Many of us, when we are going through financial difficulties, have relied on credit cards to get us through. We have “emergency credit cards.” We have the credit card to use in a pinch to get us through until the next pay check. To think about not having that safety net is scary, right? So, for many of us, to think about filing bankruptcy, even if it means getting rid of the debt that haunts us, it also means the scary thought of losing that safety net. What happens if I need money and I still have a week before my next pay check? What do I do? Does filing bankruptcy mean I lose all of my credit cards? What will be my back up plan? How long before I get another card? What will I do in the meantime? These are all valid questions and these are things Kain & Scott can help you answer as we prepare you for bankruptcy
Do My Credit Cards Get Closed When I File Bankruptcy In Brainerd?
Many of us, when we are going through financial difficulties, have relied on credit cards to get us...