The MN Bankruptcy Blog | Learn the Bankruptcy Process & More

What is the Filing Process at Life Back Law?

Written by Amanda Scharber | December 28, 2021 at 1:30 PM

If you are considering filing bankruptcy, you likely are wondering what you will have to do in order to file. At Life Back Law we make the process easy for those considering filing bankruptcy.

First, you would give us a call at 800-551-3292 or visit us online to schedule a free, no obligation consultation with one of our attorneys. These appointments on average last 30 minutes and can be done over the phone, by Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, or in-person at one of our seven locations. During your consultation you and the attorney will discuss your situation and what options you may have.

Second, if during or after your consultation you want to move forward with a bankruptcy you will be given a packet of both forms to sign and documents to gather. Depending on your case, the requested documents can change, but you will be given a checklist of the specific documents needed. Typically you will provide paystubs, vehicle and home information, proof of identity, creditor information, business information, and bank account information.

Finally, after you have provided the necessary information you will have your review and sign appointment with the attorney filing your case. This appointment will typically be two hours long. During the appointment you will go through your entire case filing, be given a chance to ask questions, find out next steps, and receive a file date.


At Life Back Law we work with you on each step of the bankruptcy process.  If you have questions or you are ready to take the next step, visit to speak with an attorney today. You will be glad you did!