through no fault of their own. I became a bankruptcy attorney to give these people the help and support they need in this time of trouble.
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    Recent Posts

    Can I Keep My Recreational Vehicles in Bankruptcy?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 12

    Many people who file for bankruptcy own recreational vehicles (RVs) like motorcycles, boats, snowmobiles, ATVs, and motorhomes. The ability to keep these recreational vehicles in bankruptcy is governed by the bankruptcy code, which outlines the legal framework for such cases. While bankruptcy offers a fresh financial start, it’s natural to worry about losing these valuable assets. The good news is that, under certain circumstances, it’s possible to keep your recreational vehicles even after filing for bankruptcy. However, the outcome depends on various factors, including the type of bankruptcy you file, the value and equity in your RVs, and your overall financial situation.

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    Looking for a bankruptcy lawyer in St. Paul, MN?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 11

       I am excited to report that LifeBack Law Firm has moved our Roseville, MN location to St. Paul, MN! We are super thrilled to be at our new St. Paul location at 370 Selby Avenue, Suite 224, St. Paul, MN 55102. We are right where you live in the Capitol of Minnesota on Cathedral hill. Our St. Paul location is on the bus line and is surrounded by fantastic restaurants and coffee shops. 

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    Minnesotans looking to file bankruptcy: watch out for this!

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 4

    Recently, I spoke to a gentleman who was desperate to file bankruptcy and thought he could do it on his own. He quickly realized bankruptcy is too complicated of a legal process to do it himself. So then, he reached out to an out-of-state company to help him file bankruptcy “on the cheap”. The company was quick to gain access to his checking account and deduct money from his account for their fees ($500 by the time he reached out to LifeBack Law Firm). Soon after hiring this out of state company he began to get a sinking feeling in his stomach that this company was not what it purported to be.

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    2022 Update to Federal Bankruptcy Code Property Exemptions

    Posted by Wesley Scott on September 2

    People who file a bankruptcy case in Minnesota have the option of choosing the exemptions specifically provided by the Federal Bankruptcy Code (commonly referred to as the “Federal exemptions”), or any other applicable Minnesota State or Federal laws (aka “State exemptions”), to protect their property from creditors.

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    An Introduction to St. Cloud, Minnesota

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 28

       Welcome to St. Cloud, Minnesota nestled along the tranquil backwaters of the upper Mississippi River. The population of St. Cloud (according to the 2020 census) was 68,881 making it Minnesota’s 12 largest city. St. Cloud is famous for its granite quarries which have been worked since 1868. In fact, St. Cloud has been nicknamed the “granite city”. 

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    Unemployment Benefits and Overpayment in Bankruptcy

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 26

    Many Minnesotans file bankruptcy due to the financial strain of being unemployed for a long period of time. During their period of unemployment, many people often receive unemployment compensation in order to afford to pay their bills. Unemployment benefits are completely “exempt” in bankruptcy. This means unemployment benefits cannot be taken, or used, for the purpose of satisfying a person’s debts when they file a personal chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy case. When a person files for bankruptcy in Minnesota, they are allowed to choose whether they use Federal or State law to exempt their property. Regardless of which law they choose, any money they receive for unemployment compensation will be exempt, and protected. 

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    Don’t Pay Back Family Members before Filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 19

    Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy offers a financial fresh start for individuals burdened by overwhelming unsecured debt. It’s a legal process designed to eliminate most debts, providing much-needed relief. However, the road to bankruptcy can be fraught with potential pitfalls, particularly when it comes to managing your finances in the lead-up to filing. A crucial aspect to consider is the repayment of debts owed to friends and family members. While the intent may be noble, such actions could have unintended negative consequences for both you and your loved ones, including delaying or even preventing your bankruptcy discharge. Before you file bankruptcy, it's important to understand the implications of paying back family members, as it could affect the fairness to all creditors and the overall bankruptcy process.


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    The history of bankruptcy in America: The Chandler Act

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 13

    Carrying on from our discussion putting past bankruptcy policies in context, we arrive at the 20th century and the development of our modern bankruptcy regime. The Bankruptcy Act of 1898 was never repealed, lasting until the enactment of the Bankruptcy Act of 1938.  The Chandler Act, as it became known, was not revolutionary. It simply increased access to debtors and made voluntary bankruptcy more attractive for debtors. Technically, the Chandler Act merely amended the previous policy, so an incremental change to bankruptcy policy is not surprising. It is worth noting that modern case law occasionally looks back to these 20th century policies for precedential decisions. 

