Kain & Scott has 9 office locations in Minnesota. 7 out of the 9 are staffed full time by real live Kain & Scott people. Rochester and Mankato are staffed by appointment only. In our St. Cloud, Minnesota office we have 3 Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy lawyers and numerous staff that are waiting to help you get your life back now.
Kain & Scott has been protecting St. Cloud, Minnesota residents from their creditors since 1972, longer than any other Minnesota bankruptcy law firm. What have we learned about bankruptcy since 1972? We have learned that our guests love to get their lives back and never regret the decision to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.

Are You Looking for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer Near Me in St. Cloud, MN?
Kain & Scott has 9 office locations in Minnesota. 7 out of the 9 are staffed full time by real live...