If you are struggling with making your mortgage payments on time, or if you are facing an impending foreclosure on your house, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be the type of bankruptcy that will best suit your needs. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy involves an affordable, monthly payment plan. This monthly payment plan can cure mortgage arrears, and at the same time, protect your house from a foreclosure. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a structured and organized way to pay back a small portion of your debt, cure mortgage arrears, and stop a foreclosure; meanwhile, you are able to keep all of your assets and come out of the bankruptcy in 3-5 years debt free. In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you will make monthly, affordable payments to your bankruptcy trustee’s office, which can be set up to monthly ACH withdrawals from a bank account of your choice. That monthly, affordable payment can allow you to pay down any mortgage arrears that you may have.

Can I Modify My Mortgage During My Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
If you are struggling with making your mortgage payments on time, or if you are facing an impending...