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    LifeBack Law Firm: Minnesota’s Highest Google Reviewed Bankruptcy law firm

    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 9

      There are some law firms who game the system. They use software to generate and “gate” bad reviews so the reviews that display are typically stronger reviews. This is unethical and dishonest. At LifeBack Law Firm, we have never used software to generate any Google reviews. All of our reviews are left from people who came in contact with the firm in one form or another and were moved to leave a review. LifeBack Law Firm’s Google reviews are the most heartfelt reviews in the bankruptcy business. 

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    Download our Free Debt Solutions Comparison Chart


    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 5

         I think the disease of loneliness is the biggest disease faced by Minnesotans. It is easy to feel alone when you are suffering with a problem like a debt problem. But you are not alone. LifeBack Law Firm has been protecting Minnesotans from their creditors since 1972 and we can protect you too. I know bankruptcy is scary and can make you feel alone and afraid. When you run out of options with your debt, and need to consider bankruptcy, that is when you need kindness the most. Thankfully, LifeBack Law Firm is the most kind and helpful bankruptcy law firm in Minnesota.

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    Posted by Wesley Scott on August 1

         When Minnesotans are suffering with debt, that is when you need to feel kindness the most. One Minnesota bankruptcy law firm excels at filing bankruptcy for Minnesotans while delivering the most kind and helpful bankruptcy service in the industry. The Minnesota bankruptcy law firm that delivers the most kind and helpful service by far and away is LifeBack Law Firm.  Just this morning we received one of the most heartfelt 5 star Google reviews I have ever read and it gives a shout out to numerous LifeBack Law team members involved in her case. I am always amazed at the willingness of people to file bankruptcy and then post their name publicly with a review. To me, it tells me these people were extremely moved by the kindness they felt while working with the LifeBack Law team.

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    Bankruptcy Act of 1867

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 28

    In the last two posts we discussed the Bankruptcy Act of 1800 and the Bankruptcy Act of 1841 respectively so we, perhaps unsurprisingly, now turn to the next policy: the Bankruptcy Act of 1867. It is worth noting that this policy and the previous two were all responses to poor economic conditions and were unintentionally temporary. In the wake of the 1857 financial crisis and the Civil War, debtors and creditors alike were in need of options for remedy. This new incarnation signaled a change in reasoning in bankruptcy policy which was slightly more beneficial to debtors. 

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    Need to File Bankruptcy in Eagan, Minnesota? Avoid This…

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 16

         If you are like a lot of people who live in or around Eagan, MN, you may find yourself needing to file bankruptcy. As of the date I am writing this blog, June 18, 2022, the economy is starting to crack, inflation is skyrocketing, business is slowing, and lay-offs are beginning. Many good people will find themselves needing to file bankruptcy. The humility of being alive. However, do a little research before you choose a bankruptcy law firm because you don’t want to end up with a lawyer who is stuck in a closet in virtual space with no support staff.

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    Looking for the Most Kind and Helpful Bankruptcy Law Firm in Minneapolis?

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 8

         Minnesotans who reside in and around Minneapolis looking for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy law firm near them want a team of professionals who are kind and helpful. How is it we know this to be true? They tell us this over and over. You see, if you are suffering with a debt problem, it was likely triggered by some awful event in your life: business failure, income drop, divorce or relationship break up, medical problems, or just bad financial decisions (we have all made them). But, the last thing you want is to deal with a lawyer or staff that are self-centered, mean, or act like you have to jump hurdles to get relief from your debts.

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    The Bankruptcy Act of 1898

    Posted by Wesley Scott on July 1

    In the last post, we discussed The Bankruptcy Act of 1898 and its new focus on the wellbeing of debtors, rather than solely as a remedy for creditors. Previously, we had discussed the prior bankruptcy policies in America: the bankruptcy acts of 1800, 1841, 1867, and 1898. Let’s use this post to recap some of those policies and put them in context. 

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    Filing Bankruptcy in Minnesota? Watch Out for These 2 Things

    Posted by Wesley Scott on June 28

     Filing bankruptcy takes courage. In fact, it takes a lot of courage. Once you have summoned the courage to reach out for help, the last thing you want to deal with is rude and self-centered lawyers and staff. You know the kind I am talking about—the kind that think they are self-important and tell you all their stories but don’t want to listen to your story. 

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