Would You Ever Hire A Bankruptcy Attorney Who Was Fired From Their Previous Job?

Posted by Wesley Scott on December 20, 2021 at 7:30 AM
Wesley Scott

     shutterstock_1095575156(1)Would you consider hiring a bankruptcy lawyer who was fired from their job filing bankruptcies? I would not. I would prefer my bankruptcy law not have been terminated from their former firm for any reason. If you were terminated from your job, I would naturally wonder why were you terminated from your previous job? I mean, do you struggle following boundaries, easy boundaries set by your former employer? How do I know you will follow simple boundaries with me as a client?

I know of one lawyer who committed unemployment fraud in Minnesota. She actually lied to Minnesota unemployment to get benefits she was not entitled to in order to benefit herself even though her illegally getting benefits naturally hurts others. I know of another lawyer who sells marijuana and refuses to report the income on her income taxes committing tax fraud. Still, I know of another lawyer who followed a firm employee in Target (the employee complained) and then accused another employee of having mental health problems and used that as a reason to terminate the employee even though it was categorically false.

Would you hire one of these lawyers who cheat and steal and the expense of other people? I would not. In fact, I would run. At LifeBack Law, we only employ teammates who 1) get their job, 2) want their job, and 3) are capable of doing their job with kindness, helpfulness, professionalism, and exceptional customer service. Also, hire only a bankruptcy law firm that represents Chapter 7 and 13 debtors and not trustees and creditors. You deserve a law firm that represents only Minnesotans with debt problems, not playing both sides of the fence.


When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to the true professionals at www.lifebacklaw.com. You will be so thankful you did.

Topics: bankruptcy payments

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