The MN Bankruptcy Blog | Learn the Bankruptcy Process & More


Written by Wesley Scott | February 16, 2018 at 11:16 PM

There are a lot of talking heads on tv and the radio who will tell you to try and avoid filing bankruptcy. I say nuts! I say you should err on the side of filing bankruptcy and getting your life back. Why? Look, we all want to pay our bills okay, so can we just take that off the table right now? If you could pay your bills, you wouldn’t be reading this blog! Am I right?

Of course you want to pay your bills on time, no one needs to tell you this. It’s a big old dah! But life is humbling. Bad things do happen. Most of the time the events of life humble the most confident among us to our very core! Businesses fail, incomes drop, relationships break up, medical problems happen, and yes we make bad financial decisions so what? If you are human, which I think we all are, we will make mistakes.

But when that turd is dropped in the punch bowl, what are you to do? Make your family suffer for years and have a really crappy credit profile? Sound good to you? Or, do you push the reset button and get your life back and immediately improve your credit profile?

Getting rid of debt is always a credit profile enhancer. Why? Because banks don’t care if you pay other debts, what they really want to know is are you going to pay us if we lend you this money?

So the choice, much of the time is, make my family suffer for a long time, with payments we can’t afford, and have a crappy credit profile or push the reset button, relieve the stress on your family immediately, and get your life back sooner with a better credit profile?


When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to Minnesota’s Nicest Bankruptcy Law Firm Guaranteed or 100% Off Your Fees!* We can be seen on line 24/7 at You will be glad you did.