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How To File Bankruptcy in Duluth, MN

Written by Wesley Scott | May 3, 2017 at 4:06 PM

Are you a Duluth resident who is drowning in debt and wondering how to file bankruptcy in Minnesota?

Filing for bankruptcy in Minnesota can be complicated and time-consuming. Between the mountains of paperwork, hours of research, and countless phone calls, the process of filing for bankruptcy can be overwhelming. Without the knowledge necessary to file on their own, Minnesotans run the risk of having their bankruptcy thrown out due to errors. Some residents hire a bankruptcy attorney to help them and then are dismayed to have their phone calls ignored and their case at the bottom of a pile on the attorney’s desk, gathering dust while they struggle with their debt.

So how can a Minnesota resident file for bankruptcy without the stress and hassle of going it alone, and avoid being “just another number” to a faceless bankruptcy attorney?

At Kain & Scott, we understand that filing for bankruptcy on your own is stressful. That’s why we have an easy 4-step process for filing for bankruptcy that allows our clients to get debt-free faster! We pride ourselves on treating our clients like family, and are dedicated to providing fast, easy, and friendly representation to Duluth, Minnesota residents.

Our quick and easy 4-step bankruptcy process

With Kain & Scott, Duluth, Minnesota residents can achieve financial freedom in 4 easy steps:

  1. Set up your free initial consultation via Phone, Skype or Facetime
  2. Meet with our friendly staff to review and sign your bankruptcy petition via Skype, phone or Facetime
  3. Attend a 341 meeting near you with one of our assistant lawyers
  4. Sit back relax and get your discharge

That’s it!

Sound too good to be true? Read on to find out more about what bankruptcy is and how the dedicated legal team at Kain & Scott can help your family be free from debt!

Before filing for bankruptcy, there are some bankruptcy basics that you should know.

First, filing for bankruptcy is a legal process that allows some or all of your debts to be forgiven, giving you a fresh start and peace of mind. Minnesota residents have two bankruptcy options: Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Generally, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy allows your financial slate to be wiped clean without a payment plan, while Chapter 13 Bankruptcy erases your outstanding debt after a period of partial repayment. Each type has its own pros and cons, and may or may not be right for your situation, depending upon a number of factors. Regardless of which type you pursue, bankruptcy will help ease the financial burden on you and your family.

Second, bankruptcy takes time. How much time the process takes depends both on the type of bankruptcy you file and how quickly your attorney completes and files your paperwork. The faster your case is filed, the faster you will receive relief from your debts. Unfortunately, some bankruptcy lawyers don’t take your case seriously and may wait weeks or even months before filing your case. At Kain & Scott, our clients are our top priority: we file your case within days to get you relief faster! So how long does the bankruptcy process take? The average Chapter 7 bankruptcy client can expect their discharge within approximately 4 months of filing, while the average Chapter 13 bankruptcy client will have their discharge completed in 3-5 years.

Third, the benefits of filing for bankruptcy are substantial. Filing for bankruptcy will allow you to rest easier knowing that you have taken the first step towards financial freedom. A fresh start will allow you to begin again, with a clean slate, without the worry and stress of debt hanging over you. Plus, the sooner you file, the sooner you can start the process of rebuilding your credit so that you can have the lifestyle you always wanted.

Bankruptcy help for Duluth, Minnesota residents

At Kain & Scott, we understand that sometimes life has unavoidable events that cause families to fall behind on their bills; that’s why at Kain & Scott, we don’t judge you – we help you get your life back! Our firm only handles bankruptcy and we are dedicated to providing top-notch services by treating our clients like family. If you are considering filing either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy and are a resident of Duluth, Minnesota, the experienced Bankruptcy Lawyers at Kain & Scott can help!

For your free consultation, and to take your first step towards financial freedom, please contact us online at today!